THEY are also non-human beings mimicking humans. They use humanity as a barrier.

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“They are the deep state.”

I have come to view the fedgov as not much more than a loose consortium of criminal gangs (nsa, cia, fbi, dod, sec, cftc, doe, doe (the other one), hud, etc) that sometimes cooperate, more often compete against each other, but all use the veneer of gov’t ‘legitimacy’ to cloak their criminal rackets, fraud and corruption against the people.

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Nice article, but I disagree on one thing: I believe the Constitution is incredibly important, and may be the only thing keeping us from tyranny if we don’t protect it at all costs…

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About 150 years ago there was a man named Lysander Spooner. He had, before the war between the states, started a company called Republic Post which was so successful at delivering letters it reduced the price of delivery from six cents to two cents. The evil men at the post awful were unable to compete, so they charged him criminally. They asserted that the constitution gave the post office a monopoly on delivering letters, which is not written in the constitution. The supreme court men in bathrobes ruled against Spooner. He had to sell off his business to the gooferment, which immediately raised postage prices back to six cents, and higher later. In the 1970s the supreme court men in bathrobes ruled in favour of Freddy Smith and reversed the earlier opinion, declaring that delivering letters was just fine and constitutional. So it was with these experiences in mind, and acknowledging that Lincoln had declared war on some states but not others, suspended habeas corpus, exiled a sitting congressman (Vallandingham of Ohio), made war that ended over 600,000 American lives in combat and another 1,000,000 civilians from injury, privation, and disease, and brutally injuring over 700,000 men with combat wounds in the days before antibiotics and anaesthesia during surgery, among his many other crimes, was a tyrant. Lincoln's "emancipation proclamation" freed no slaves in northern states, only in territories not then in the control of Lincoln's armies. And the Confederate congress freed their slaves in early 1865, but Lincoln didn't care, he wanted to utterly destroy them, and continued to do so.

It is in these exact contexts that Spooner wrote "No Treason" which is a set of essays you should read. Among other conclusions reached by Spooner, he noted that the constitution had either authorised all the tyranny that the country had suffered, or been powerless to prevent any of it. Either way it was unfit to exist and could not serve a free people.

Now, you say the constitution is important, and I say it is not. You say it is keeping us from tyranny, but I don't see any such thing. Where was the constitution when JFK was murdered? RFK? MLK Jr? Malcolm X? Where was the constitution when the attempts were made on Ford, Reagan, and Trump? Where was the constitution when the lockdowns were implemented? Where was the constitution when over 200 million Americans were coerced into being vaxxajabbed to the detriment of their health? Where was the constitution when millions of people were told they had to provide proof of vaxxajab in defiance of the healthcare information privacy act of America (HIPAA)? Where has the constitution been when the borders were thrown open and violent persons were not only encouraged, but paid handsomely to attack Americans all over the country? Where was the constitution when Obama drone striked American citizens? Where was the constitution during Obama and Hillary's undeclared and unconstitutional wars in Libya, Syria, Mali, Somalia, and elsewhere? I could go on at great length, but you probably aren't going to be impressed.

So I will say that there is no "we" here, and I am not going to protect your magic parchment "at all costs" nor at all. I never swore to uphold and defend it. If you did, I would refer you to the words of Jesus who told us to swear not, but let your yes be yes and your no be no. If you want to take actions to protect the constitution, and recruit others to do so, by all means, friend, let us all know what it is you would do. How it would help. And what others might do to support your work. I don't mind of you do that here, or link to your thoughts from somewhere else.

I don't blame you for believing that the constitution is important and is meant to defend against tyranny. I was taught those ideas in high school. It was a two semester class called "The Constitution" and it was required to graduate. I got an A one semester and an A+ the other in that class. I did really well academically, and only began in college to discern that there were many lies in the story of America. I had already discovered that there had been many lies in the teaching of ancient world history when I first read Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and noticed that there were technologies described (dancing robots, automated serving carts, a shield with motion pictures on it) that were inconsistent with a blind illiterate Greek bard talking to goatherds about the recent past.

You've been lied to your entire life. You may need to unlearn some things that you were taught, because what you were taught was not entirely true. And I do wish you well. I was very hopeful in the 1980s that if the government were to constrain its activities within the bounds of the constitution, I might do the work I am here to do. But it wouldn't, so I wasn't. The lessons for me were very painful, financially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically, including eleven broken bones injured by government agents. Nevertheless, I persist in believing that people of good conscience working together can do much good in this world.

And I publish my words in my name because I don't think it would help to try to hide who I am. Perhaps that is foolhardy, or perhaps it is leadership. Time will tell. Jesus Christ will be our judge. My kind regards to you and your family.

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Wow, that’s quite a tirade for a simple comment. My point is the Constitution was written originally to protect US citizens, but things have gradually become more corrupted to where yes, it’s not exactly protecting us anymore (to put it mildly). And yes, tyranny is already here, but I believe things would be a lot worse without it, which is why the globalists want to destroy it. It’s why I’ll be voting for Trump, because he at least gives the appearance that he’ll return us to a constitutional Republic. (though I’m not entirely convinced)

Best wishes to you and yours as well, I probably won’t be back.

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It’s actually a mild sort of reply from my point of view. You might want to read the “anti-federalist” papers by Patrick Henry, Benjamin Farmer, and others who opposed the constitution at the time. You might also want to notice that the declaration of independence mentions God 4 times and the articles of confederation mentions God one time, but the constitution mentions God zero times. In addition, in the body of the constitution is forbids any test of religious faith to hold public office. You are currently being ruled by demon worshippers, so you may be curious how it got to be that way. And it was the constitution that got you here. Which, at a minimum, suggests that substantial reforms are in order.

For example, the evidence is abundant that the sixteenth amendment was never ratified but that Philander Knox lied about it. The supreme court has actually ruled that it seems to be the case that it wasn’t ratified, but since it has been implemented and taxes are authorised by the constitution, it doesn’t matter. It probably should matter, though, right? In which case if you are going to be gung ho for the constitution to save America, maybe think about making that work better. Maybe think about some way of enforcing the bill of rights by establishing some punishment for violations of those rights - because the supreme court has ruled that there is no standing for anyone unless the government agrees that the suit may be brought. It is a very difficult matter.

Or you can just go off in a huff because I had a lot to say about your idea that the constitution must be protected. I’m not the only one. And if you don’t much like me, that’s cool and the whole gang. But you do need to work with people who want to make the country a better place to live, and you won’t find all that many who bother to do anything. =shrugs=

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It’s cool, you seem like a smart guy, I just happened to stumble upon this article. Perhaps you’re right about the Constitution, idk, but I just feel if we upheld it as it was written we’d be a lot better off. Right now it’s getting crapped on, starting with the first amendment, as well as the 2nd amendment. And that 2nd one is one of the reasons we’re not already a totalitarian state, which is why they’re trying to do away with it (not that I own a gun, but I believe in the right to own one). I know I’m not the only one who feels this way…

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Excellent advice!

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Thank you, I just found your page, this was very well written.

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Thank you for your kind words and for reading my stuff.

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