by Jim Davidson
Special to Leaving Egypt Ministries and L5 News
“And I’m not holding my breath in the hopes that the winner of this year’s particular popularity contest will save us from government surveillance, weaponized drones, militarized police, endless wars, SWAT team raids, red light cameras, asset forfeiture schemes, overcriminalization, profit-driven private prisons, graft and corruption, or any of the other evils that masquerade as official government business these days.”
~ John Whitehead, Rutherford Institute, commenting on the 2016 election
In the picture above you can see billionaire heiress Aileen Getty, whose younger brother Mark co-founded "Getty Images." Apparently the family divided up the tasks of having the world's art collections imaged digitally and then destroyed so all future generations would have to pay the Getty family fees to see famous paintings before they were destroyed with oil-based paints and other vile effluvia. Yes, I am picking on her, and yes, she is the poster child for the corruption and evil being done by non-profits to advance the causes of climate change grift, prisons for profit, Soros district attorneys who refuse to prosecute actual criminals but put teens in prison for two years for marring a rainbow crosswalk, and an endless array of other viciousness.
This past Summer my friend of virtual acquaintance,
coined the term "philanthropath" to describe psychopaths who give money to promote harm. It is certainly the case that you need not sympathise with the Getty woman who is so angry about John Paul Getty and his oil profits from Gulf Oil, from the parts of Standard Oil he acquired, and from his 60-year concession on oil drilling in the zone between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait that she has determined to finance the wrecking of great works of art, the staining of ancient monuments, and the gluing themselves to the road tactic to encourage road rage by drivers who burn more of her family's oil-based fuels sitting in huge traffic jams caused by her accomplices in crime. Of course her younger brother must be an admirer of this technique for getting rid of the pesky originals so the family can grift on the digital images.No doubt she and her brother and their family lawyers will, in the fullness of time, want to sue me for saying things about news reports on their behaviours and suggesting my opinions as to their motivations. Which lawsuits will face a few interesting problems, including the so-called "constitutional protection" of freedom of speech, looking like big rich bullies trying to hurt a poor man, and finding any assets in the event that they win some sort of judgement in the corrupt court system that endures past one or so levels of appeal. I have no fear of such filth.
Many kinds
It came to my attention a long time ago that the actual victims of the events in New York on the 11th day of the 9th month of 2001 were not getting any of the funds being donated to the Red Cross. Instead, the corrupt and venal management of that disgusting agency, a group of really nasty people, were taking all the donations and raising their own salaries, having luxurious travel arrangements, and doing everything they could to set themselves up as aristocrats.
Nor indeed was I kept in the dark of the work of Coopi Italiano in Somaliland. Although it was used by many mafiosi groups to hide various persons that had legal problems in Sicily and Italy, it was not actually good at providing health care to the people in Somaliland. There were endless supply problems with actually getting life-saving materials to the impoverished people there at the beginning of this millennium. The promises they made of free health care in exchange for food and housing for their team members were rapidly replaced by fees for health care. I was shown a wreckage of a clinic in Lughaya left behind by the departing Italian non-governmental organisation's cohort of wreckers, and boxes of needles and other contaminated medical waste spilt on the ground outside that same clinic. There was a decided lack of hygiene in the place.
Nor do I have any shortage of tales to share about the ineptitude of gooferment agencies posing as having the consent of the governed but actually implementing various forms of tyranny. These agencies will enforce a monopoly to eliminate free market choices, then ramp up prices to hurt consumers as much as possible. They will allocate to some corrupt agency, such as the aforementioned Red Cross, a monopoly on the collection of blood for blood banks for hospitals and surgical clinics, then contaminate the supply in various ways, including by compulsory vaxxajabs.
In many countries non-governmental and non-profit groups are regarded with suspicion as "the cia in other clothing." Pretty much everyone wants to know what your real motives are when you are far from home on another continent offering to do something helpful like build a free port or a toll road to a major market. Offering to build a space port on a large desert area in Somaliland was met with enthusiasm by the locals and scorn from the Coopi Italiano team.
Soroses are sorry psychos
Theoretically it helps in such cases to say "it is my opinion that Alex and George Soros are sorry psychopaths" but the truth is that the judicial system is corrupt from top to bottom. The prosecutors and lawyers are corrupt, the bar association is a branch of the freemasons, the judges are corrupt and paid off, the juries are led around by prosecutors who keep exculpatory evidence from them with the full support of the aforementioned corrupt judges, and it is unwise to expect the USA to be a free country. That ship has sailed, friends.
Nevertheless, clearly taking pages and chapters from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, the Soros family provides enormous financial support in the form of campaign contributions and bribes (on information and belief) to district attorney candidates who will do nothing to actually prosecute violent crime and property crime against locals. Immigrants are provided as many get out of jail free cards as possible, and criminals arrested dozens of times are found in conflict with people in subways, all to the delight of the Soros and Podesta and Clinton and Biden crime families who want Americans to suffer, to respond violently, and to be polarised. It is through these sorts of deliberately inflicted sufferings that the communists (by which I mean freemasons or dupes thereof) seek to break Christian society and ruin the freedom of all mankind.
Why? So they can profit, of course. Because they believe that they are booted and spurred to ride and the rest of us are to be saddled and enslaved to be ridden. They have what I call aristocrat disease, which is the arrogant affliction of the wealthy, especially of those generations that inherit vast wealth and never have to work for it.
Church groups that work evil
I found a recent video of an interview of a Shriner quite edifying. Asked who the Shriners (a branch of freemasons) believe is God, the answer came back "Lucifer." Much evil has been done by so-called Gnostics who believe in false gods and who worship demons.
But it is also the case that many so-called churches refuse to preach the words of Jesus, especially those words against taxation, against the Roman empire, against war, and against hierarchy. I should probably spend a little time now discussing what is the church.
Jesus Christ is the founder of our church, the church we call Christianity. He founded a church of believers. He did not found a confusion of sects and he did not found a hierarchy. His great commission to us is to hear the words of the Gospels, do them, translate them into every language, share them with every creature in the world, and those who believe may be baptised in water and with the Holy Spirit.
In the English language much confusion has been sown by those who seek to hurt others, especially those of the academic aristocracy. So the dictionary writers will tell you that the word "church" may refer to a building. Or it may refer to a hierarchy of some sect that purport to be believers.
This confusion had set in quite thoroughly by Anno Domini 1649 when what we call "modern English" was emerging from the Elizabethan dialect common among the people of London and its environs. There was a man named George Fox who wanted to find a place of worship in which he would feel the presence of God. He also was horrified by the mandatory tithing to the "established" church whether it was the church of England under Charles the first, the Puritan church under Cromwell, or the anticipated Roman Catholic church under subsequent "kings." He tried a wide variety of dissenting factions and kept searching, but was unable to perceive the presence of God at any of the places he attended worship services.
So he found himself in a field on Pendle Hill, sitting on the ground, looking at the surrounding countryside, and pondering these matters when he heard a voice behind him say, "There is one, even Christ Jesus, who can speak to thy condition." At the time, English still had a widely used informal and familiar "you" of the form "thou, thy, thine" instead of "you, your, yours." Well, this revelation, that the conditions faced by Jesus in Jerusalem with the factions of the Hebrew temple there and the Roman imperial artifice of deified emperors and mandated sacrifices at their pagan temples was quite striking. George went on to found the religious society of the friends of Jesus.
The usurper Charles the second hated this group. So George was imprisoned at the Tower of London. A nasty aristocrat named Gervase Bennett was tasked with torturing a confession from George. At one point the sufferings were set aside and they met in a room with a clerk who kept a record of the conversation. Bennett asked why George was so devoutly a believer in the Scriptures. Picking up the Bible there on the table between them, George said, "You should tremble at the word of God."
Bennett, sneering, said, "Oh. You tremble do you? You quake? So you are a quaker." And the name Quaker was applied to the religious society of friends, and it stuck. No, we are not in any way affiliated with the people who usurped the name for their "Quaker Oats." Rather, the reputation of honesty and fairness in bargaining of the Quakers was used to attempt to make that company seem more honest. Anyway some of their oat products are not terrible.
For example, many churches refuse to preach the words of Jesus because they have been repeatedly told by the IRS and other agencies that if they do, they will lose their precious "tax free donations" status and they aren't willing to be poor while preaching the good word.
The allure of tax exemption
You are exempt from taxation. Everyone is. Taxation is theft, and you have no obligation to a thief. You are free at all times to defend yourself from thieves.
Now, that matter has caused some confusion. Two thousand years ago Jesus was asked, by Pharisees, in the temple in Jerusalem, in an effort to trick him, whether he paid the taxes. So he called for a coin, which we are told was a Roman silver penny. We are also told by many numismatists that Caesar Augustus had debased the coinage and was issuing copper coins with a bit of silver painted on each side, so it was very likely a copper coin clad in silver pretending to be a real silver coin from the treasury of Augustus or his immediate successor Tiberius.
Jesus then asks whose face is on the coin, and whose name. The answer is that it is a sort of graven image depicting Caesar, and bearing the name of that person. This point in the story is meant to convey to the devout Hebrew crowd around him the point that Jesus is saying that the coin is from a pagan who claimed to be a god, and therefore suspect in many ways. Perhaps the nose on the sculpture of the Caesar was showing some of the copper, as that was often the case on such coins. So the fact that it was debased was also well known to those around him. Jesus then says to render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar and unto God that which belongs to God. The people wondered at this response.
Of course, all of the heavenly realm and all of the earthly realm were created by God, the Father Almighty, and all things belong to God.
But many church groups are run by men and women who want "tax exempt donations." They are greedy. You can see some of them at times on their fancy stages in their gigantic church buildings dressed in their fancy suits of clothes and fancy dresses, attired further in jewellery to reflect all those expensive studio lights into all those expensive studio cameras, on their expensive broadcast television "services" sponsored by all their favourite brands of abominations, pharmaceutical poisons, and automotive insanity from the anti-competitive cartel of automotive giants. There might even be a few Getty-family related ads for Getty images or whatever brands Gulf oil has become since the Texaco thing. Well, you can watch those shows, or listen to them on the radio, or stream them from your device, if you wish. There are some references to the words of Jesus, so you might find them edifying, if you can curb your regurgitation reflex at watching all the wealth and glamour on display.
You will find that if you have a 501c3 organisation you have reporting requirements. You will also find that the IRS will send around people to watch your sermons. You may be reported for all kinds of offences against the state if you speak against war, against theft, against the military, against the draft, or against the compulsory vaxxajabs. So you may find your house of worship is closed by order of the state in defiance of the admonition in the first amendment that they not prohibit the free exercise of religion. You may find your worship centre closed by order of the people running the place in 2020, for example, because they are afraid of some cold illness making the rounds.
I was certainly surprised when the Dayton meeting of the religious society of friends closed their meeting house in the third month of 2020 on orders from the tyranny masquerading as government. I found their actions faithless. When I edged around this topic with the clerk of the meeting, she told me that she thought it was more important to be charitable to their elderly members. I disagreed, and, after praying on the matter, resigned my position as treasurer a short time later.
Nor can I give any sort of blanket assurance about the hierarchies that have formed in the religious society of friends. There are many ardent communists amongst them. They seem to fervently believe that through theft (taxes) and redistribution (welfare and health benefits) they can make a world of goodness. I believe that the act of theft, of making the contributions compulsory, taints the results. Also, the district of corruption (DC) has proven itself eager to feather the nests of politicians and senior bureau rats. Meanwhile there are people starving in North Carolina from the aftermath of the hurricane that struck there. The Biden family and the matrons of DC will be celebrating in warm happy homes while men, women, and children starve and freeze in Appalachistan.
"On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" ~ Matthew 7:21-23
Many hypocrites run "charities" and claim to represent some body of believers of the church founded by Jesus Christ. It would be a mistake to take them seriously. They are not sincere. They want the money to flow through them so they can rake off a bunch of it. They want to limit what parts of Scripture they teach so they don't lose their 501c3 status. They want their parishioners to go off to war for the state, to be murdered by the military in training or in combat, and they want to enslave those who disagree with them.
There are entire church groups, such as the Jesuits, founded by and defiled by the freemasons. Communism and the "Vril" worshipping nationalist socialists are both Gnostic heresies, funded from their foundation by freemasons. Most of the "new world order" of arch-freemason and Skull and Bonesman George Herbert Walker Bush, including all of the "United Nations" is freemason orchestrated. They want to smash the world with bludgeons, murder seven billion persons, and enslave the survivors.
Most of all, many of these non-profit, non-governmental, and quasi-governmental organisations want to obliterate Christendom. They hate the beautiful things created by people who are believers. So they have defiled the mass, made it over into an abomination that is not pleasing to God, have burnt churches and cathedrals, occasionally remake those in defiled ways, and do much evil.
Today we see them throwing paint and soup on priceless works of art because they want everyone not only to fear that temperatures may rise a bit in Summer weather, but also want everyone to fear that they have minions who are sufficiently insane to destroy things and glue themselves to pavement. The aristocrats want to have lots of crime in your neighbourhood because they live in gated communities. They don't want you to thrive nor even survive.
It doesn't have to be this way. God loves you and wants you to be free. God didn't create all the confusion of sects nor all the evil of the freemasons, communists, and aristocrats. People who have chosen to destroy Christendom have done much evil.
Thus you have the same choice that was given by Joshua long ago and is found in the book of the Bible that bears his name. Choose ye this day who ye will serve.
As for me and my family, we serve the Lord our God. Praise God. Amen.
That's all I've got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Father bless & keep you.
Hi Jim wow I stand with you and have a heart for Father God as you do and I detest these wicked churches that use Christ and Father for monetary gain. Blessings and Peace to thou and thy family always!!