“Wars have been fought and rivers of blood have been shed for the cause of socialism.” ~ Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, Anno Domini 1949
A long time ago there was a dispute over the succession after the years of Anne were coming to an end and all her pregnancies had either been terminated by poisoners or otherwise resulted in no heir to the throne. So the intrigues continued. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz went off to Venice to do some genealogical research. He came back with a conviction to put his patroness, Sophie of Hanover, on the throne. Sophie also died, which left things to her son Georg Ludwig Hanover. Georgie wasn’t, shall we say, the sharpest man of his era. But Sophie had courtiers galore and they kept Georgie fed, clothed, and reasonably upright when he was in public.
A few years after this matter had been resolved to the satisfaction of some but not all, there was a freemason temple built in London, completed in 1717. In it all manner of evil incantations and ceremonies were voiced and held for the glorification of one or another false and evil thing. There are some who say that the Germans from Hanover worshipped Wotan. Others will insist that as freemasons they were all about Lucifer. Neither indicates even a shred of decency. There has been a lot of blood shed on the knives and with the poisons of the wicked house of Hanover and its heirs and successors such as the house of Saxe Coburg Gotha.
Rousseau and the Jacobins
It is nearly impossible to talk about contemporary civilisation and its errors without referring to political philosophy. You won’t engage in many discussions of current era philosophy as it relates to politics without hearing, sooner or later, about Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Georg Hegel, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and a few others. Most of these people had their heads screwed on the wrong way, quite a lot of them were freemasons and therefore lacked moral clarity, and none of them were very clever when it came to free markets.
One who was exceptionally mundane was Jean-Jacques Rousseau who penned, at the behest of various freemasons, a book about a social contract. Now, this contract doesn’t exist, but Rousseau imagined it did, and that the world would be better if everyone else had the same delusion. He inspired the Jacobins who murdered a vast number of people in revolutionary France. They in turn gave enormous power to Napoleon with their national conscription system who used it to shed even more blood all over Europe and parts of Africa. You can see from his portraits that Napoleon was also a freemason.
There was a reaction to the vile horrors of Rousseau’s ideas, the Jacobins’ actions, and Napoleon’s slaughter. The reaction involved a regency to bring back the old ways, and we find regency gowns and furniture and architecture to represent a sort of brief return to tradition. It is not the case that “it didn’t take” but that it was a front for further machinations.
The paper pound had inspired the English parasitical ruling class to plot and plan much deviousness to permanently put away all connexion between money and gold, silver, copper, or other metals. But that would take more than a century, and is a focus for later discussions, including later in this essay.
Marx & Engels
You may not appreciate deception, but it is a hallmark of all things freemason. And the deception of workers all over the world by aristocrats primarily in Europe that communism represented what workers should want for themselves is one of the boldest, deadliest, and most flagrant deceptions ever devised. Oh, such deviousness, such underhanded fraud, and the pious adherents to the cause all the more eagerly deceived the less effective it is at doing any of the things it promises. You don’t have to appreciate it or even like it one bit to be aware of its scale and enormity. What a mess.
In his writings, Ludwig von Mises, one of the most intelligent and careful economics philosophers (aware of but not beholden to political philosophy) of the last few centuries, was perhaps using understatement or perhaps being inappropriately polite when he described the bloodshed by 1949 as mere rivers. Oceans, rather, of blood have been shed by the wicked aristocrats, the freemasons, the other demon worshippers, and their sycophants and dupes, the communists, socialists, and syndicalists. I find it fascinating that the stained glass window designed by evil George Bernard Shaw for his evil friend at the Fabian socialist headquarters, features an ocean turning red from the rivers of blood streaming into it.
So Marx was hired by the freemasons to write a lot of really bad ideas and publish them in 1848. Behold, there were riots and “communist” communes all over Europe. Brutally suppressed, of course, with many of the rioters sent away to America to fight Lincoln’s war 1861-72. Who was very kind to Karl Marx on his visits to America? The freemasons, including notably such men as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.
What is good for working people? Freedom, prosperity, and the opportunity to advance. How is that best accomplished? With free markets, with private property, with tools for defending their property (they cannot afford to lose any of it because they already have so little), and with the fewest parasites taking from them in fees, taxes, regulations, impositions, and other forms of theft. The more controlled the markets are, the fewer the competitors, which benefits the wealthy not the poor. The more regulatory barriers to entry, the fewer the competitors, which benefits the wealthy, not the poor. Oh, sure, a few egregious examples of corporate excess are always touted to promote the alleged need for massive government interventions, huge new agencies, and endless guile and grift. (Even, today, the alleged need for an entirely new government agency to, get this, get rid of unwanted excess spare pleonastic superfluous other agencies! How droll. Name it after a doggy crap coin. The lols go on and on.)
Nelson Aldrich and Jekyll Island
If you have not yet read G. Edward Griffin’s excellent and thoroughly footnoted tour de force The Creature from Jekyll Island, please do. Possibly go do that now and come back later. Or at least add it to your Christmas wish list. You’ll need to know what has been done, by whom, and why.
It was done by Nelson Aldrich, by rat fink freemason filth, by very wealthy financiers, by European aristocrats, and it was mostly done by the end of 1913 so the evil vicious nasty demon worshippers of the houses of Hanover and Hohenzollern could conspire to slaughter millions in their war the following August. Yes, “coincidentally” on the two hundredth anniversary of the Hanoverian usurpation of the throne in 1714. Such much violent celebration.
Clever men like JP Morgan cleverly persuaded all the prominent American opponents of the income tax and Feral Reserveless scam to take the maiden voyage of the untested but certainly grandiose RMS Titanic across the Atlantic in 1912. Morgan just missed out on the voyage, though he apparently had time to contract for substandard steel and make sure of the placement of a bomb in one of the forward coal bins. He also made the largest, at that time, insurance claim ever before in financial history. Its like would not be equalled until the collapse of three buildings at the World Trade centre that his descendants were carefully warned not to be inside on that fateful day earlier this century.
So, Americans got the income tax, were saddled with this evil infestation of filthy liars called the Feral Reserveless scam, our money has been inflated away until the dollar today is worth less than the penny of 1913 in terms of purchasing power, and the evil German pagan scum got their war financing, not only for 1914-1919 but also for 1939-1945 and all the other big and little wars they have profited from ever since. Truly staggering levels of evil.
Who lit the fire and who keeps murdering firefighters? The nasty evil disgusting “royal” family of England and their disgusting sycophants and procurers in the District of Corruption and many other national capitals.
Code of conduct
Long ago there was an actually good French political philosopher named Frederic Bastiat. He wrote, “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it.” He wrote that in 1848, the same year as the slimy Communist Manifesto that now figures so prominently in the political platforms of both Republican and Democrat parties in America, was published. Bastiat’s book was Economic Sophisms and you would do well to read it.
Well, they are quite convincing, you know. They hired Edward Bernays to write about propaganda. His work became central to the Madison Avenue scoundrels who pimp defilement and disgusting behaviours at every opportunity. They have done what Isaiah warned against, putting evil for good, bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
Their inversions are everywhere. Even on the official documents you probably were told to get (by freemasons running insurance companies whose freemason friends in state legislatures, beginning around 1911 began requiring for all drivers) your name is inverted. It is “last name first, first name, middle name,” and it is in all caps. In other words, it isn’t you, but a straw man or fake, that is meant to be used in place of you. The inversion is part of the incantation. They literally want to rob you of everything, including your dignity, and sell your soul to the demons they worship. Don’t let them.
You should be aware that you don’t have to have these documents. I don’t. If you have them, you don’t have to renew them. I don’t. Lots of groups, including First Nations peoples, will provide you with identity papers if it is something that seems useful (such as buying cigarettes in disgusting jurisdictions where communist filth and freemason scum have conspired to require it). You know what else you can do? Give up smoking. After the police broke ten of my ribs in 2004 (and my nose) I gave up smoking. I don’t recommend this way of doing it.
They require gooferment issued identity papers for purchasing alcohol? Then buy somewhere else, or give up drinking. I gave up alcohol in 2007. I also stopped cutting my hair or beard until the wars are over.
Convincing media
Using the marketing and propaganda techniques of Bernays, Goebbels, and others, the hoax stream media has produced very convincing documentaries, news stories, and editorials telling me that they believe Christianity is bad, that only homosexuals are good, that transgendered persons must be allowed into every kindergarten to read stories to children and sit those children on tumescent laps, and all rainbow flags are the only allowable symbols of political philosophy.
So, I am convinced by their adoption of the rainbow flag during priDEMONth and at other times, that Microsoft, Amazon, McDonald’s, Kohl’s, Target, Nike, and other major brands are evil. I am convinced by their adverts and editorials and news stories that they hate me because of the colour of my skin, my ethnic heritage, the language I speak, the words I write, and the sexual preferences I express, including a strong preference for family which can only be possible through normal sexuality. Homosexuals are not able to have children, and all pseudo-scientists in the pay of freemasons who say otherwise are liars. So convincing is all their marketing that I won’t buy from them, ever. I won’t buy Pepsi brands, I won’t buy Coca-cola brands, I won’t buy from Hill & Knowlton or the other big public relations firms. I won’t buy the trash they are selling.
Which is probably for the best, since so many of their brands use aluminium cookware, plastic wrap, plastic cooking utensils, dangerous dyes and food additives, dangerous preservatives, and toxins. They poison the food, they poison the air with their aerosols, they poison with their vaxxajabs, they poison with their prescription medicines, and they are all all invariably evil. Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Monsanto, and all the rest are horror shows of disgusting murderers who kill for profit and have bought all the politicians and either bought or become all the bureau rats to supposedly “regulate” their industries.
So I do my best to boycott them one and all. Nope, not buying your Rockefeller gasoline, Exxon Mobile Chevron Amoco Standard Oil.
Corrupted Vatican
There was a time when there was a set of places one could go where they would perform a worship service acceptable to God. There were places one could go to get away from wickedness in monasteries, in convents, in hermitages, in churches, in cathedrals. But the freemasons and the other demon worshippers didn’t like these things and they want always to prevent anyone from escaping. They view all the rest of humanity as slaves and they hate runaways.
So, they have corrupted the Vatican. Now, if the formation of a Vatican bank were not clue enough that the money changers had entered in, you can read about the third secret of Fatima in the novel by Malachi Martin Windswept House if you wish and learn all about the smoke of Satan that infests the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church. Jesuits are freemasons. The pope of 1960 did not consecrate Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary and no pope since then has done so, and it will be done because her immaculate heart will triumph.
But if you think that the “novus ordo” mass is unrelated to the “novus ordo seclorum” of the great seal of the freemasons on the American dollar bill, well, you are welcome to make your persuasive arguments in the comments. The novus ordo mass is not acceptable to God.
No communion with unclean things
You are to have no communion with unclean things, with demons, with evil. You cannot partake of the cup of evil and the cup of good, you cannot dine at the table of demons and at the table of the Lord. See first Corinthians chapter 10 for further details. You would do well to read all the epistles to the Corinthians, especially where you are instructed to take yourselves apart and touch not the unclean thing.
Are you the judge of the living and the dead? No, you are not. That would be Jesus who sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty and from where he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
So you don’t have to go around punishing people who are homosexual or who are wearing strange costumes suggesting their admiration for evil (such as the “devil’s champion” costume that Elon Musk wears at costume parties and sometimes promotes on his Twitter profile). You might choose to convert them to worship God instead. Of course, that would be challenging, especially in places like the England of upChuck the third where praying silently is punishable by arrest and prosecution.
I reject the freemasons as evil. I reject them for worshipping Lucifer. I reject them for destroying as much of Christendom as they have. I reject them for deceiving many.
I reject the communists as pagans and evil. I reject them for promoting the massacre of people who don’t agree with them and for the mass starvations and genocides for which they have been responsible again and again since 1848.
I reject the socialists as pagans and evil. I deny the possibility of “Christian socialist” as a valid moniker, it is a lie and a source of great evil.
I reject the statists as pagans and evil. They worship the artefact of human hands which is their vaunted and much promoted “government” but which is in fact opposed to consent and mutuality of relationship, which has abdicated government, put us out of its protection, and makes war on us.
I reject the Jesuits and the Vatican as infested with evil, with freemasonry, and with vile acts of betrayal and perfidy.
I choose not to have communion with evil.
You are free to choose. God made you free. God made you sovereign. You have choices to take. You don’t have to believe as I believe. My beliefs do not require that you believe what I believe, nor do I require it. Coercion is anathema to freedom of belief because if you are coerced you are only pretending to believe so that you can be fed or avoid torture.
Thus, I also reject Islam as coercive and abusive. It is possible that some Muslims believe they worship the God of the Bible, the God of Isaiah, and of Jesus, but I think they actually have been misled into worshipping a Canaanite deity that isn’t God at all. In any event, by their fruits shall ye know them, said Jesus, two thousand years ago. And the men who are beheading unbelievers, slaughtering men who surrender, raping women and children, and destroying historical buildings are not creating anything good. Coercion is the hallmark of Islam and I reject it.
Choose ye this day who ye will serve, said Joshua. He went on to say, as for me and my family, we serve the Lord our God. To which I say, “amen.”
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Very good article-There is a war on humanity and it is all executed under the guidance of the Rockefeller Covenant.(available online) This was copied from the Protocols of leaned elders of Zion. It comes to the spectrum of Love verses Hate.
I forgot to add that the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto are identical to those of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati, founded in 1776. What was the connection between Weishaupt, an ex(?)-Jesuit and Marx, I wonder, given that Marx was decades later. Could it be the Jesuits or the Freemasons?