I think it is important to understand the prosecution of Daniel Penny. This essay does a good job of explaining. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-05-29/why-theyre-prosecuting-daniel-penny

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Regarding "local money": someone finally got it right! Goldback.com prints gold between polymer sheets, bypassing the warehouse shortcomings of the Liberty Dollar, and providing spendable small amounts of real gold! Several States already have customized Goldbacks. See details at website.

Best regards,

Dennis Wilson

Signatory: Covenant of Unanimous Consent

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Hello, Dennis, my good friend. How goes the circulation and promotion of the covenant of unanimous consent, speaking of things someone finally got right? I think very highly of the covenant and your work letting people know about it. It's one of the answers to "free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny."

With the Feral Reserveless Schemers and the Feral Deposit unInsurance Collaborators working diligently to eviscerate First Republic Bank of its assets, give all of them to JP Morgan Chase, and work earnestly on the dissolution of all other large regional banks, it looks like the final phase of the consolidation of the banking industry that began in 1913 is now underway. Too bad the cowards and communists in state governments have all abandoned their claims that they were ever even slightly interested in protecting depositors and local businesses from the calamity of bank runs and financial collapse. After all, the dismally useless local and state government officials can point to the Feral Reserve and say, "Gosh, they are doing such a bang-up job so far, aren't they? ... Aren't they?" [insert image of teddy bear looking to the side, then front]

So we are going to have a small number of really terrible people, like Epstein friend Jamie "we say demon" Dimon running the banking cartel, forcing everyone onto a digital dollar platform that lies, refuses transactions if your Twitter feed contains posts it doesn't like, and seizes deposits without warning or consent running all finance in the USA. In other words, we have good and worthy reasons to suppose that we'll need things like GoldBacks, pre-1964 dime cards, 90% silver coins, bullion silver rounds, and things that have been destroyed like the Liberty Dollar and e-gold to engage in trade and commerce in person and over the Internet. We're going to be in a lot of trouble.

And, it gets worse. Ardent communist war profiteers like Elizabeth Warren are against all cryptography and all cryptocurrencies. She plans to form an anti-crypto army to go around grabbing laptops and smashing faces, if the history of brownshirts are any indication of what to expect.

Meanwhile, the people who love freedom are on the run and moving around to keep ourselves free. There are great opportunities for martyrdom and for suffering in the face of evil.

God bless you my friend. God bless your family. Amen.

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It's the perfect time for a brown-shirt army

The kids are screwed the BOOMERS have stole their future and left them with the largest debt in human history;

Will not take much of a future leader to call the kids to murder +50Million or more elderly rich, maybe even walk them to the bank or ATM to cash out their social-security and hand out cash before they're executed.

Think not? This is what Rockefellers MAO did to Chinese traditional society when he came to power, told the kids to kill the old teachers, bankers, and shop owners and the future would be paradise.

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You seem to believe that the national debt is a debt that belongs to people who were not of the age of consent to consent to it when it began to skyrocket. Are you one of those people who believe that the infants of today are owing hundreds of thousands of dollars, each? Because they are clearly not old enough to consent. Did you sign a document accepting this indebtedness? Nope. Did you post any collateral for it? Nope. So why do you believe it is your debt?

Clearly the Fourteenth Amendment, so-called, insists that the validity of the public debt of the United States shall never be questioned, not even on the floor of the house or senate (which is some amendment!) but that simply means that the debt belongs to the politicians who agreed to it and to the bureau-rats who spent it.

I'll put it very simply. The national debt belongs to Kevin McCarthy personally. He created it. He raised the debt limit. He made it bigger. Therefore it is his debt obligation. Arguably it is the obligation of the other congresscritters who voted for the increase in the debt limit. But it isn't your debt. So why are you so upset?

I like that you blame "the BOOMERS" because it is always really great to have an amorphous group to blame. If you aren't a bigot finding a group to scape goat, are you really going to lead a brown shirt brigade? It's nice you think you can create a future paradise.

Eternal Father, whose only begotten Son through His life, death, and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation, please make us worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

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U dumb fucks elected the RINO's

U dumb fucked elected the demoRats

Whether TRUMP or BIDEN, its you who need to look in the mirror

The problem in all democracy's end this way the public votes to steal, and pretty soon nobody has anything left to steal and everybody lives in shit

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Whether the debt is legal-tender signed by the infant, or simple fact that all infants inherit the debt, doesn't matter the debt stands.

Whether tomorrow the child lives with a $5M USD debt around his neck, or his country is now owned by a new debt collector the child is a slave, it really doesn't matter;

The old fucks who bred these new children ass fucked their future generations.

Now compare that to Rothschild elite ZOG owners of the world, they have trust funds that 'guarantee wealth' into future generations of family forever, today a millionaire and tomorrow great-great grandkids are billonaires, they have been doing this forever.

But the dumb fucking goyim population born middle-class, next class is lower, and heading to sill-plate where knee-grows used to live

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NOTHING to do with what I believe, I just predict the future based on prior outcomes and the fact that the same people who put MAO into power are NOW ruling the USA, and want U dead.

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A couple of items of info:

Gmail is a CIA front, according to an ex-CIA field operative friend of mine.

I would recommend placing at the top of the reading list the Bible, properly understood. It contains the essentials for being prepared for conflict in an age of deception.

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