"They have “lost” hundreds of thousands of children every year since 2019."

I have read this many times, and have tried to study the situation. I know that a majority of new homeless at the time were children who aged out of foster care, but I never fully got a grip on how many of the 800k missing children (which includes multi-counts, so fewer total, partially due to repeated runaways) are truly missing. I suspect that I will be disturbed no matter the true answer, but is there anyone doing any sort of database matching to ascertain the exact true nature of the situation?

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Thank you for your thoughtful inquiry. I'm not sure if they are doing a good job, but "any sort of database matching" seems to be part of the purposes of:


Would you please look into it further, or ask for help from your communities of supporters? I feel this task is important, and I don't feel competent in this area. Thank you for all you do in the pursuit of truth. God bless you, Mathew. Amen.

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Eggcellent piece!!

If you were to read Mauro Biglinins "the naked bible" you will find the source to almost all of your grievances.

Individuals and teams of people that have taken deep dives into the talmud and the zohar will verify Mauros findings.

Before reading be sure to first put on your crush helmet and strap it reeeeeal tight

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