I really appreciate your writing. First off, you’re a deep thinker. Secondly, you know so much about history. It bored me to death in high school but when I read your posts, they are filled with historical stories and concepts that bring history to life. Third, and most importantly, I love that you’re a believer and share your faith and that beautiful prayer with us. It’s the second time I’ve copied it. I will print it out this time and make lots of copies to give to family and friends!

I still don’t know what I can do but please keep pushing and encouraging each of us. I’m not making excuses but I’m not an person who can speak the most eloquently and reason like you. But, I can pray!! I try to speak truth when I’m in large groups but sometimes people look at me like I have three heads. But, that’s ok because we can’t keep silent about our faith, the clot shots and what is really happening in government, corporate America, public health, Hollywood etc anymore. We must wake people up!!

Anyway, blessings to you my friend. And, thank you for your beautiful writing!!!

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Thank you for your very kind and thoughtful words and for reading my stuff. I am deeply grateful. Sometimes it feels as though I were shouting into a void, especially a year or so ago when there were far fewer people reading and even scarcer comments. I appreciate you very much.

You can pray and you do pray, and this is very very important. Never let anyone minimise or trivialise prayer. Prayer is vital. With prayer we align our actions and thoughts with God the Father Almighty who is also known as the Lord of Hosts, who has legions of angels available to help us fight our battles against spiritual wickedness. Pray as many prayers as you can, please. It really matters.

If you are comfortable with prayers that have been with us for many centuries, I would commend to your attention the prayers of St. Bridget. In particular her seven prayers every day as a 12 years devotion. https://www.theworkofgod.org/Devotns/bridget_12years.htm When I was living in Ohio in 2019, something happened to me. It was a private experience, in that I was the only witness, but it was miraculous. And as a result of that minor miracle, I began seeking God much more diligently, asking how I could be more effective in my sincere devotion. I was led to the channel of Anthony Stine, Return to Tradition, on YouTube and he mentioned the prayers of St. Bridget in one of his podcasts. So in the last months of 2019, I began praying them every day, or when I would miss, making up for the missed day or days as soon as possible.

Since I have opened that door, I should be more complete about what happened. I was attending a Quaker meeting in Waynesville, Ohio. It was the 20th day of the 10th month of 2019. Unbeknownst to me, the person calling himself pope Francis had earlier that month placed a wooden icon of the Brazilian demon "pacha-mama" in the church of St. Mary in Rome. Some young priests fetched it out and threw it in the river, but it was found and brought back. Also earlier that same month the evil Bill Gates had participated with his murderous associates in "event 201" to "desktop simulate" 63 million dead from a coronavirus. And the world military games were in Wuhan China, where diplomats and athletes from around the world were gathered, and out of the diplomatic pouch from the United States an unholy biological weapon was released, I believe. So, that's some context.

I took a leather bound bible from the library of the meeting house and went into the large meeting room to await meeting for worship. I was reading from the book of Luke, chapter 7, and enjoying this particular Bible because it had the words of Jesus printed in red letters to set them apart from the narrative of events. I was alone several rows back. There was no wind in the room, the windows were closed. There was neither heating nor air conditioning running. The air was still. Nobody passed near me while I sat reading.

Then one of the elders near the front row spoke up and said it was time to settle in for meeting. This is Quaker-speak for getting quiet. We worship in silence until someone is moved to speak by the Holy Spirit. Anyone so moved is supposed to reflect on what they are moved to say and discern whether it is consistent with love and with scripture, and if so, stand up and speak. If not, if it seems to be an impulse of ego, they are supposed to remain quiet and wait. In the Bible, God says "be still and know that I am." So, I closed my eyes.

There is a prayer that I would say in my mind to calm myself and get ready for meeting. And at the end of that prayer, in my mind, I said, "And God if there is a bible verse you would like me to read aloud today, please show it to me." Then I opened my eyes. I saw that the Bible had changed in my hands. It was no longer turned to Luke chapter 7 but to the last chapter of the last book of the last prophet of the Old Testament, Malachi chapter 4. And on the right side was the cover page for the New Testament. The verses God wanted me to read were in Malachi 4, which I commend to your reading sometime soon, as God makes important promises and requests.

That had never happened to me before. So I was quite impressed with that event. And in many ways, that event led me to leave Ohio less than a year later and begin a deeper spiritual journey that has led me here to Oregon.

Thank you for the blessing. God bless you and your family and friends. Amen.

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Very beautiful piece. Love the way you write. ❤️

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Thank you for your kind words and for reading my stuff.

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"If you don’t know people in your area, I probably do. I’ve travelled in a lot of places and gone to a lot of events with the specific purpose of meeting people who were willing to do anything, or even talk about doing anything, about individual sovereignty."

How about west of Rochester, NY?

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Yes, I know the owners of a property in Niagara, New York and a family near Hamilton, Ontario if that would be of interest.

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About 3 hours for Hamilton (with customs, for sure) and maybe 80 or 90 mins to Niagara. A bit far, but still—you do know lots of people in lots of different places!

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Do people still go through customs? You should get a jet pack and float over that stuff. It's annoying af

You can reach me for email introductions jim {at} eldarcapital {dot} com

You'd like the family near Hamilton. Wendy McElroy is a writer, individualist anarchist, and Brad Rodriguez is a computer guy. We had a great time in Milan at "Against Leviathan" event.

The property near Niagara is owned by Stavatti aerospace.

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I would definitely like to know Wendy McElroy at some point. I have heard good things about her. I will get back to you—thanks!

Jacqueline lives near her…

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You've written a compendium of useful historical references, starter packs for organising ourselves at local level, the greatest reasons for keeping faith and wise words of encouragement for the 'darker' days ahead.

Another inspiring piece of written work.

Thank you.

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You're welcome. All the glory to God. Amen.

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