“That form which we have substituted, restores the free right to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion. All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favoured few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God. These are grounds of hope for others. for ourselves, let the annual return of this day forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them.”
~ Thomas Jefferson, epistle to Roger Weightman, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Independence Day, Anno Domini 1826
For some years I have been reading from the essays and current events editorials of
and the various free marketeers of Lew Rockwell’s eponymous web site. Near the beginning of the scamdemic it became clear that, as Margaret Anna Alice has said, “mistakes were not made.” Rather than a meaningfully dangerous flu, mankind was faced with the sudden onset of an ubiquitous plague of tyranny. Where did it come from, and from which other diseases is it symptomatic, all this tyranny suddenly come to the fore, emerging in some places from the shadows, in other places simply being ramped up, yet again, to hurt more people more deeply?Brexit stumps
In the early Summer of 2016 there was a vote in the United Kingdom, as the pretentious aristocracy of England call their subjugation of Wales, Scotland, and parts of Ireland. In that vote roughly 52% of the counted votes were in favour of Britain leaving the evil, insidious, nasty, bureau rat infested European Union. This vote went against a huge amount of lobbying by members of the royal family acting through intermediaries, by various aristocrat funded groups, by so-called journalists of the “phoned in regurgitation of press releases” variety, by the official public media of the UK acting in various ways to attempt to put the tyranny masquerading as government’s thumb on the scale, and by various learned and supposedly “elite” but actually used up effete personalities.
Well, it was horrifying to those in power. How could people want to leave a union of all the European states subjugated by the massive economic powerhouse of Germany and the artful imperial ambitions of France? How could ordinary Britons ever be trusted again with the possibility of referendum and initiative if they were going to ruin the hegemony of Buckingham palace, take away the opportunity for nephews, nieces, and ugly cousins of English aristocrats to be handed Brussels-based offices, sinecures, and time wasting “jobs,” and forcing English, Scots, and Welsh shopkeepers to endure an endless variety of ever more unpleasant “regulations” out of the sphincters of the wealthy parasites of the European commissions on this, that, and the other? So tedious. Clearly they needed to be taught a lesson.
Of course, the “Tories” were all in for punishing the people. The Tories have pretended to privatise an endless variety of public resources to hurt as much as possible all the users of those resources. They have made the rail systems that were nationalised under Labour beginning around a hundred years ago even worse under so-called privatisation but in fact gooferment-granted monopolisation. As
has pointed out in her essays, many of the things needed by ordinary people are now mismanaged by horror shows of corruption and iniquity, including things like clean drinking water.So Brexit hasn’t actually been implemented by the various inept and hateful “conservative” prime ministers and their insufferably useless and aggravating ministries. Of course, the formal withdrawal from the EU happened in 2020, but the methods involved in making that withdrawal as painful and lengthy as possible, with negotiations setting new “deadlines” again and again, and with intervening parliamentary elections in 2017 and 2019 to try to curb the enthusiasm of the people for this important test of national sovereignty, so that what has actually occurred is that most of the independence has been negotiated away, the people have been thwarted in their aims, and the popular measure has been downgraded to yet another corruptly mismanaged grift. Malfeasance is everywhere.
British aristocrats are welcome to remark in the comments here below so we can all be “properly” informed by our so-called “betters” who are among the most disgusting, venal, craven, and irritating of the aristocracy that purports to rule the world. Usurpers are disgusting and evil.
People chose Trump?
One of the things that I wrote about at the time regarding the vote counting tabulations (which I am very carefully refusing to call in any way an accurate reflection of the actual votes) of 2016 was the fact that somewhere around 115 million Americans who were qualified to vote did not choose to do so. Far and away the most “electoral” votes would have been won by “none of these candidates” if not voting in the general election were included in the tally of who gets the electoral votes for each state. Of course, the fact that people had withdrawn their consent to be governed, that more than 59% of the total population was either prevented from voting by not being “old enough” or refused to vote, is not regarded as even slightly important to the effete Eastern establishment lawyers, doctors, professional procurers, and scumbag parasites who hate humanity, decency, and common sense.
Even if I were ever to agree that persons working for pay aged 16 and 17 and having income taxes withheld were not entitled to representation in those august assemblies that purport to represent the people, or that persons under 18 generally are less capable of self-determination than, say, confused elderly voters or persons of less than normal intelligence, it is still the case that of the adult population in 2016, as much as 47% chose not to vote. About half the country hates the political system, saw nothing good in either shrill Hillary or Donald or any of the alternative candidates from the minor parties which are required by law to fight for ballot access every two years. But the aristocracy hates the people of every country where they claim power.
So, no, I’m not expecting states to generally recognise the legitimate fact that none of the candidates represent even a plurality of the total voting age public, or ever will. Representation should mean “agency” which is a legal term referring to a contract that allows one person or law firm to represent the interests of another person or persons. No such agency is legal in the United States. It is against the law in every state to buy representation through a contract, and it is also against feral law to buy representation in congress through an enforceable contract. Which doesn’t mean it isn’t commonplace, of course.
You don’t think Alexandria Ocasio Cortez the broke bartender became worth $24 million through careful saving of her $155K annual congressional salary, do you? You don’t think evil, violent, ugly, prisoner torture enthusiast Nancy Pelosi became worth more than $80 million because she isn’t selling her soul, her votes on public laws, and her “influence” do you? Career politicians in America are evil, nasty, despicable, hateful, hurtful, and mean. They should be ostracised by everyone, never treated decently in any regard, and not allowed to shop, eat, or drink in private shops and restaurants. They should be treated as pariahs. But, behold, the culture in the district of corruption (DC) is all about kowtowing to these vermin and holding galas and fetes and cocktail parties in their honour. The matrons who run the “noble” houses of Marlyand and Virginia know exactly what kind of filth is involved, are often hostesses for the actual bedrooms where the children are raped, tortured, and cannibalised, and are ugly, hateful, and sick. They too should never be treated as good by other worthy persons, unless they should repent and make an effort to pay compensation to their many victims.
Alliance für Deutschland
In his most recent published essay, the very excellent eugyppius has written about the situation in Thüringen. I link it here, which is a rare treat for those who find my essays needing more links to other sources of confirming information, because I believe you should read eugyppius as often as possible. Moreover, although I myself am not willing to provide “Stripe” with any payment information and, therefore, don’t subscribe to any ‘stacks at present, and although I discourage people from giving their banking information to “Stripe” to receive funds, I do make unqualified and uncompensated recommendations of many ‘stacks which you can find, I gather, from my profile page under “recommendations.” Let me further note here that if you were to subscribe to eugyppius, or Margaret Anna Alice, or Frances Leader, or NBTV, or Doug Casey’s Take, I think you would get very good value for your money. ymmv
Well, please take a few minutes and read over the words of eugyppius. I don’t think I need to quote them for you. Best you should get the flavour of a healthy journalist’s views of a terribly unpleasant situation in a province in Germany. I believe the sense of it is that the people who have political power would rather form a government and engage a former Stasi officer to repress and hurt the people who live in the province rather than work with the party that represents a plurality (though not a majority) of the voters. The Alliance für Deutschland has more seats in the parliament in Thüringia than any other party, so they better represent the views and interests of more people. But, as I understand these matters from reading what CJ Hopkins, eugyppius, and a handful of other authors with direct experiences in Germany, the other parties are so contemptuous of the people generally that they absolutely refuse to form a coalition government to work with the chosen representatives of the most popular party there.
I attribute this sort of behaviour to symptoms of the disease of the aristocrats that infest Europe, the District of Corruption, and many other places. I call it “aristocrat disease” and it is a sort of philosophical and political gout, a particular affliction of the wealthy and inane. It is a disease that is very prevalent among communist governing groups. In Germany, the Stasi were the secret police, the enforcers of political alignment, and were often brutal in their tactics. Ever having served as an officer in the Stasi should, in my estimation, be roughly as anathema as ever serving in the Waffen SS.
But, the noteworthy essay linked above indicates that the former Stasi officer in question was a member of some training brigade for youthful Stasi-destined up and comers named after Feliks Dzierzynski (whose name can be butchered in Latin characters anyway you like because he wrote it out in Cyrillic). Now, who was this fellow Dzierzynski? Why none other than the head of the Cheka and the OGPU in the 1918 to 1926 period in the Soviet Union. A butcher, a torturer, a mass murderer, who did horribly unspeakable things to men, women, children, the elderly, and anyone else upon whom he could get his claws.
The communist old guard in the Soviet Union would speak about the “natural hierarchy” and make other excuses for the communist party dachas and palaces around the Black Sea and elsewhere being used for the exclusive parties, celebrations, and shindigs of the party upper crust. Far from dissolving “class” differences, the Soviets created a hierarchy and established a new aristocracy to replace the people they had butchered, mutilated, and exiled from the Tsarist regime.
Please don’t confuse me as favouring in any way the traditional gooferment of the Tsar. The tsars were claiming monarchical power and usurping the title thereof. They could, at best, serve as stewards of the one true king of all mankind, Jesus Christ. But humility wasn’t their strong suit. Humiliating other people, enslaving serfs, and being arrogant and mean-spirited were the things they are most notable for, and so their elimination is not really a matter of any mourning on my part. The elimination of peasant farmers and the ensuing mass starvations and the genocides of various ethnic and class populations as documented by my friend the late RJ Rummel and others is a matter for which I have continuing sadness.
One of my friends from the Houston Space Society core cadre, David Mayer, said in 1991 that it was foolish to expect that the Russians, who had been brutal to one another under the Tsars, even more brutal to one another under the Soviets, would suddenly be filled with goodness and light in the post-Soviet era. I concur with various aspects of this sentiment.
As if to further complete the picture, we can travel a bit further east to the country which calls itself România. Rather than offer links, which I don’t think is healthy for you, I shall simply summarise parts of the story as I have come to understand it. I think my source for much of this news is the actual journalism found in the writings and publication of Tyler Durden of Zerohedge fame. Tyler stands in sharp contrast as an editor, publisher, and author to those aforementioned BBC, CNN, NBC, and ABC types who are from the phoned-in press release regurgitation school of faux journalism.
Călin Georgescu is widely called by the hoax stream media a 'far-right' politician. That term seems to mean that he is against some or all of the agenda of Soros and other communist sympathetic nouveau riche, is against unlimited immigration to wipe out native European populations, and is in fact popular with the people of România. Georgescu came out on top in a first round of voting. This fact so upsets the aristocrats in various parts of Europe and the district of corruption that not only have his political opponents claimed Russian election interference, hearkening back to the old chestnut of evil pervert Hillary, but also have gotten the constitutional court there to annul the election outcome.
What is their evidence? Apparently thousands of individuals who have TikTok, Telegram, and other social media accounts have been in favour of Georgescu and wanted him elected. Rather than interpreting these posts as organic or rhizomatic in any way, the evil aristocrats have demanded of their hoax stream media in various countries to report that it is all Russian sourced. Evidence of actual Russian interference is mostly lies and deceit, just as it was with the horrendous “Steele” dossier and related deep state interference in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections.
Again, I should not wish to seem overly enthusiastic about election outcomes. As I wrote in “Those who withdrew” I don’t believe the votes are accurately counted. Nor, indeed, do I believe that the reports of population figures are even slightly accurate, given that they come from the same people who are known to miscount ballots in various comprehensive ways. But it is sort of epic, or as John Adams might choose to write, “epocha,” that the actual constitutional court in România has the temerity to annul the actual election results because the people favoured the “wrong” politician. I suspect this sort of behaviour will embolden constitutional courts in other European countries to the dismay of those who want popular elections to change outcomes.
Emma Goldman, a radical anarchist American, once said that if voting were going to change anything, they would make it illegal. Well, friends, you live in the days of the fulfilment of that particular quip. She also said that “if you won’t let me dance, I don’t want to be a part of your revolution” just to keep things salty.
Popular culture
As often in these matters, it is worse than you might think. The ugliness of the self-styled aristocracy is not limited to the parasites of politics and the parasitical nature of all bureau rats. It includes many people, and for many decades, in Hollywood, on Broadway, in London, and in whatever back alleys they get together to make popular films in other parts of the world. (Yes, that was a slam against the Hollywood studios and other hoax stream companies, equating them to back alley abortionists, pimps, and drug dealers.)
Take for example, the original film from 1968 “The Thomas Crown Affair” starring Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway. It is a film about a self-made multi-millionaire who decides to take on the banks in his city. He robs them. Unlike many other rich people who rob banks by joining their boards of directors, lending to themselves, bankrupting the bank, taking the deposits of the bank from the poor depositors and otherwise being evil, Thomas Crown chooses to hire actual gangsters to knock over a big bank when it happens to be known to have a lot of cash on hand. He then spirits these funds to Switzerland where he puts them on deposit. At one point, as the insurance investigator played by Dunaway is closing in on certainty that he orchestrated the commission of the crime, he says to her, “It’s me against the system, baby. And I have to know if you are with me or against me.” The film ends with Dunaway betraying him to the police, McQueen anticipating this matter leaving her with a used Rolls Royce and a message from a courier, and we see him jetting away overseas somewhere to, presumably, take up a new identity and continue his crusade against evil.
The film was remade in 1999. The new stars chosen were Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. I shall not sully this essay with comparisons of the various talents in the two assemblies of cast and crew. I will say that the re-write took a film that stands to this day as a clarion call for upsetting the aristocracy in their own milieu and replaced it with sentimental nonsense about a rich guy who courts an insurance investigator by tricking gangsters from eastern Europe into helping him pose as an art thief. Rather than being against the system, the revised Thomas Crown’s only meaningful virtue is loyalty to a friend who is imprisoned for art forgeries whose daughter Crown cares for and helps provide an education. Of course it ends with Russo in Brosnan’s lap on a first class flight to some upscale destination where they will both consume expensive wines, burn expensive artworks (or prints thereof), and generally dance on the backs of the poor. It is an ugly film.
Kathleen Kennedy is an ugly woman by which I refer to her character, not her facial characteristics. She might be made up and adorable in presentation to those who don’t see past the veneer, but she hates actively all the fan base of the Star Wars film franchise and has set about deliberately hiring hostile women screenwriters, directors, and producers to eviscerate the Star Wars legacy of lore and tradition. Why? I believe it is because she wants to punish people who disagree with her politically. She wants to force upon the rank and file Star Wars fan communities a kind of butchery of the things they admire. Just looking at what was done to Luke Skywalker in his most recent film appearances, I cannot see the point. Certainly the profits from this strategy of scorched earth have been elusive.
Very much the same is being done by the arrogant Jeff Bezos and his coterie of woke communists in “Rings of Power” which slaughters all the traditions of JRR Tolkien and defecates on his legacy. Rings of Power is a terrible show that tries to pretend that orcs are not abominations created by evil wizards and have wives and children and suffer even slightly in their rampaging against the decent peoples of Middle Earth. Rings of Power’s screenwriters hate Tolkien, hate Christianity, and hate his ideas, and their awful ideas permeate the show in every episode. It is a spiritual cancer.
The Marvel Universe has also been destroyed, deliberately, by its current owners and operators in order to hurt, as much as possible the people who liked the superhero comics they read growing up. All white male characters are turned into sissies, all female characters are arrogant and senseless, all the story lines are junk, because the woke communist screenwriters hate humanity and want to enslave mankind for the sake of their freemason masters. I think much the same has been done to the DC comics characters, but I never much liked the silver age comics of Wonder Woman so I avoid the current films. I will also say that I don’t visit the cinema, since 2018, because it is just too dreadful.
Warhammer AD 40 000 is another example, although the fan community has been doing a good job of fighting back against the evil, hateful, incestuous, woke, sissy, ugly, mean-spirited, and homosexual community of writers and game designers who want to destroy the lore and legacy of yet another thing loved by some millions of fans. Again, why? Entirely to punish them for liking something that tries to represent traditional values, that celebrates Christianity, that seeks to promote the ideal of following the teachings of Jesus, sharing the Gospels with all souls across the galaxy and to the furthest stars in every direction. Happily, the fans are seeing some success in pushing back against this woke tide of evil.
If you want to understand who the aristocrats actually are, I again suggest you look for a video of the stand up stylings of Gilbert Gottfried in which he tells the ever popular story of “The Aristocrats.” This family goes into a talent agent’s office, perform a long series of routines, and the talent agent asks them what they call their act, to which the dad replies, “We call it The Aristocrats.” If you don’t find it amusing, but rather disgusting, you may at least find it edifying. The things Gottfried describes are consistent with the actual private behaviours in their homes, lairs, and basement torture chambers of a great many well known aristocratic families. Not all of them? Let them invite the communities of men and women to come see for themselves whether there are hidden chambers where they engage in disgusting acts of evil.
The Cure
Is treatment possible? No. Long term treatment of those infected with aristocrat disease is ineffective at bringing about a cure. Those infected remain insufferable. Through rape, torture, brutality, and the occasional sacrifice of their living children to demons and idols, they infect others. Through military contracts and war profits, they entice the up and coming newly wealthy in order to infect and corrupt them.
Nor is there a comic book solution in the ideas of Ra's al Ghul. You may have a sense of his intentions in the 2012 film “Dark Knight Rising.” In order to understand the character, originally inked in 1971 for DC comix, you need to understand what the words mean in Arabic. “Ras al ghūl” is “head of the ghoul” or “head of the demon.” The plan put forth by the character and implemented in the midst of the film’s arc of tension is the destruction of Gotham city’s high society by making everyone in the city suffer a great deal all the time, then blow the place up with a nuclear weapon, so that on the ashes there might be a nicer, more just, and better world.
Certainly there is room in the world for assassins, whether in a league or not, to do much to eliminate certain sources of iniquity. But we have seen, time and again, for thousands of years (for two hundred thousand years, in fact) that, like the fictional “Hydra” of the Marvel universe, you chop off one head and two more arise to take its place. I would at this time like to quote author
of the Chasing Ghosts podcast and ‘stack, who has said that it is impossible to eliminate cannibalism by eating all the cannibals. When you think about it, you can see it is true. Of course, all you do is spread prion related dysfunction.One of the more noticeable victims of prion dysfunction is Hillary. Her acceptance at the 2016 demonrat nationalist socialist convention was interesting in how many of the symptoms of mad cow disease she displayed. The cannibalistic fervour she displays in the Frazzle Drip (file name chosen by Anthony Wiener) video from an earlier and even more hellish laptop lately memory holed is disgusting.
So if one cannot kill enough of them to make a dent in the problem, and one cannot treat them or even treat with them to form some sort of cordon sanitaire around their evil, what are we to do? I think the answers are found in the Gospels.
First, hear the words of Jesus and second, do them. Doing so allows you to build on a solid foundation. Great things have been built by believers, including enormous cathedrals, beautiful stained glass art, very wonderful Renaissance paintings, and many scientific laboratories. Many great works of writing, of art, of architecture, and of knowledge have been assembled starting from the solid foundation of the truth. Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way.
Jesus cast out demons. It is possible to send back to their evil realm the demons that have been able to get into our part of the worldly realm. You can learn how to cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ, you can be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit, and you can learn the Vade Retro Satana in Latin and in other languages that was used so effectively by Saint Benedict. You can learn to pray the rosary to protect yourself and your family from evil. I say these things as a member of the religious society of the friends of Jesus, the people known as Quakers. I am one of the Quakers who prays the rosary.
You might want to look into how Quakers relate to people they view as evil. They take themselves away and touch not the unclean thing, as written in the epistles of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. They ostracise anyone who has done evil and refuses to repent. They bring sinners to repentance.
Aristocrats might include one or two individuals who are not terrible persons. But they associate with terrible persons and are thereby subject to corruption. Perhaps they have the spine to avoid becoming evil. But then, time is long and their fortitude may not last.
For those who want to be cured of aristocrat disease, the answer is simple. Repent, turn to God, seek forgiveness. Atone for your sins by compensating your victims. Better to give away all your wealth than to spend eternity in damnation. For who should want to gain the world at the cost of their own soul? Jesus asks this question again and again. Sometimes the answer is, “not me” and there is an opportunity for salvation.
Unfortunately there are many in various aristocratic families who think they are booted and spurred to ride the rest of mankind. None of them is able to actually, definitively, claim power over everyone else, and you see the aristocrats disputing amongst one another all the time. There is no question that some of them really hate the others. But they are of one mind in their contempt for everyone else. They think they should rule as emperors and dukes and duchesses, and they are usurpers every one. They don’t agree as to which of them, even within a given family like Saxe Coburg Gotha, should have primacy. But you, peasant, should shut up, be forced to wear a masque in public, never speak without the permission of a superior, never be armed, always give up the foot path to others, and kneel in the gutter until they are past. Not because you are any worse, but because they are arrogant and disgusting.
God did not make any humans to be better than others. God loves each of us. God is watching. A reckoning comes.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
The mere mention of the Adrenochrome Haiti trafficker hillary turns my stomach. Its poetic justice that the "brain" and face are diseased, as well as most of hollowood and media. All roads of evil lead to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion! The Rockefeller
covenant is a 3 page consised version, available online.
Look into WHY it may be ( lame excuses ) that your time is wasted at airports while the 4th amendment is routinely violated by delusional hacks who think they are preventing "terrorism" . . . These agents wield "authority" in a totally ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL manner, they are nobodies master. Do your own research and dethrone the impostors.