“Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!”
~ Walter Scott, Marmion, Anno Domini 1808
It’s the anniversary of that day in 1963 when the cia under Allan Dulles, the fbi under J. Edgar Hoover, the Skull & Bones under George Herbert Walker Bush, and sundry conspirators in the military and presidential protection detail arranged the murder of the sitting president. Naturally, there was considerable attention paid to this matter, so it became necessary for the usurper LBJ to put his personal imprimatur on the matter with the Warren commission. It became Arlen Specter’s job to come up with the implausible magic bullet theory. The lies have gone on and on, especially during the 2017-2021 Trump administration when then-president Trump decided once again that it wasn’t agreeable to let the American people know what their duly delegated “representatives” had insisted be declassified some years back.
But we all know that JFK did not order his own execution. We know he was murdered. We know that the people who really run things in the District of Corruption, including the matrons who host all those cocktail parties in their mansions where young up and coming politicians and bureau rats are drugged and then filmed, in those same mansions, “in bed with a live boy or a dead girl” to use the ugly terminology of J. Edgar Hoover, whose fbi arranged the children for the raping and their subsequent disappearance into unmarked graves, we know that they know. They know that we know. They lie, knowing that we know that they lie. Do you wonder why?
Jesus told his disciples two thousand years ago that every secret would be revealed, that what is whispered in an ear would be shouted from the rooftops. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and many others have been fulfilling that prophecy in recent years.
Tangled web? Marmion got nothin’
A day in Dallas
It could have been Tampa. It could have been Chicago. My friend Lew Rockwell recently posted on his eponymous web site a link to a story going over some of the facts we have learned about the dress rehearsal in Chicago. Presumably it was difficult to convince all the relevant power groups to have it happen there amidst so many passionate Catholics, the German-American mafia, the Polish-American mafia, and sundry other mafiosi.
So it was Dallas in a limousine with a button on the dashboard that raised the rear seat with the president and his first lady into an advantageous heightened position. There were multiple shooters.
The lies began as soon as Walter Cronkite, the voice of the demonic statue in the Bohemian grove narrating the annual murders of men, women, and children in the immolation of care, cried his crocodile tears on national radio and television. The lies continue to this day, but the truth has come out.
My friend Bumper Hornberger has written books on the topic. My friend Alan Kent co-authored a fairly definitive exposé with HP Albarelli and others, Coup in Dallas. You won’t find me indicating links to Amazon because I don’t much like them as a vendor. Besides, you’re all grown up, now. You can find links and bookstores and decentralised finance payment options all by yourself. De-fi because they shouldn’t ask you why.
A day in the Pacific
It was the 7th day of the 12th month in 1941. It was a day of deceit.
In one of the most amazing pieces of cinematography ever committed to celluloid, Humphrey Bogart says, “If it's December 1941 in Casablanca, what time is it in New York?" and Arthur Wilson replies, "My watch stopped."
Bogart then says, "I'd bet they're asleep in New York. I'd bet they're asleep all over America.” As indeed they were.
But not in the District of Corruption. Not in Bletchley Park. Not in the evil little basement dwelling of the troglodyte Churchill below number ten Downing Street. Their schemes were in play and they were watching things closely.
Robert Stinnett goes over the facts in his book Day of Deceit. You should look for the paperback edition that came out roughly AD 2000 because it has the more complete appendices, if you like that sort of thing. Many radio direction finding stations found the Japanese fleets that were on their way to various places around the Pacific.
Yes, there are still grifters in the deep state agencies telling YouTube personalities such artful lies as, “The Japanese imperial navy had all the radio rooms locked down.” As if the captain of each vessel didn’t have the ability to unlock a radio room. As if the direction finding equipment in the various espionage “stations” around the rim of the Pacific hadn’t located the radio broadcasts to and from the naval vessels that were kept under a tight leash by the emperor’s men back on the home islands.
But all those HF/DF (high frequency, direction finding) reports were declassified a quarter century ago. It’s okay guys, we know. We know that your predecessors were aware not only of the positions of those fleets, but the details of all their plans. We know that Churchill refused to properly reinforce or equip Singapore because he wanted it to fall. We know that FDR refused to properly advise Pearl Harbour’s admiral Husband Kimmel and general Walter Short. We know that FDR wanted lots of American casualties because he hated the Americans who looked at him with pity and disdain when he would try to stand up to address them.
Should we not pity him? He probably didn’t know about the water insoluble pesticides being used on the fruits in the orchards all over New England and as far north as New Brunswick. Had his housekeepers known, they might have washed the fruits in soapy water and then rinsed and dried them. But the damage was done, because the oil barons like Rockefeller needed to have the pasty sludge left over from refining gasoline and other fuels used in the chemical and plastics industries. Oh. Well.
Hundreds of thousands of people suffered because of what he and Churchill did in 1941. We know that they knew the codes for the Japanese fleets. They had the codes in the 10th month of 1940 when FDR began a series of deliberate provocations to orchestrate an attack by the Japanese on American territories. Not only did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour, but they initiated plans to invade Dutch territories in Batavia; British Malaya and Singapore; American held Philippines; and other communities of European colonials.
Women were raped. Men were tortured. The Bataan death march killed many. FDR and Churchill celebrated because the 8th day of the 12th month 1941 the American congress voted for war - with the notable exception of Jeanette Rankin who had also voted against the declaration of war in 1917.
I have a cousin in a cemetery because of them. FDR and Churchill loved sending other people to war because they were horribly evil. My mom’s favourite cousin is buried in a cemetery in Hawai’i because FDR’s budget mavens were too cheap to pay for his body to be flown from Guadalcanal all the way home to his family in St. Louis. And the family had limited resources to visit his grave all the way in what was, in 1942 when his mortal remains were interred there, only a territory of the USA. Scum. Filth. Evil. Vile. Other bad words, especially for those nasty ugly matrons who host their cocktail parties in celebration of all these deaths because the District of Corruption wealthy families are nothing but magnates of bloodshed.
A day in the Atlantic
Are we working our way back? Not entirely, but let’s keep going that way through time for a little bit, shall we? Face it, reader, it’s my narrative. You can bail but if you wanna keep going, we go where I’m taking us. kthx
Well, that Churchill fellow, he was a busy demon worshipper who sent lots of people to their deaths. Gallipoli should come to mind. In the fifth month of 1915 Churchill was “first lord of the admiralty” when he ordered the destroyer escort of the RMS Lusitania to break away from the vessel and ordered it into the known location of a German U-boat wolf pack. He deliberately put that ship, known to be and advertised by the German high command in American newspapers as carrying war materiel, into the path of submarines he knew would sink her, with the great loss of life. Did he have a happy smile when he guzzled his cocktails that evening? We may suspect.
Of course, the American people resisted the propaganda associated with the perfidy of Albion. So the USA didn’t immediately enter the war. But eventually the Lusitania and the Zimmermann telegram and other propaganda were sufficient to enervate enough Americans that most of the congress voted for war. That Rankin lady didn’t. Many others did. And many Americans died in Europe and in the Atlantic as a result.
Other days
Shall we keep going? They lied us into the Spanish American war. Sure, they had to blow up the USS Maine in the harbour in Havana to have a pretext, but the freemasons and demon worshippers never mind killing other mother’s sons. Many of them are inured to murdering their own children and drinking the blood.
They lit the world on fire with the murder of an archduke in Sarajevo in 1914. Millions died. They refused to pursue peace in 1915 so they could kill millions more, and make more war profits by selling more artillery shells.
They killed McKinley in 1901 because he had qualms.
They arranged the murder of James Garfield in 1881.
Churchill was lord of admiralty in 1912 when he arranged to have RMS Titanic sent to the bottom with all the wealthy men who opposed the income tax and the Feral Reserveless fraudulent scheme.
The freemasons and demon worshippers got a hold of NASA early on. It was, after all, founded with help from Werner von Braun, a mass murderer who ran death camps in Germany with his fellow Vril worshipping filth. In 1986, they wanted to make sure that space tourism was side tracked as long as possible, so they deliberately arranged the murder of Christa McAuliffe and six other space travellers. Not satisfied, they did it again in 2003.
I gave up on renewing my driver licence in 1993 because of what they did at Waco with the deliberate planned massacre of 7 dozen Americans in a church, including many women and children sheltering in the church’s concrete vault. They didn’t like the fact that there was a lot of evidence of their viciousness, so they put all that evidence, and all the Whitewater evidence, in the Murrah feral building in Oklahoma city in 1995 and blew it up, along with a hundred sixty-eight souls including nineteen children. All the BATFE agents got calls and pages to avoid the office that day.
There was an fbi conspiracy to have certain foreign nationals blow up the World Trade Centre in 1993 but it didn’t do as much damage as they wanted so they arranged a much more deadly and violent attack in 2001. Then they lied about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq and many more people were killed.
Then they lied about digital gold currencies and destroyed e-gold and the Liberty Dollar in 2007. Then they told more lies and destroyed many people financially with the days of the “Big Short” and the robosigning of mortgage reassignments which they made legal ex post facto.
Not happy with the election results in 2016, they arranged liars at Failbook and Twitter and other social media companies to censor, then lie about censoring, then keep censoring under “not freedom of reach” and other tall tales of deception.
Then in 2020 it was time to lie about “two weeks to flatten the economy” and lie about vaxxajabs and poison perhaps as many as 5 billion people worldwide.
You want to know how far back it goes? I can make a pretty good case for the same families doing the same crap as far back as AD 1337 or AD 1066. You want to know how long it goes on? Until you withdraw your consent. Until you stop pretending that it is okay if they keep doing these things, in your name.
Who are they? Venetian “black nobility” according to
or theosophical cretins accordign to or deep state operatives or freemasons or demon worshippers or any number of other outfits of depravity. All of the above.Matt or Pam? lol
While he was still pursuing potential confirmation as attorney general, I saw a photo of Matt Gaetz hiding his hand inside his suit jacket, just like Napoleon or Karl Marx or any number of other freemasons.
Is Pam Bondi a Scientologist or just a recipient of donations from prominent Scientologists and a defender of some of their worst scandals? I don’t have any enthusiasm for the Scientology movement, which is infested with its own theosophical strangeness and a large number of active demon worshippers. The founder of the L5 Society, a good man named H. Keith Henson, was tormented by the Scientologists quite a bit.
Look, I gather not everyone is enthusiastic about reality the way it really is. Reality doesn’t change just because you don’t like it.
The schemers have been having things their way for a long time, with some defeats now and again, because they look out for one another. They argue all the time about which of them should slake their bloodlust and rule all the rest of mankind, but they are of one mind that some one of them should.
You might like the constitution. I myself do not. You might have ignored the words of Jesus who said you should not swear, but let your yes be yes and your no be no; more than that comes from evil. But you may have sworn an oath ot uphold and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Yet you see many enemies domestic and do nothing, so I wonder what it means, this oath you say you swore.
I don’t like the constitution for the same reasons that Lysander Spooner didn’t like it in 1874 when he wrote that it has either authorised all the tyranny we have suffered or has been powerless to prevent any part of that tyranny. Either way, he wrote, it is unfit to exist. It is not suited to a free people.
The anti-federalists wrote about it. Men like Patrick Henry and Benjamin Farmer and many others. Rhode Island refused to ratify until various acts of war against Rhode Islanders.
The declaration of independence mentions God four times. The articles of confederation mention God onlyonce, calling at the end upon divine providence. The constitution not only mentions God zero times, but also has in the body of the constitution a prohibition against any test of faith for holding public office.
Demon worshippers infest the District of Corruption. The constitution was written to make sure that would be so, by the plantation owning demon worshipping freemasons and hellfire club members who attended the constitutional convention in 1787 under a blood oath of secrecy. Yeah, against the admonition of Jesus not to swear oaths, they swore a blood oath justifying murder of any of them who wrote about the proceedings of the convention.
“What a tangled web” indeed.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Splendid article! Many thanks for the mention. xx
Thanks for this. With DCs idiocy this week, I recalled what helped precipitate the event that occurred 61 years ago today: