My next door neighbor is loaning me his pneumatic nail gun today (building a new shed). He purposely built a 3-foot fence between our yards instead of a 6-foot because "we like yall" and to prevent any breeze from being blocked. I rebuilt my back fence with his nail gun, in fact. Great neighbors. We only moved here two years ago after New Orleans got too expensive, too noisy, too insane. We also had great neighbors in the city proper but the yard signs! UGH. Lotsa TDS. Masques, yes, I have a problem with masques and the smelly plastic fibers they suck into your body (more insanity). Did I mention that they're also de-human-izing? (that sentence is in Jim-speak ;-) Jim, thank you for another fire essay. And I appreciate forthright, honest ideas from a fellow Catholic. Blessings. R

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Thank you Jim for another excellent article, and for all the work that you do.

This article brought to my mind one of my favorite Stefan Molyneux quotes (from the good Stef, back in the old days):

"It's been easier to convince people to hand over half their income, their children to war, and their freedoms in perpetuity, than to engage them in seriously considering how roads might function in the absence of taxation."

Taxation -- widespread, systematic theft -- is proof of how far we still are from being a civilized society.

The more people refuse to participate in systems based on coercion, theft, and murder, the better things get. The more people build networks and systems based on voluntary cooperation to mutual benefit, the better things get.

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One does not need even to be Christian to see they are all demons, and that they are legion. But so is God everywhere. At least that is how it seems to me and why you are here now -- to help point the way.

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