“Only a fool fights in a burning house.”
~ “The Day of the Dove,” screenplay by Jerome Bixby
Yes, this essay does have a theme song, and yes it is “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel. And, no, I’m not going to embed the video for it, but the link is provided.
Things were good
There is a DVD with a bunch of videos on it called “The Animatrix.” Some of them are pretty good animation. One of them tells the origin story of the rise of the artificial intelligence that wipes out most of mankind in the films of “The Matrix” stories. It repeats a phrase, “And for a time it was good.”
There really was a “gilded age” in America and in Europe, when people were mostly at peace, when vast arrays of new technologies were becoming popular, when a person who had ambition to travel around the world in 80 days soon found his record setting time beaten, and beaten again. Technology advanced to the point where we can go around the world in about 80 minutes. But something was done during that gilded era, and you should understand what was done, by whom, and why they persist in their crimes.
First there was a gathering of resources. The people most directly responsible for that part, such as Cecil Rhodes, wrote about it in great detail. I believe it can be proven that the Boer government under Paul Kruger and Jan Smuts were collaborators. A huge amount of gold, platinum, and diamonds were brought out of the ground by some of the most comprehensively racist men in the world - men of the British realm. You should take some time and look into really how very much gold was involved.
Next, there was a gathering of forces. Certain people “in the know” were put in the way of investing in armaments. Maxim guns. Barbed wire. Bandages. Uniforms. War materiel as it is called. Vast factories for making artillery guns and vast factories for making shells of ammo for those guns. It turns out that you need to space out those powder works or you lose a lot of time shovelling parts of workers out of the works and getting another batch started - as the evil men who ran those places were wont to describe such matters. They used up a lot of men and a lot of treasure, and they readied themselves for a huge war on the continent of Europe.
Things were really great, though, and people are not inclined to fight when they are prosperous. Moreover, there were a lot of improvements in which to invest, new rail lines all over the place, new contraptions called automobiles that could carry loads without leaving horse manure, and all sorts of other wonders. Telegraphs had been supplemented during the Gilded Age by telephones. Many small newspapers were being developed for boutique audiences. Mail and courier networks were everywhere. You could start a publication, advertise it in a few existing publications, and grow your subscribers just like here in Substackistan, only 140 years ago, and with ink on paper instead of lights on a screen.
In this age of wonders, some men (there is a dispute over primacy which I shall not dignify here) invented wireless transmission of sound. Later the wireless transmission of images and of power itself were developed. (Wireless power transmission gores the oxen of certain men who own electric power distribution networks, so you don’t get it. Yet.) Soon it was possible to have an audience all over the world (due to the reflectivity of radio wavelengths in the Heaviside layer in the ionosphere). All you needed was a bit of equipment and someone with something to say. Soon theatrical productions were being re-written for broadcast as radio plays. Soon the “sound foley” was a person who made ersatz horse hoof sounds with coconut shells and other everyday sounds with various devices next to a microphone.
Oh, it was an era of wonders. Cylinders of wax, then wax platters, then vinyl records were made to record the vibrations of sound and play them back. Soon wires, tapes, and other systems were found to hold sounds and get really good quality reproduction.
People had been making electric light bulbs since at least 1804 but they became inexpensive to produce with tungsten filaments. People had been making “camera obscura” light shows since the early Renaissance, but with silver chemistry it became possible to fix images on metal and later on paper. By the Gilded Age photography had entered the moving pictures phase and there were cinemas where you could pay a small coin to see a number of films. News reels, animation, live action. Someone figured out where to put the sound playback track and movies became talkies.
The world was explored and mapped in detail. So was the sky. Increasingly detailed maps were available and as the audience for such maps grew the cost of publishing them shrank. Books and magazines and newspapers were everywhere. People were literate, and many “developing countries” had the ambition of creating a written version of their language and becoming literate as well.
It was an era of profound wealth, where it cost a few cents to feed a family for a day. Currencies all over Europe and North America were firmly based on gold, silver, and copper. There was real value properly measured in every coin. The small gold coin might bear a different set of writing in Amsterdam from the coin minted in Venice with identical weight and size and gold content, but they were used interchangeably in a vast global system of trade and commerce.
You could at a shoppe in an ordinary town in the middle of the USA buy fruit from Costa Rica or Venezuela, candies from Switzerland, chocolate from Belgium, local meats and eggs, broccoli from California brought by railcar, and many other fine things. People knew how to fix vehicles, electronics, and tools. People were inventing new vehicles, new electrical devices, and all manner of tools.
Right at the turn of the 20th Century when my grandma was being born, two bicycle makers from Ohio flew a small plane in North Carolina. There is again a primacy dispute which I won’t dignify.
What went wrong?
Well, I’ll tell you what went wrong. The men and women who worship demons hate humanity and want to enslave mankind. They have been with us a very long time. In our actual cultural heritage of writings chiselled in the walls of the Edfu buildings in Egypt and in accounts set down by poets and authors who lived hundreds of years before Jesus Christ (in the era we in Christendom have always called Before Christ or BC and which I will continue to refer to in that way in defiance of the evil woke communist academics) we know that before the Great Flood there were such demon worshippers.
Around the time we had those primitive incandescent light bulbs, a stone with one message carved in several languages was found near Rosetta. So we were able to puzzle out how to translate hieroglyphs. Later we found ways to decipher cuneiform. People in the Indus river valley shrugged and continued to read ancient Sanskrit texts. So we really do know quite a lot about the ancient world, about ancient cultures, and about the epic of Gilgamesh which confirms the flood of Noah. With our railroads and aeroplanes and huge ships we have travelled to all the continents of our world and unearthed all manner of evidence, including local tales, about the wickedness of certain people and their willingness to destroy and enslave others.
But let us at last name some names. In AD 1714 a new person was named to sit on the throne of England. He was a Hanover. His first name was George. He was by all accounts, not a very bright man, Georgie, nor a very learned man. But his mom was a very clever woman who read many books and had great ambition. It did not fall to her to inherit the titles and sit on the throne because she died, but she put together a coterie of courtiers who were able to keep Georgie dressed and upright at most state occasions.
So it was that the court of “saint James” as it is known began to speak rather more German than French. The Norman conquest of Anno Domini 1066 had brought in Norman French which was the language of courtiers and aristocrats. Many of them barely spoke enough English to make demands of the local women they were raping.
The Germans of the house of Hanover had a lot of problems. They were not uniformly welcome. There was another line of Stuarts who wanted the throne. There were people who didn’t like the idea of a person in London being at the head of the church of England. It was a rebellious people over which they were attempting to rule, and it was a widespread empire of divers rebels. For they claimed suzerainty over territories on every continent then known, and as new lands were rediscovered, they claimed bits or slices here and there as well.
Rule by conspiracy
They worked out a scheme. They started a number of esoteric groups, starting with the founding of a grand lodge of freemasons in London in 1717. I think it is reasonable to mention that there were stone cutters in Edinburgh in 1599 who started a sort of mutual aid society, as guilds and craftsmen were prone to do in that era. Scottish rite freemasonry became a bit more established in 1721 when a constitution for it was written up. There are freemasons of the lower orders who are not terribly vicious demon worshippers themselves, but they are kept in ignorance about the personal habits and practices of the members of the numerically higher and more powerful degrees. A great deal of the literature of the freemasons identifies Lucifer as the deity they choose to worship. The “sisters of the eastern star” use the pentacle that is formed by the orbit of Venus in the sky as the symbol of their worship. It takes a dull knife to scrape away the veneer of appearances and understand what is going on, what is being worshipped, and that it is against Christianity in its fundamentals.
The grand lodge in London was just one of the elements of the esoteric cults that were funded by the aristocracy of Europe in the name of keeping the vast global empires from coming apart. There are many things that aristocratic Anglicans and Catholics in England would argue about over the years, but they were always of one mind that an established religion was essential to the ruling classes, that the monarchy must establish that religion, and that it was vital to the success of their schemes.
Free churches of believers who gathered together were inspired by Jesus Christ to take up the work of bringing in the kingdom of heaven. The usurpers sitting on thrones and wearing crowns didn’t want to obey God, didn’t want Jesus to be their king, and didn’t want free men and women to gather of their own volition in churches. So a lot of wars were fought over these matters, and we give them names like “the thirty years war” and “the seven years war” and you can do your research any time now. Please, there is a lot to read.
Earlier this morning I had the opportunity to upbraid a man with PhD and MS after his name who asserted that the Internet was supposed to bring knowledge to everyone but only created a powerful tyranny of surveillance, or words to that same effect. I pointed out that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. You can build a network that brings every public domain published book ever written to everyone in the world, for free, and yet many people don’t read those books. You can build free market money using mathematics to defend against central control and people won’t use it. You can build anonymous remailers and they not only won’t be used by very many, but will be attacked for providing anonymity to the survivors of rape and childhood violence which are the personal preferences of the child raping and child beating aristocrats in power for providing anonymity and preventing them from terrorising more victims.
Instead of encouraging people to worship God as we are inspired by God to do so, the so-called nobility of Europe always want people to go to hierarchies to be told how to worship, go to certain buildings, be exposed to certain images in the stained glass, be taught to sing out of certain hymnals, be given corrupt versions of the liturgy by corrupt priests and pastors, because the aristocracy of Europe has always hated humanity, goodness, decency, and God. Instead of encouraging people to learn more and run their own lives and homes and households, the European aristocracy wants to tax everyone else, force vast territories to speak a single language and obey a single hierarchy, and hurt as many children as they can in the process.
Over the years from 1714 there were empires of Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Russia, China, Italy, and there was even an emperor of Ethiopia. There have been meetings to pretend that there ought to be a world government of peace and amity, but you will find many demonic symbols in “United Nations” buildings and few Christians. The adherents of these various empires will assert their right to authority over a given territory but they are united in their front against individual liberty. If they give lip service to a list of “rights” they will insist much more vociferously on taxes, regulations, and control.
They started the fire
Right around 1890 the resources were clearly going to be in hand, so the British government set in motion a series of events that they felt would cement their group as the dominant world power. They fomented the Spanish American war. They finished off the Boer war. They conspired to put the opponents of the feral reserveless scheme and the income tax on the RMS Titanic and send it to the bottom of the sea. They further corrupted Woodrow Wilson who was already very corrupt. They inserted their demon worshippers in many places in the halls of power. And then they started what we call “World War One.”
They not only started it, they insisted on prolonging it because they wanted more English men and women to die fighting in the trenches and working in the field hospitals. They prolonged it because they could profit by selling far more ammo to the artillery guns and they wanted those profits. They prolonged it so they could get the Germans (with whom they had abundant communication) to send Lenin to Russia, because they figured they had the German empire in the bag by 1916 and they wanted to reduce Russia.
They set fire to the world. There were battles in every ocean, most major seas, and on every major continent except Antarctica during that war. There were land claims in Antarctica, too, but nobody understood how much coal and other resources were there or they would have had battles there, too. In all, they killed millions in combat, tens of millions with diseases and privation, and destroyed free market economies by imposing production quotas and wage controls. They enslaved hundreds of millions of people to do their bidding.
All these things were done for the house of Hanover. It was so embarrassing! They were telling English men and women that the Germans were horrid and they were themselves speaking German at court. The propaganda against Germany was such that Belgian orphans were being speared by German bayonets, and freemason Herbert Hoover was put in charge of the relief of Belgium. He would later abuse his position to run around Europe grabbing up private libraries and diaries to hide the facts of how much of that war was orchestrated and deliberate. So the Hanover family adopted the false front of naming themselves Windsor.
They continue to rule in England. They continue to make hell on Earth.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
That’s all you’ve got? Lol! I was totally enthralled. I feel like I’ve learned more here on Substack than I learned in all my years of indoctrinating education. If I’m not already a subscriber to you, I definitely am now!