Excellent article Jim. The Finders ( CIA and Franklin Conspiracy related) and of course this stuff was buried. Imagine if they had actually done something. It's all connected too Nazis bro, don't forget about Lt Col Michael Aquino and LaVey and Crowley (freemasons) it's truly insane. The Franklin Conspiracy was close to 300 mill if memory serves. It's been obvious that the government is covering it up when we go back and look but why is it allowed. It's corroded and decayed the country. Keep talking about the money worshipping slavers. You could always come up with an alternative way of allowing people to pay you for your work. God bless. 🙏

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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. Yes, there is much corruption in high places. Low places too, to be sure.

God bless thee and thy family. Amen.

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Wish I would have met you 65 yrs ago. Genius.

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That would have been other worldly. I had not been born quite yet.

You see, I know that I wasn’t the shooter on the grassy knoll in 1963 when they murdered JFK because I was too young to lift a rifle. lol

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Thank you so much for what you do, I look forward to your posts

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Thank you for your kind words and for reading my stuff.

You’re welcome. All the glory to God. Amen.

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