" But you should have a plan in case you need to shift into overdrive and flee right away. We are approaching very rapidly a time where events will move quickly. "

Like Noah, planning and preparation for execution of a plan takes time. By the time it becomes obvious to fools to flee, it is too late. Where to go? The 3 main responses to this question have been around for millennia: 1) go after them - overthrow the unjust system; 2) hunker down, go underground; 3) leave. Soviet dissidents mainly did # 2. Christians in first-century Rome did mainly # 3. # 2 is not a viable option in the 21st-century overdeveloped world. The CIA prides itself on how it can find anyone. The best option is to go where you are out of the Eye of Sauron: to the underdeveloped world. Latin America is the best option that is closest to the USA.

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Whatever happened to that thing you were working on in Arkansas in this regard?

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Personally, I don’t know where I’d flee to.

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Not knowing you nor where you are, I don't really know how to respond. But in general terms, places further from cities are better and places away from the county seat, the state capital, and the national capital cities are best. Government is evil and all the people who work for any government at any level in any capacity should be suspected of being evil, hateful, and determined to murder as many people as possible and enslave the rest.

Mountains are more defensible than plains. So look to the nearest mountain range and look for a place you can acquire up in the hills. If it has some acreage where you can raise crops such as potatoes, onions, yams, cabbages, broccoli, and so forth, and where you can keep chickens, goats, cows, pigs, or other meat animals, great. If not, see what you can do to trade with local farmers and ranchers for eggs, milk, and meat.

You are in a war. It has been going on for a very long time. It is coming to the part where a great many towers fall, cities are destroyed, and people made refugees. So think about where you would rather be when all that happens. Get out ahead of the crowds.

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Good counsel. As bad as the coming financial/social collapse is going to be, I think that a coming catastrophic natural disaster — with a galactic & solar cause and planetary in scale, causing a multitude of volcanoes and mega-tsunamis and great earthquakes and entire regions of forests consumed by wildfires — will be even more devastating for all of humanity. Global civilizations have developed and collapsed and their histories annihilated in the past, while humanity has risen again from the ashes. This present civilization is simply the most recent iteration. I think that the doomers who are doing the best prepping have the best chances to survive and thrive and start anew — talking as if the cataclysm has already occurred. Some doomer preppers are already setting up communities, rather than going it alone or as family units.

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