“What's worth doing is worth doing for money.”
~ Stanley Weiser
You shrink back from the idea that altruistic activities like searching for lost people and rescuing people who have been trafficked into slavery should be profitable, do you? Well perhaps you should reflect on whether you would like to see rather a lot more of it, and then work out in your mind whether that means it should be profitable.
You have networks of roads that you pretend were built by the government, which are owned and somewhat operated and occasionally maintained by grifters in government, and which are enormously profitable to certain parties, but you don’t seem to look very closely at those things. So let’s take a moment and do so.
You think that the government builds roads for you? It does not. Your government hires construction companies to build roads, the same way that a real estate developer putting in a shopping mall with buildings at the centre and parking around the perimeter would hire a construction company to build a ring road around their property and connect it to city streets. The city might require the developer to pay for new electric powered traffic lights at those intersections with the city streets, too.
Now, you probably think, well, that’s a government activity. The street lights are made by some government factory right? No, they are not. Street light systems are made by private contractors and are mostly sold to county, city, and state governments, and every once in a while to a national government here or there. The people who manufacture them make enormous profits. The grifter politicians and the evil corrupt bureau rats, which is all politicians and all bureau office holders, take lots of money from companies that make things for the government.
But there are rules! Of course there are, sweet innocent ignorant child. There are rules to keep you from being a competitor. There are rules that prevent you and what every politician and every bureau rat views as persons worthy of subjugation, enslavement, arrest, torture, rape, and murder, from doing what large companies do with verve and frequency. There are rules to be barriers to entry so you can’t get any of the profits.
You didn’t think that roads were unprofitable did you? Roads and bridges are tremendously profitable, and represent choke points where traffic is able to move faster if things are going well, and not at all if things go badly. Vicious evil nasty horrid men and women are hired to the exclusion of any other sort to be troopers for state, county, and local govt to extort fees for not having safety belts on, not having the most recent child safety seat, going too fast or too slow, and doing any other thing that can be used as a pretext to stop you, look through your things for “contraband” and seize your car. If killing you, raping your passengers, and shooting your family dog are included, all police and all sheriff deputies and all state troopers will be enthusiastic participants in these matters because they only work at their jobs to hurt as many other people as possible. If you believe otherwise, you are wrong.
When people in power tell you who they really are by doing something to gain for themselves what they take from you, you should pay attention. People in power will set up a toll at a bridge and force traffic to either pay that toll or find another way around, often a very long way around. Or a way across water by ferry boat, and behold, there is a new law against ferry boat operations. People in power hate you. They want to make you suffer. They want to make you work for them because they think you don’t deserve to have a nice life. If they tell you that they work for you, they are lying, and if they then have men come around and point guns at your head, shoot your family dog, and rape your daughters, they are being open about your relationship with them. They think you are to be bled dry.
People in bureaucracies and political offices are parasites. They are not anything else. They are not here to help. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” is still a lie, even today when “the cheque is in the mail” lie no longer makes sense to a generation raised on digital payment schemes. No one in your homeowners’ association, no one in the city government, no one who works for the county, no one in any state government office, no one at the feral gooferment level wants to admit how many trillions of dollars of grift pass through their hands from you and 340 million other Americans like you. But to suggest that the public sector is not massively profitable is stupid, naive, foolish, ignorant, and really annoying. So I am writing this essay to ask you to look at it. And if you won’t that’s okay.
Earlier today I read an email from a friend who wanted to know if I had heard about “on boarding,” and it seems like some of the things I felt inspired to say in reply should be included here. But there are whole levels of privacy etiquette in which I am a firm believer, including not sending cribs in the clear, so I won’t directly quote what I wrote, nor any part of what I was asked. Suffice it to say that I am encouraging my friend to take up the work of writing the patient on-boarding essays to share about the truth that taxation is theft, that government is not here to help, and that things need to be done differently. It seems that there is a school of thought that I should not tell you that there are demon worshipping baby mutilating blood drinking grifter parasites at the core of your problems.
But there are, and I am here to alarm you. If you have been complacent and sleepy and nothing that has happened since 2016 has been upsetting to you, you probably aren’t an audience for any of my essays. That’s okay by me, I am not here for everybody.
If you thought the laptop from hell came later, you should go down the memory hole and find out everything you can about Anthony Wiener’s laptop. Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton are featured prominently in a lot of email messages and some video files on that laptop, and if you look for Frazzle Drip, which is the file name Anthony gave to one of the most horrifying things ever captured on video, you should be horrified. You need to come to grips with the things that claim to own you.
If the
reports on the Twitter Files and the other extensive evidence of government ordered censorship of social media platforms since 2017 doesn’t bother you, and you don’t understand how badly you were harmed by the USA Supreme Court decision in Murthy v. Biden, then maybe you should get some more coffee, smell the baking foods, and get up out of bed. I don’t know. I’m not here to tell you what to do. I am here to tell you that you don’t have that much time left in which to do it.If the nurse
‘s essays and images about the hospital protocols that have killed tens of thousands of Americans since the 2020 lockdowns don’t bother you, or if what has been writing about how mistakes were not made, but hundreds of millions of Americans and billions of people were deliberately injected with toxins on orders from government for the profit of a few, you might want to go away now. You won’t like what I think of you if you aren’t paying any attention to genocide and crimes against humanity.If the things Miranda Devine wrote about Hunter Biden’s laptop, calling it “The Laptop from Hell” in her bestselling book don’t upset you, you probably won’t want to read anything I ever write. But it’s actually interesting how major bookstores like the communist owned Barnes & Noble wouldn’t stock it, and would only pretend to order it for interested buyers. You had to really work to get it, so it is something of an achievement that it reached as many buyers as it did.
You think you’re going to vote your way to freedom? You silly innocent fool. No. You are not. And if you won’t actually look at any of the news stories about Wisconsin de-certifying its election results from 2020 and convicting an election official of criminal misconduct, well, sweetie, don’t worry about it. You’ll get cheated again, and nobody will think to mind since you don’t.
I’m here to sound the alarm, and if you don’t want to awaken, you aren’t much use. You are very welcome to call me an alarmist. You are free to say that I’m wrong. My beliefs are entirely unaffected by what you think of them, and I am entirely uninterested in what you think of me. But it is time to awaken from your slumber and shed the chains that like dew had fallen on you while you slept. It is time to rise and rise again, like lions.
It would be a good idea
To have a civilisation you would need to have decency, humility, humanity, kindness, courtesy, and free markets in abundance. These are things you have in scarcity, and they are made scarce by communist teachers, union shop stewards, gooferment bureau rats, and politicians. You don’t have a limited government, you have a very profitable system for those who operate it of stripping things from you including your life, liberty, clothing, and property, and making you work really hard to get any of it back. If you haven’t been arrested, you aren’t doing very much to change things. And if you have been arrested, you know exactly what I mean about having your clothes taken away.
Look, it didn’t always have to be this way. When I was young, there was a provision in the constitution of Kansas requiring that a toll road become free to use after the tolls had paid for its construction. You know what happened to that provision? It was amended out of existence. Even the amendment has been memory holed so people don’t think it wrong. There used to be such a provision in Texas, and the toll road between Dallas and Fort Worth was actually made a free road, its toll booths removed. But that made the communists like Lyndon Johnson think people should suffer more, so they made that rule go away. (I wasn’t in Texas at the time and don’ t know whether they amended the constitution or simply changed the laws. But you’ll find plenty of toll roads in Texas.)
Maybe it is all okay with you, and that’s not my focus. I think you should be upset and work to change things, which is why I wrote today to bring it to your attention. I suspect that how you deal with the absence of civilisation in your world is going to figure prominently in your spiritual advancement. So you might want to put it in the background, because you should get to it and look it over once in a while, this issue of your part in allowing things to be so horrid for so many other people.
So am I saying there should be no toll roads? No, I am not. I am saying that the grifters shouldn’t be able to grift, and that rather than having no roads, or no tolls, we should have no government. But I am repeatedly told by observers of the mundane parts of humanity that people are not ready to be told that there should be no government.
Henry David Thoreau wrote about it for his speech in 1848 on Civil Disobedience. He said that people needed to have a machinery of government and to hear its din to satisfy their notion of government. The prophet Samuel told God that the people of Israel were rebuking Samuel because they were clamouring for a king to govern them, to satisfy their idea of how to be ruled, even though Samuel told them what a bad deal it was for them. God pointed out that the people were not rebuking Samuel, but that they were rebuking God.
Stop it
I’m telling you right now to stop it. Stop having a king. Stop agreeing that a king should usurp the position of Jesus Christ who sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty and comes to judge the living and the dead. The guy who calls himself Charles the Third is, to me, Upchuck the Third because he is vomit, he is regurgitation, he is evil, he is an usurper, and all the lords and ladies who are peers of his realm are pieces of garbage, without exception. All the people who accept peerages from Upchuck are bad men and bad women and should be made to feel ashamed of themselves. Some in particular ought to crawl over broken glass to the homes of everyone whose life they have have ruined and apologise and pay all their worldly possessions in compensation to the victims of their abuses and usurpations.
You ought to stop pretending that the county government is in your best interests. It isn’t. The tax assessor collector hates you, hates your very guts, is an evil person, and changes the value of your property to hurt you as much as possible. And you let it go, because … I’m really not sure. Why do you not challenge that person to a duel? Why don’t you have the manly virtue and boldness to make them stop collecting property taxes on your property? Why don’t you and your friends get together and stop them? What are you waiting to see happen before you bother to attend to having your hard earned money stolen every single time the tax collector wants it?
Did you want to wait to see the next great chastisement? Last time it was water in a great flood that cleared the lands in Europe and North America of vast glaciers, two miles high in South Dakota. Ice sheets that, when they melted and flowed into the sea, in the span of a few weeks time, raised the water level about 400 feet. The atheistic secular geologists call it “meltwater pulse B” or some such nonsense. It was Noah’s flood. It was the flood of Gilgamesh. If you won’t believe it, too bad, it still happened. There are cities still underwater all around the world, entire continental areas broken up into islands because God was sufficiently vexed that people would not be merciful to one another.
Next comes fire. See Isaiah chapter 30, verses 25-33. God will make the Moon shine as brightly as the Sun and make the Sun shine 7 times as bright, as the light of 7 days.
The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice
and will make them see his arm coming down
with raging anger and consuming fire,
with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.
So maybe you should stop rebuking God by pretending that your atheistic secular rulers ever meant it when they promised not to establish a religion. Maybe you should look at the felony charges for defacing the “Pride” flag on the roads put there as part of a demonic celebration of priDE-MONth and notice that a man who tore down a shrine to a demon in the Iowa state capitol building is being prosecuted because he wanted to enforce the rule against an establishment of religion. Do you want to worship judges in robes?
Because they just told you, in the Murthy “opinion” that your freedom of speech doesn’t matter to them. The judges at every level hate you and want to enslave you into the slavery industrial complex. The judges and Joe Biden’s family get paid a lot of money for the mandatory minimum sentences and the industrialisation of taking money from the families of prisoners, and your country has more people in prison per capita than any other country in the world, and is often the number one for prison/slave population in the world out of all countries, including those with far bigger populations. You Americans disgust me.
Are you ever going to do anything? Or just wait for “the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall” as it is written in Isaiah 30:25? Is it because you are timid, or foolish, or you actually like being a slave?
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
This is a good one... hopefully more people's eyes open to the reality of the points you bear witness to.
One thing from the recounting of the time the people kept pressing Samuel for a king that gets to me is their lack of gratitude to Our Creator, who showed himself so strong on their behalf, who beckoned them to participate in a personal relationship with him, the Creator of the heavens, the earth, and all that pertained to those elements... and they couldn't see past the absurdities of the nations around them. They wanted a 'king' just like the neighboring peoples had... They failed so miserably in appreciating Our Father's desire to lead, guide, provide, protect... them.... They were called to be His representatives, to be an example of what being in His family was... and they missed the point.
As a child, in my country of birth, we were taught in the inculcation institutions to give obeisance to the 'crown' of the British Empire... Through my years of walking with my Creator... I experienced a change of heart regarding that programming...
Thank you for this posting.