“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” ~ Robert Heinlein, Beyond this Horizon, Anno Domini 1942
In 1980 there was a book published by Arthur Bloch entitled Murphy's Law Book Two: More Reasons Why Things Go Wrong! which included a contribution from one Robert J. Hanlon then of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Hanlon’s submission was, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Since Hanlon was a reader of science fiction, and since Heinlein wrote “You have attributed to villainy conditions that simply result from stupidity,” in 1941 in Logic and Empire, it is fair to call it “Heinlein’s razor” rather than Hanlon’s. But academic communities of woke communists hate Bob Heinlein because he was for individual liberty, private property, free markets, goodness, decency, and truth.
Malice exists
When I first heard the words as expressed by Hanlon in his submission to the Murphy’s law book, it was attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. Bonaparte committed a vast array of sins, was directly and personally responsible for the slaughter of a lot of people, and did say a number of pithy things such as, “Never interrupt your enemy when he’s busy making a mistake.” Later someone suggested that the Hanlon version was found in a book by Napoleon Hill. Nevertheless, after using the saying a few times, I began mentioning that “even if stupidity is an adequate explanation, do remember that malice exists.”
It does, and it has existed for a very long time. Malice comes to us from the Latin word malus which means bad, or wrong, or harm depending on context. We use it in discussing a certain class of criminality, “premeditated murder” which involves “malice aforethought.” When someone does something negligent that leads to the death of one or more other persons, we often look to see if they intended harm before doing the thing. If not, then we say that there was no malice aforethought.
So I submit to you that it is useful in considering the events of the last ten years, as well as the events of the last hundred years, whether there is “a long train of abuses and usurpations evincing a design to reduce mankind under the iron boot of absolute despotism.” You can take a few minutes if you wish, or, really, as long as you need, to write out in the comments here some of the abuses and usurpations that suggest malice aforethought.
For example, in the 11th month of 1963, John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas. He was not murdered by a lone gunman, but by a conspiracy of Skull and Bonesmen, which included in Dallas on that day, George Herbert Walker Bush. It also involved Otto Skorzeny who is a fellow whose exploits you should probably read about before too much longer, since he figures prominently in much 20th Century mayhem.
It is, in fact, the elder Bush’s involvement, directing events and identifying witnesses to be murdered after the execution of the president, that motivated Donald Trump to maliciously withhold the distribution in 2017 of all the information in government archives relating to the JFK assassination, despite a public law ordering that release. Now that Barbara and George HW Bush are thoroughly dead, perhaps the new Trump administration will finally condescend to the frequently expressed desire of the vast majority of Americans and get around to actually sharing all the documents. But it would not be the way to set the odds, if I were running a casino and there were house money on the line.
Do you think Trump was not malicious when he ordered “operation warp speed” and authorised, despite considerable information that the Wuhan flu was easily treated and wasn’t a global emergency, the emergency development of poison vaxxajabs? If he wasn’t malicious, why then did he approve the policy to have proof of vaxxajab required for entry to Trump tower buildings in various cities? If he is not a malicious poisoner, why has he chosen a big pharma shill and an evil person to be his chief of staff?
There is a war right now in Ukraine. It was started by the cia in 2014 with the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine. It was fomented by Victoria Nuland and other malicious persons seeking to bring Ukraine into NATO despite promises (from the aforementioned George HW Bush and others) that NATO would not expand one inch eastward after the reunification of Germany.
In many ways the war in Ukraine is the same war that was started in 1914 by the Windsor and Hohenzollern families to get rid of the Habsburg and Romanov families while making huge profits from war materiel. We are now over three hundred ten years into the Hanoverian usurpation, and the global death toll from their perfidy is in the hundreds of millions. By their fruit ye shall know them.
The people who lit the fires in 1914 and who have been killing firefighters ever since are the very happy family in Buckingham palace who thrive on the chaos, profit from suffering, and hurt as many people as they can, entirely out of malice. The “royal family” are nasty, evil, pagan, demon worshipping, child raping, mass murdering scum.
German pagans
One of the first things the Hanover family did after usurping the throne of England in 1714 was to establish their German pagan false religion with a huge “temple” for freemasons built in London about 1717. Various influential aristocrats {spit} in Europe were enthusiastic about what are sometimes called “Gnostic” traditions. You find them in the Vril worshippers of the Thule society in parts of Germany, amongst the Bavarian self-styled “Illuminati” and elsewhere.
You will find in the writings of Adam Weishaupt in 1776 the same concepts that you find in “The Communist Manifesto” published by two freemasons, Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, in 1848. What they want is to enslave mankind, excuse the mass murder of seven billion or so humans, and to destroy Christendom. They worship demons. They are evil. Almost all of the European aristocracy are foul and disgusting, properly and correctly lampooned by Gilbert Gottfried and others in the classic comedy troll “The Aristocrats.” (Send the children to another room if you feel strongly about checking out video of that classic routine.)
Alinsky, Cloward, Piven
There are people that the communists call “useful idiots.” These are people who do things that play directly into the hands of the commies. Then there are committed communist academics like Cloward, Piven, and Alinsky. You can read about them if you wish.
You will find a number of book recommendations in these pages of L5 News. Pretty much every book or essay that I have quoted is worthwhile reading. One of the books that you would want to read if you want to understand your enemy is by Saul Alinsky, published in 1971. Rules for Radicals goes over aspects of the strategy, a technique for silencing critics which you will find being used all over social media, and many other ideas. Alinksy was, in his day, one of the most malicious persons on Earth. Cloward and Piven, too.
What do they want? Chaos. From chaos, they want to create a coercive order that is welcomed by the masses because, even though it is violent and disgusting, is orderly and not as difficult to understand as the chaos created by the state. (I use “the state” or “the gooferment” because to describe the system as “government” is wrong-headed. A government necessarily is obliged to involve the unanimous consent of the governed. I do not consent. It isn’t government.)
Polarisation is one of the techniques the communists promote. They want the breakdown of civil society. They engage on social media, often as paid provocateurs, to generate as much animosity as possible. They write things to be provocative, to attack the reputations of others, to be hurtful, to be mean-spirited because they hate the ideas of Christianity, they hate decency, they want to destroy families, they want to rape and murder and mutilate children, and they aren’t hiding these facts.
Cloward and Piven wrote and spoke extensively about overloading the welfare system to cause a breakdown in society. They were great enthusiasts of causing as much suffering as possible. Why?
Simply put, prosperous people don’t rebel. Moreover, sensible people are against communism and are for free markets. Free markets find market clearing prices, and centrally planned systems do not. Cloward and Piven were evil authors seeking a “minimum guaranteed income” through what malicious persons like Andrew Yang call “modern monetary theory” or “mmt.” They want to force people to accept things that are anathema to goodness, decency, humanity, peace, freedom, free markets, and good money that retains its value over time.
Von Mises
It has been over a century since Ludwig von Mises and the other Austrian economists showed that only through free markets is it possible to have market clearing prices. The consequences of not having market clearing prices are: privation and suffering.
Centrally planned economies always hurt people. Central planners always produce many things that nobody wants to buy and very little of the things that people seek. Bread is rationed because central planners cap the price and therefore necessarily, maliciously, limit production. It goes further, though, because central planners caused the Holodomor by exporting the food that was produced, condemning millions to death by starvation. Communists are required by the communist groups to celebrate privation, suffering, starvation, genocide, and death, and also are required to lie about the hundreds of millions of deaths caused by communism, socialism, and central planning of all sorts. Communists are, at best, dupes of the freemasons, and, at worst, enthusiastic pagans who hate freedom, goodness, and God.
Now, I mention von Mises, and I think a brief review of the work of Richard and Anna Ebeling is in order. Richard and Anna went to Moscow around 1993 or so, after the fall of the Soviet Union. They were given permission to import high speed photocopiers. They copied all the documents from Ludwig von Mises private library which was being kept in the state archives of the Soviet Union.
Yes, in 1938, when von Mises fled Vienna, Austria just ahead of the Nazi anschluss he left his papers in his office and home. The Germans knew he was a vitally important economist because he had understood the Austrian and German hyperinflation and knew how to fix them. So they packed all his papers into wood crates and shipped them to Berlin. There, those papers were studied by Nazi scholars so they could actually run an economy if they were to want such a thing in the post-war world they thought they might get to build.
In 1945, all those crates of papers were in a box car on a rail siding in a rail yard in Berlin. The Germans thought them so important that they were to be spirited away along with the Nazi gold, artwork, and other treasures. But the Soviet army got there before the train left, and grabbed it all. So the same papers were then studied, after getting permission and proving loyalty to the communist party, by Soviet economists who might want to know how to leave things alone long enough for free markets to find market clearing prices, in the event they ever wanted to build good results after having conquered the world for their freemason masters.
In other words, everyone on the other side knows all about free markets, market clearing prices, and the economic calculation problem that only free markets can solve. They know how to have prosperity.
They don’t want you to have it. They are malicious. You have to factor in malice into your equation.
Yury Bezmenov’s Ghost
Just above is an image which I believe was created by the author
of “How to Subvert Subversion.” Yuri might also be known as Yuri Bezmenov’s Ghost, since the original Yuri, depicted in the meme, died in 1993. The original Yuri did write extensively on the topic of subversion after he defected from the Soviet Union in 1970.The meme text is, “Always attribute to malice that which has continued too long to be explained by stupidity.” I write it out without the image because our “otherly abled” countrymen may not be able to see things in images, but can have this essay read aloud by one of those software things (text to voice) developed forty years ago. I know that I probably don’t put “alt text” in for as many images as I use, and that’s just how things are, friends.
Why attribute things to malice? Because malice exists. And stupidity doesn’t explain everything.
Sure, stupidity is sometimes the explanation. But do you really think that Gavin Newsom, who is clever enough to “win” through election fraud even when recall petitions sufficient to end his time in office are submitted, doesn’t know how his water policies have led to the murders by fire that he is personally responsible for committing in recent days? Of course he knows. He also knows that his gooferment has a policy to establish “smart cities” where the fires have been deliberately set and deliberately allowed to burn.
It is fine, with me, if you want to blame “distraction, exclusion, and indolence” or whatever “DEI” stands for. You can blame transgendered homosexual anti-technology grifters for the current conflagration in Southern California if you wish. It doesn’t upset me. But despite there being many very stupid, very ugly, very uncouth persons involved, it is still true that malice is also involved.
What should you do about it? I would suggest you read more Yuri, and remember not to be demoralised.
God loves you. God created this world, and the things in it, and created mankind to occupy this world. God triumphs. God’s will be done. Amen.
Some years back, I was playing a role playing game with some friends from high school. It was while I was in high school, to be sure. One of the characters the “dungeon master” needed to have played as a player character by one of us players was a paladin. Now, you might ask, what is a paladin?
A paladin is a warrior for God. Some paladins of yore were monks, some were priests, and all of them were men of war. Some men of war had religious experiences and found that they had become paladins. The nature of the paladin is “lawful good” to use the strange Gary Gygax method of categories.
In the fullness of time, I learned that it was intentional that I played that character in that role playing game way back then.
There was another interesting event at that same time. I quizzed out of “basic English” which was a high school class for those students who had trouble diagramming a sentence, writing without spelling errors, or comprehending the written word. It was a class which, being overqualified by my performance on the examination, none of the teachers wanted me to take. So I was told to “pick an elective in English” from among those choices offered at the same class period as the class into which I had been automagically assigned at the start of the semester. The only class available to me was “The Bible as Literature.”
I took this information home to my mom. At the time, I had no idea that mom had been raised to become Catholic. She would describe herself as an agnostic, and when asked what that means, she would say, “I don’t know if there is a God and I don’t think you know, either.”
My dad was a scientist who had been taken in by the “scientific philosophy” ravings of Hans Reichenbach. So he would dismiss anything he didn’t know how to measure as “metaphysics.” I think that probably served him well as a nuclear physicist, and might even have helped him at Los Alamos in the early 1970s working on theoretical aspects of what became the neutron bomb. So, he was not exactly devout, either.
Anyway, I asked mom whether she thought I should take this elective “The Bible as Literature” or whether it was a better idea to suffer through “basic English.” Mom was, at the time, a professor of English literature whose doctoral thesis on Henry Green is still regarded as one of the best books on the topic. She said that there were two great sources of stories in Western literature: the Bible and the collected works of William Shakespeare. Then she gave me a Bible which I used in class and kept ever since. It was the same Bible that I re-read for the third time in 1997 when I invited Jesus into my heart.
So, if you are asked what to call it, I suggest “the paladin’s prayer.” I commend it to you to pray out loud, or simply to say “amen.”
Eternal Father please help us to free the slaves, stop the wars, end the tyranny of the state and the state of tyranny, cast out all demons, translate the Gospels into every language, care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility, and carry the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and to all souls in between. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. God’s will be done. Amen.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
This is a ripping-good essay. Congrats.
Put me on your readers list please!