“We deny the snobbish English assumption that the uneducated are the dangerous criminals. We remember the Roman Emperors. We remember the great poisoning princes of the Renaissance. We say that the dangerous criminal is the educated criminal. We say that the most dangerous criminal now is the entirely lawless modern philosopher. Compared to him, burglars and bigamists are essentially moral men; my heart goes out to them. They accept the essential ideal of man; they merely seek it wrongly. Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it. But philosophers dislike property as property; they wish to destroy the very idea of personal possession.” ~ GK Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday, Anno Domini 1908
Communists are evil. Communism is a bankrupt set of concepts. The planks of the Democrat and Republican parties in the USA cite and support every plank of the communist manifesto.
About a year before GK Chesterton published The Man Who Was Thursday the leaders of the Bolsheviks, including Lenin and Stalin, got their start on the world stage by robbing a bank shipment in the city of Tiflis. It turns out that they did not want to get rid of the idea of property, but wanted to get control of a bunch of it. As well, it should be noted that later in life they did not want to get rid of the idea of a power structure over the peoples of the Soviet Union, they wanted to get control of it, destroy the Tsar, murder him and his family, and destroy the middle class (the hated bourgeousie) and the successful farming families (the hated kulaks).
But the facts of their individual depravity don’t deny the existence of intellectuals, including idiotic “anarcho-communists” who believe that the destruction of the idea of private property is in any way a good thing. Apparently they don’t understand how visceral, how fundamental the word “mine” is to people, and its even shorter root “my” is that much more. Intellectuals often refuse to have children, so they perhaps don’t encounter how early and how easily children are found to be enthusiastic about having their own things, their own space in their own room, their own time to themselves when they want, their own pillow fort to defend against all who come against them.
They hate order
About two years after Chesterton published The Man Who Was Thursday, the evil and perfidious George Bernard Shaw designed a stained glass window for his friends at the disgusting and depraved Fabian socialist society. The Fabian socialists were founded about 1884. Their hatred of God and mankind is manifest in the stained glass window which shows a shield bearing the image of a ravening wolf in sheep’s clothing, in front of which a nasty man with a big hammer is about to smash God’s creation. Shaw was a horrible pervert.
It is probably useful to mention that there was a Roman general named Fabius. I often find connexions to the Venetian oligarchy that falsely called itself a republic. They represent some of the most disgusting, depraved, filthy “aristocrats” in Europe. When Rome was getting sacked because they were unable to get the people they treated like dirt to defend the cities, the patrician families went to the filthy swamps around Venice where they felt at home amidst the stench of decay. There they continued their perversions and depravity. Eventually they built a city there, but if you ever visit be prepared to hold your nose. The raw sewage in the “canals” is foul.
Anyway, there was this guy, Hannibal. Now, as much as I enjoy a good film, and as much as I appreciate some of the things Hannibal Lecter says to deride and properly describe the feral bureau of investigation (fbi - I won’t capitalise the letters because they are filthy vermin bureau rat scum) you have to know that he was named after an earlier fellow. Hannibal of Carthage was a general of a Phoenician outfit.
Now, the Carthaginians weren’t any good either. They were demon worshippers. They would put newborn babies in porcelain dishes and place them in a fire to murder the babies and allegedly appease the demon they worship. The Phoenicians in many ways became the Venetians.
Hannibal was an effective general. He landed his troops in Spain along with war elephants trained to rampage through Roman legions. He crossed into Southern France, moved his army through the vicinity of Marseille, up into the Alps, and down into the Italian peninsula. Apparently he brought with him some engineers who knew how to craft a chemical to melt stone. Anyway, he made a path through the mountains wide enough for the elephants. Then he began doing what everyone should always do to filthy demon worshipping despotic Romans. He beat the living daylights out of their armies again and again and again, for years.
Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus was a Roman and led their legions against Hannibal. He got a reputation for delaying actions because he did not think it wise to confront an overwhelmingly superior general with a huge force of men at arms, having noticed that everyone who did so had lost. The Romans gave Fabius the nickname “cunctator” which is a nasty sounding word that means “delayer.” Anyway, Fabius didn’t have the big decisive battle, but went around denying supplies to the Carthagians, often by burning out entire villages, towns, and even Roman cities after the patrician families had been carefully moved out.
Phrases like “death from a thousand cuts” come from this approach to warfare. Scorched earth is another such phrase. And, eventually, Hannibal was defeated.
So the Fabian socialists wanted to pretend that they were good people, in favour of clean living. They initially called themselves “the fellowship of the new life” and promoted a pretence of tidy and frugal living. In fact they were maniacs, demon worshippers, and filth. Eventually people became aware of how nasty they really were, so they gave up this “new life” name and went with honouring a mass murdering demon worshipping ancient Roman general.
They spread their illness far and wide. Jawaharlal Nehru was a Fabian. The Labour party of England is infested with them. They all hate God, want to murder seven billion people, enslave any survivors, and destroy Christendom. They are the enemies of order, decency, and goodness.
Fabians and communists especially hate the spontaneous order of free markets. Free markets are really great at creating prosperity. Communists and socialists don’t want prosperity because it leads to happiness. They want privation and suffering so they can foment insurrection, promote strife between groups that they attempt to set against one another using racism, ethnic cleansing, and religious sectarian differences to drive wedges between people. Their goal is disorder and chaos from which they intend to emerge victorious, powerful, and in charge. They want “out of many” to make one structure of authority and control. They are ravening, wicked, evil, demoniacal, terrible people.
They hate property
Lenin and Stalin got their start as bank robbers. Murdering thieves. But the intention of the communist intellectuals is not mere robbery. After all, a robber doesn’t hate the idea of people owning property, he simply wants to be the one owning it. Communist intellectuals are so hidebound in their mysticism that they want to destroy the idea of private property.
God created us and loves us the way we are. God doesn’t want the Fabians and communists to create “new soviet man” if that were even possible.
God gave us private property and free markets. God knows that the only way to find a market clearing price is with free markets.
In the book of Revelation, the horseman who brings famine? That guy has scales and sets fixed prices for essentials. You should try reading the words in your favourite translation. It’ll do you good.
God forbids stealing. “Thou shalt not steal.” It is one of the ten commandments. Why? Because without private property, without ownership, there can be no free markets, there can be no market clearing prices.
There is always privation and suffering when fiends in gooferment attempt to fix prices because the first thing that happens is the people who have the essential stuff stop selling it. Bakers cannot get flour because millers cannot get wheat because farmers won’t agree to the fixed price. So the communists send out their cadres and slaughter the farmers, call them kulaks, declare them enemies of the state, eradicate everyone who knows how to grow food, and behold there is privation and suffering which the communists blame on: the kulaks, of course!
Communists are evil. They really really hate you. They are hateful and wicked. They never want to create anything. They hate God’s creation which is why they want to smash it with a hammer. They hate God’s greatest creation which is why they want to cut throats with a sickle. The hammer and the sickle are the symbols of their movement not because they respect working men and women but because they want to smash things and cut throats. Communists want oceans of blood, your blood, the blood of your spouse, the blood of your children. They are evil demon worshippers.
Hillary and Huma drink blood. Perhaps you think I am saying so, again and again, in these essays, because I exaggerate, because I want you to think ill of them for some purposes of my own. No, I say so because of the Frazzle Drip video. If you want to deny it, you should at least first look at it.
Peter Thiel keeps a small herd (as I’m sure he thinks of them) of teenagers so he can get blood transfusions from them in his search for immortality. He presumably knows what awaits him after death.
Blood sacrifices and blood drinking are parts of the demon worshipping culture. They want to abort infants, including newborn children, because they want to sacrifice to their demons. Do you ever wonder how they know that people are praying outside of abortion clinics even when they pray silently? It disrupts their wickedness.
They hate family
They hate your children, your love of one another, and your willingness to help people in your family. After all, if people have large families and are able to work together cooperatively, the state is not needed to provide a socialistic “safety” net. That would mean fewer jobs for the evil bureau rats who eat out our existence.
They spent $6.75 trillion in fiscal year 2024. I have previously reported the unaudited figure as $6.5 trillion, but the audit is in, the number is higher.
I also have reported the figure of 3 million total feral gooferment employees, but apparently that reported estimate is now different. They now claim 2.2 million civilian and 2.1 million military personnel on the feral payrolls. So, 4.3 million persons. What do all those bureau rats and grunts and seamen and airmen do? Eat out our existence, as noted above. Which means that individually they get to spend, on their own individual salary, pension, healthcare, benefits, per diem, travel, and budgeted activities $1,569,767.44. Of course, the individual soldier and sailor doesn’t get that much, that’s how averages work, friend. But the executives in the big offices? The rear echelon mfs?
They live in luxury. They have cocktail parties all over the district of corruption. They eat like royalty. They drink, they get drunk, they pass out, they wake up in bed with live boys and dead girls, and they are filmed by the fbi doing so. Their depravity is costly. And you put up with it. Why? I have no idea. Is it cowardice? God says, over and over again, in hundreds of places in the Bible, do not be afraid, do not fear, do not tremble.
Anyway, they hate families. They hate procreation. They celebrate homosexuality and depravity. They want to convert your children to their lifestyles. They bring demonic drag “queens” to grade schools to read books to children. They don’t go to nursing homes to read books to the elderly because they don’t have perverted desires to screw old people, they want to defile your six year old child.
They hate God’s commandment to be fruitful and multiply so they don’t. They will tell you the world is overpopulated, but they don’t spend much time driving in Utah or Montana or the Yukon, do they?
They pretend that murdering infants, including in the womb and just born infants, is a good idea. They extol one another, wearing the number of abortions they have had on t-shirts as if counting coup. Their culture is disgusting and evil.
In California it is now law, signed by governor Newsom that teachers in school should encourage grade school age boys to have their balls chopped off, grade school and teen girls to have their ovaries and mammaries removed, and mandating that parents cannot be told about these “transitioning” activities. Newsom personally believes that he owns all the children of California based on his actions.
They call you garbage
Even the White House stenographers don’t agree with the editing of that comment. Joe Biden says that the people who don’t agree with his baby raping, demon worshipping, mass murdering, corrupt evil ways are garbage. He called the people who support the GOP candidate for president (now president-elect if they don’t create a whole bunch of ballots or refuse to certify the electors or cause a “continuation of government” nuclear war crisis) garbage.
It was not a mistake or a slip of the tongue. Evil nasty toddler torturing Hillary says that you are a basket of deplorables. Evil mass murderer, homosexual Barack Obama says that you cling bitterly to your guns and Bibles. All of the Democrat leadership accuse you of being uneducated. No matter how exceptional you are at the work you do, if you don’t have a college degree from one of their demon worship promoting colleges, they regard you as intellectually diminished. They despise you. They hold you in contempt. They want to take your guns away from you in order to rape your children in front of you and laugh at you while doing so.
God didn’t make garbage. Joe Biden became corrupt and evil about the time he plagiarised his first essay in college, which was a while before he was caught plagiarising in law school. Joe is one to talk.
Hating you for being good, decent, hard working, kind, loving parents, for caring for your elderly parents and grandparents, that is what communists and socialists are. That is what they do. That is why there cannot be any Christian socialists. The Christian socialists are liars who defame Christ.
They hate religion
Everywhere you look you will find people complaining about organised religion. I don’t mind. I don’t follow an organised religion. I’m a Quaker. We are disorganised.
Jesus did not create a cacophony of sects. People who hate freedom of conscience did. Jesus did not create a complex hierarchy of church officials to spend money, build office towers, and run a Vatican bank. People who hate God did.
Jesus does not ask that the priests who rape altar boys be removed from jurisdictions where they would be prosecuted and hidden by the Roman Catholic church. Jesus asks that they repent their sins and sin no more. But the people who are currently infesting the Vatican with their evil, who forced Benedict to resign and installed this Bergoglio person who calls itself “Francis” don’t want to be punished by secular authorities. Nor do they want to help the victims of their criminal violent rape of children. They want to rape more. They have crafted a “synod” to justify their evil ways and celebrate their perversions.
They invert things
No, brother, less is not more. Less is less. That’s why we have the word less, to describe less. We have the word more to describe more and better and greater things. A false equivalence may simply be a popular conceit, but it may represent a choice to invert things. The freemasons claim that Lucifer is God and use words like demiurge to describe God the Father Almighty creator of heaven and the earthly realm. They do so because they want to invert things. They want to hurt God. They return His love with hatred.
The mElon has a costume that he likes to wear to parties. It looks like samurai armour. On the face masque it has a demonic emblem and an inverted cross. I do not believe it is the cross of the sort on which Saint Peter was crucified upside down by the wicked evil hateful scum Roman patricians. Rather, I believe it represents the mElon’s inversion of things. He doesn’t love God, he doesn’t love Jesus, and he doesn’t love mankind. He wants to go to Mars, put chips in your head before you get there, control your every move and try to control your thoughts, because he has evil ambitions, in my opinion. He wants a plantation on Mars filled with slaves who are at his mercy. I think his efforts to send people there on one way trips is going to get a lot of people killed. I don’t think he cares.
Smarmy pseudo intellectuals
Marx was a freemason hired by freemasons. Engels was a freemason. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was hired by freemasons. Freemasons hate God, worship Lucifer, and want to destroy Christendom.
The Hanoverians built the huge freemason temple in London in 1717 after they celebrated stealing the throne from the Stuart family. The Hanover family started World War One after they stole all the wealth of South Africa and got the liars in congress to cheat the American people by passing the Feral Reserveless act. The Hanover family started that war in cooperation with the Prussian royal family because they all wanted to hurt working class people and middle class merchants as much as possible. They carefully bought up arms manufacturers and started artillery shell companies and bought uniform makers and bandage makers because they wanted to profit from the death and slaughter as much as possible. And profit they have.
They cooperated in fomenting the second world war, as well. They have profited enormously from the “cold war” which has decimated the remaining empires not under their direct and corrupt control.
Communism is freemasonry is evil.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
“You have not wasted your time; you have helped to save the world. We are not buffoons, but very desperate men at war with a vast conspiracy.”