Jul 22Liked by Jim Davidson

This is a good one... hopefully more people's eyes open to the reality of the points you bear witness to.

One thing from the recounting of the time the people kept pressing Samuel for a king that gets to me is their lack of gratitude to Our Creator, who showed himself so strong on their behalf, who beckoned them to participate in a personal relationship with him, the Creator of the heavens, the earth, and all that pertained to those elements... and they couldn't see past the absurdities of the nations around them. They wanted a 'king' just like the neighboring peoples had... They failed so miserably in appreciating Our Father's desire to lead, guide, provide, protect... them.... They were called to be His representatives, to be an example of what being in His family was... and they missed the point.

As a child, in my country of birth, we were taught in the inculcation institutions to give obeisance to the 'crown' of the British Empire... Through my years of walking with my Creator... I experienced a change of heart regarding that programming...

Thank you for this posting.

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Thank you for your comment, for your kind words, and for your thoughtful praise for God. God bless you. Amen.

It got rather worse after Samuel. By the time of Elijah there were demon worshippers and Baal worshippers all through Israel and Judah. Various of the kings made sincere efforts to obey God. But there was no lasting focus on obeying God, loving God, or even being merciful to others within their own communities. In Hosea 6:6 God says that burnt offerings are no longer acceptable, but they continued to be offered. God asks through Amos that righteousness flow down from those with power but it didn't.

The days foretold in Isaiah 30 are coming. I don't know how to make it plainer. God's will be done. Amen.

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Thank you for your commenting on my comment. Much appreciated.

Spot on regarding what they subjected themselves to upon getting their demands for a king... but it was explained to them that they would suffer consequences of 'having a king.' After all God had done for them, calling them out from among all people, providing what he had through his love and desire for them walking in relationship with him.. and they just missed it with such consequences. It is tragic that they were unable to recover in a broader sense down the line when there were kings who attempted to course correct.

I consider that aspect when looking at my own journey... knowing that a wrong perception or conclusion about personal choices is critically important.

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Blessings to you and your household.

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