Battling evil, cruelty, and injustice allows us to retain our identity,
a sense of meaning, and ultimately our freedom.
~ Chris Hedges
Recently our friend of virtual acquaintance,
has come up with another excellent portmanteau word combining “cruel” and “elite” to form cruelite. Clearly we need a word to describe the really terrible, horrid, awful, bad, wrong, and vicious people who think they are more important than us. Cruelite is a well chosen coinage. It designates all those who would impose cruelty for their perceived gain. (I choose to say it “cruel-ite” as one says Manhattanite for example. ymmv)Saying so is not meant to, in any way, denigrate or minimise the excellent terms others have come up with in their work. Our friend of many years standing, Skip the Free Rifleman, has been using for many of thosse years an acronym of his own construction, #BEPIGS for the bad guys. Recently I brought “cruelite” to his attention on Twitter and asked Skip to remind me of the words in his chosen abbreviation. The words are Bankster Elite Pedophilic Illuminati Globalist Satanic Luciferians. These are not the worst words I’ve heard in reference to the filth.
My own word is “effete” because I don’t agree with “elite” in reference to people who are so terribly stupid and poorly raised that they think the best thing to do with 8 billion people is to murder 7 billion of them and enslave the rest. Effete is a word meaning no longer effective and it is also used to refer to men who adopt the dress and mannerisms of women, both of which meanings seem appropriate.
{If you’ve come this far reading the email version of this essay, you may want to switch over to the ‘stack app or the web, because Gmail and some other apps have decreed a length limitation to emails for their own nefarious and hateful reasons. This essay is longer than that limit.}
The question immediately arises, how does one go about gaining freedom from cruelty? If we are free of their badness, the cruelites won’t have any power over us, which is a consummation devoutly to be wished.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time on this ‘stack of posts going over the importance of your county, your community, forming a search and rescue group to secure more resources and cooperation, and knowing who is claiming to be in charge around you. You should defend yourself, as God intended. God gave you a brain and the ability to point and shoot. Training yourself to ride, to swim, and to shoot is good, and training your children in these skills is wisdom.
Expecting to be completely alone in the world with autonomy, well armed, in your own castle, defending against all comers is all very well and good. Jesus told his followers to sell their cloaks to buy arms in order to defend the people in their congregations. Doing so remains important - prepare to defend yourself and others. But don’t expect to stay awake for a whole week, don’t expect to see everything coming from every direction. Work with the people you know, with those in your family, and with people who live near you, to defend one another and those things you hold dear.
See those guys in gear and camo in the picture just above this section? They are looking in different directions. One of those in the back ought to be looking behind with both eyes, but you can see where that makes a tough composition for the photographer. The point is to have situational awareness.
Yes, of course we have technologies to help us now. We have drones, but they have to be fuelled or charged up, they have radio frequency communications which may be jammed, and every signal that goes somewhere can be corrupted and sent elsewhere. So, take some advice from an old tracker: if you want to find something, use your eyes.
Which is not to say that we cannot encrypt our radio frequency comms. Many can and do. Nor do we need anyone’s permission to do so, as a reasonable amount of experimentation has proven. We can also use spread spectrum frequency hopping to evade most forms of jamming. Autonomous systems can gather information and navigate fairly well with “full self drive” using camera and radar inputs. But if you want to be confident, be awake and alert to threats well before they arrive.
Mutual Aid
The function of mutual aid is to help one another. Yes a thing worth doing is worth doing for profit. One of the ways we understand that something has ongoing usefulness is we find it offered on a for-profit basis by many people. One of my great mentors, L. Neil Smith, long ago pointed out that the enormous subsidies for “public transportation” are evidence that nobody wants to travel by bus, train, subway, or in a cattle car in the sky if they have any alternative.
The reason we have cars is because we want to be able to go where we choose when we wish. Private planes serve the same purpose, and air cars were a great dream for the positive future for many decades because they are a good idea. The people in the feral (no longer controlled) gooferment that used to be called federal back when it represented a confederation of several states with checks and balances on power are evil. Every bureau rat and every politician is of bad intention, accepting stolen money as pay, promoting death from war and poverty from taxation and regulation. So they go to great lengths to make driving expensive and to grift a great deal of parasitism onto anything people enjoy.
I’d like to take a moment to point out that the people who are operating Google are really terrible, awful, horrid, bad, wrong, and deliberately evil. The evidence abounds, but it was something of a novelty to me, once again, today, searching for images of a joyful, beautiful, miraculous future. There are people being paid to tag up images of cartoons, mostly of the contemporary primitivist, ugly, simpleton-oriented depictions of children so that anyone searching for an image that includes “miraculous” in the description sees only cartoons, never any Renaissance or classical paintings, never anything from documented miracles like Fatima.
Searching Google’s images for a beautiful building brings up lots of modernist and postmodernist buildings, almost exclusively of the brutalist modernism or Stalinist brutalism school of architecture. Why? Because all the people who work for Google in Mountain View hate humanity, hate decency, hate goodness, are terrible, awful, wrong, and bad. By their fruits ye shall know them, says our friend Jesus.
It would be distressing if I thought Google were in any way committed to co-founder Sergei Brin’s ideal “don’t be evil.” But the truth is that Larry Page and Eric Schmidt are horrid wicked authoritarian jerks who should be sued into poverty. They don’t want humanity to have a good future, or a bright one, or any joy, ever at all. They are the worst sort of misers and curmudgeons who think the whole world must be enslaved into drudgery to serve them.
Mutual aid is the proposition that you can help others and at times get paid to do it. It is also the proposition that being a person of good intention, you want other people of good intention around you. So where you are able, you help people who are in distress out of the goodness of your heart, not expecting anything in return. Being a person of goodness, when you fall into difficulty and receive help from others, you are grateful, and you either return the kindness or you forward it on to others. Of course, the executives of Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Citigroup, and other major corporations are not in any way inclined to any form of goodness. Try Yandex for an alternative search tool.
In the fullness of time there will be opportunities to defend territory from aggression. But, in the event, it is often the case that discretion is the better part of valour. Defending posts is old school, and involves relying on the other side to have a limited engagement in mind. If they don’t want to grab the place you are holding, they might choose to obliterate it, and you. Long ago, Robert Heinlein pointed out that it is much wiser to engage the self-interest of other people, because not everyone has a better side to which your appeal will find good reception.
If you would seek peace, prepare for war. But don’t incite it, and don’t expect it to go all your way if you do. War is a contingent result, not a goal. So focus on building things that are worthwhile, not on destroying actual or perceived enemies.
There is a just God who created our universe and who created your soul and mine. God loves us and wants us to be happy. There are some who say that God has promised us nothing but suffering in this life, and while there has been necessary suffering, it isn’t the case that there is no other result. God hears our prayers because we are connected to God, always. Our souls are akin to acorns on a great oak tree, not yet complete trees themselves, but able to grow and become greater than they are. We are children of God.
So it is well to pray for guidance, pray for succor, pray for divine intervention. God makes perfect plans, and God really does want to know how you feel about what’s happening to you. God is able to feel your feelings through the spiritual connexion you have to God because your soul is not entirely in your body, but substantially in heaven, and is animating your body through a sort of dimension doorway. The physics of our day require the involvement of many more than 4 dimensions (length, width, heighth, and time as we understand it) to get the mathematics to work. So when you seek the heavenly realm in the sky you are looking up, which is well, but not in exactly the correct direction most often. God is also within.
Market Actions
It is important to understand that you are living at the opening of a whole new era. It is not the “fourth industrial revolution” imagined by the cruelites who hate us, the evil World Economic Forum filth, the horrid and perverted Hanoverian usurpation and its freemason adjuncts, and the other demon worshippers of various stripes. Rather, it is a world made new by the release of information, the complete decentralisation of knowledge, the Internetwork of communicating computer systems. Since 1969 everything has been changing.
Jesus promised us a long time ago that everything hidden would be revealed, that every word whispered in an ear would be shouted from the rooftops. Julian Assange #FreeAssange has been doing important work in that regard, as has Ed Snowden, as did Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning, and many others. The Internet helps a great deal. Apps that allow people to quickly share events in real time also help, so I am not in agreement with those who want to destroy TikTok or YouTube or Rumble or other video sharing sites. Instead, I encourage the proliferation of these sorts of things, along with encouraging the native scepticism that has you think about artificial intelligence creating some videos to prompt you to take choices you wouldn’t otherwise.
You should certainly learn more about these technologies, especially how your phone works, what it is doing to spy upon you, and how it listens if you let the apps listen, speech to text transcribes your words spoken near it, and uploads these text files to the app owners so they can send you customised adverts and sell your thoughts and feelings to deep state scumbag nasty cruelites. Interplanetary File System, aka IPFS, is a technology to learn about, as is cryptography, as are cryptocurrencies, as is decentralised finance.
I’ve gone to some lengths to talk about freedom, free markets, and free market money. I include links to some of those essays because I think you would benefit from the thoughts and intentions mentioned in them. I also recommend (without compensation of any sort) the work of Naomi Brockwell and
for furthering your search for privacy and normal protection for your data and systems.You can now, today, issue your own money as EC Riegel once suggested you should. After all, the very worst people to issue money are gooferments, because they don’t ever create anything of value. Governments steal, rape, murder, enslave, and imprison, but they don’t do anything good. If a road is built with govt money it is built by private contractors who get contracts through corrupt practices, exclusively. If you don’t have the ambition to start your own money, try using one of the tens of thousands of cryptocurrencies that currently exist, or start using copper, silver, or gold coins.
Did you know that there is no law in the United States that forbids you from refusing any type of money? The only legal tender law in the country says that the government printing office can print on the Feral Reserveless notes (nothings) the words “this note is legal tender for all debts public and private” but if you refuse to accept cash, there is no law to punish you for doing so. I have a collection of newspaper clippings on this topic going back into the 1980s because I was interested in it for a very long time. You can ask the USA secret service if you doubt me, though I don’t know if anyone at any of their offices is actually competent to answer a question, or even speak English.
Being a sovereign individual is not an easy way for anyone. It is necessarily a path that involves research, contemplation, hard work, and fortitude. People easily fall into the trap of accepting gooferment support, and find themselves increasingly limited and tied to what the government apparatchiks require. Just so we’re clear, every government of every country recognised by the United Nations was founded by and is being run by cruelites. Some cruelites are more equal than others, and many are more cruel than most.
If you want to thrive as a sovereign individual, you should do some work to end tyranny. It isn’t going to be helpful to you to have any tyranny around, anywhere. And as it hampers the ability of other people to thrive, it is in your best interests to get rid of tyranny so that you can benefit from the greater prosperity that arises as a result.
From time to time I’ve mentioned the fact that we are all interconnected, but that we are not really well connected in each possible instance. When you think of the situation we’re in, there are about 8 billion people on planet Earth and around 75 billion people out in the galaxy as far away as about 20,000 light years from here. We began leaving this planet 320,000 years ago, and for a very long time we had a space elevator, a “beanstalk” to carry millions of us to the planets and stars.
In my efforts to help people understand the importance of making more connexions, I have introduced a lot of different persons who work in a large number of different industries. It used to be that I was the guy who was able to understand what the tech guys were saying when they talked about rocket systems and subsystems, and could translate their thoughts into words that finance guys would understand. Of course, I was not the only one. But I do think there is something to the idea of establishing and strengthening more of those possible connexions.
How many? Temporarily leaving aside the 75 billion persons who are not on this planet, the number of possible connexions among 8 billion people is 8 x 10^9 (8 x 10^9 -1)/2 which is on the very close order of 32 x 10^18 which is a very large number. Ten to the 9th is a billion, ten to the 12th is a trillion, ten to the 15th is a quadrillion, so ten to the 18th is a quintillion. Metcalfe’s law says the value of a network to someone outside it exploiting it financially is proportional to the square of the number of nodes in the network. If each node is a person or a device, the number of possible connexions is quite large, and growing as long as the cruelites are prevented from sterilising all mankind, licensing reproduction, and slaughtering billions of persons on a whim.
Yes, I believe we have seen in the 20th Century evidence that the people who have the power to do so are willing to slaughter hundreds of millions of people. They did deliberately and purposefully murder 262 million people last century, and they also arranged for profits from combat operations that killed a further 65 million. The image above links to my late friend RJ Rummel’s web site at the University of Hawai’i about the topic. So does the picture of the cover of one of his books on the topic, shown below.
Now, you should understand that every communist and nearly every socialist is against humanity, decency, goodness, and God. They are going to tell you that nobody in any government ever killed anyone who did not deserve it, they will deny the Holodomor, the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, and deny the genocides perpetrated by Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot because they are either paid to lie about these matters (reference Upton Sinclair, it is hard to dissuade someone from a point of view when their salary depends on them repeating it) or they are simply evil vexatious persons who want to smash the faces and bodies of other people.
George Bernard Shaw was such a person. He co-founded, with money from very wealthy patrons including the “ruling monarch” of the House of Hanover of his day, the Fabian Society. His goal was to smash the world into a new shape, to have hundreds of millions of people slaughtered, to licence reproduction, to destroy all free markets, and to have an enormous set of bureaus infested with bureau rats determine everything that should be done based on what Shaw believed would be good ideas and guidelines. He and his friends created truly horrific groups like the “Salvation Army” to pose as Christians and solicit donations for the destruction of society.
So when I was asked by my friend RJ Rummel how to solve the problem of death by government, I told him (back in 1995 when we were talking on this subject) that the answer was self-government. Governments centralise too many powers and take away individual sovereignty. My answer was to restore individual sovereignty and to enhance the success of other individuals by offering them information and education and exposing them to the truth about things. RJ didn’t think that would work, so he hit upon the idea of “democracy” as being somehow a different mess, that voting might get us out of trouble, and that if we simply found the best of the rascals we would be okay. I think the evidence in the thirty years since then speaks for itself: none of you are going to vote your way to freedom because the votes never were counted.
If you look at the problem with open eyes, you will see that democracies in Britain, France, and the United States were as responsible for various events of mass murder at Gallipoli, the Sommes, Omaha Beach, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Waco, Oklahoma City, Manhattan, the Pentagon, and other places in the 20th and 21st Centuries as dictatorships in Germany, the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia.
Choosing the Future
In prayer I was asked to replace the previous pinned post at L5 News, the Future we choose, with this new post. I have therefore chosen to link to the previously pinned tweet, in the event you have gotten in the habit of dropping by L5 News to find that link.
Obeying God is a series of choices. You are free. God created you, created your soul, created the world and everything around you, and God wants you to be free and to know you are free. Obeying God is a great choice. Much wisdom arises from acknowledging that God knows more about what to expect, what is possible, and what is best. But at all times you are asked to obey. God’s commandments are vital, and obeying them is good. Disobeying commandments is mistaken, and has led to terrible results. God knows us, and is very merciful, so keep that in mind as you think about how to choose.
It was disobedience that caused mankind to be evicted from the Garden of Eden. It was disobedience that caused the space tower to fall. It was disobedience that tore open the fabric of reality and allowed demons to come here into this realm on this planet.
Reject Cruelty
Hey, hey, hey, hey-now. Don’t be mean. We don’t have to be mean.
Because remember: no matter where you go, there you are.
~Buckaroo Banzai
You should reject cruelty. You should not be cruel to others. You should not encourage cruelty by those around you. You shouldn’t teach children to be cruel. There is no reason to pull the wings off a fly. There is nothing good, at all, about Anthony Fauci deliberately strapping beagles to a table and having sand flies eat them alive. Nor was there any good from Fauci deliberately infecting orphans with AIDS and then murdering them with AZT. The USA feral gummint’s Tuskegee experiments, infecting black men with syphilis, refusing to cure them or tell them there was a cure, and watching them suffer and die, was cruel. Deliberate cruelty is ugly. God is watching, and God is not deceived. Praise God, amen.
Now, you may be saying to yourself, “Why doesn’t God punish evil doers?” And God may be saying, “Why don’t you?” After all, God has given us power through the Holy Spirit. We can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Don’t you believe that God would protect you and support you and send His angels to defend you as you brought about punishment of evil through justice and goodness? Perhaps you should consider what is possible. Certainly you should look around you for support in defending yourself, your family, and your community from evil.
Reject evil. It is a part of the motto of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. “Yield nothing to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it.” Cruelty is evil. Tyranny is evil. All the cruelites are evil. Reject them and seek the good.
Embrace Opportunity
There is an infinite universe all around you. You should be thriving. If you aren’t, please add a few words in the comments and let us see if we can help you sort things out for yourself and your family. There are lots of good people in the world.
In fact, there are more of us than there are of the cruelites, which is why they are so vicious and hateful. They know that their days are numbered, that their wealth won’t buy them safety, and that we know who they are and what they have been doing. They will be brought to justice, both here and now and hereafter.
So, think about what kind of world you want, and let’s start building together. #BuildClub is about building a better future, and is a hash tag I’ve used here on Substack and on Twitter. (Of course, Twitter is run by a monomaniacal madman who lies about freedom of speech, suppresses many disparate views for no good reason, and profits from your stolen money through gooferment subsidies.)
Seek God
I think you should ask God for what you want. If you seek a better future for yourself and your family, the best way to obtain it is to pray. God loves you and wants you to be happy. How do I know?
I know that God loves you because He sent His love, Mother Mary, to bear His son, Jesus Christ, to purchase for you (and me, and all souls everywhere forever) the rewards of eternal salvation. God wants you to live with God in heaven forever, and has made that possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Jesus has told us, in the great commission, to spread the good news of eternal salvation to every creature in all of creation, and those who believe may be baptised.
So I would encourage you, and ask you very kindly to please pray this prayer. All you need do is say “amen.” And if you don’t like part of it, don’t pray that part. Or if you have a completely different prayer, pray just as you think best.
Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, end tyranny, cast out all demons, translate the Gospels into every language, care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility, and carry the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and all souls in between. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Mother Mary please intercede with your powerful intercession. God’s will be done. Amen.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Thanks for the mention!
Thank you so much for pioneering the use of “cruelites,” Jim, and the Chris Hedges epigraph is perfect for this topic!
Regarding pronunciation, I intended it to rhyme with “elites” and do need to clarify that in the definition, but your rhyming with Manhattanites is clever and works, too :-)