Brilliant analysis! ❤️

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Thank you. God bless you. Amen.

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Like most, I was drawn to the idea of choosing the red pill and its association with being awake. But, since late 2020, I have interpreted the red pill vs. blue pill choice differently. I now see it as a representation of the false binary choices we are always induced to take.

Binary choices are designed to divide us from each other and to separate us from our own higher consciousness; what I suspect you'd think of as God. Republican/democrat. Racist/Antiracist. With us/against us, vaxxed/Vaccine Denier, etc. etc.

The red pill for me is as false now as the blue pill always was. There is always a third option, but it isn't served up to you by the system. That third path is uncertain and made nearly invisible in the light of the binary choices. The third path is the path I endeavor to take.

Sometimes, that third choice is clear to me. Sometimes there is no clear third way. When that happens, I remind myself that doing nothing is okay. I wait until clarity comes knowing that any binary choice set before me is an attempt to induce me into a fraud I want no part of.

Excellent post, as always @jim

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Thank you Matthew. I propose an even more numerically challenging concept: infinite choices. Each one of us has a path to follow. Many many paths lead to great results. By their fruit shall ye know them.

I have met many good people in many places on four continents and from the other continents as well. Most of the people I have met want good friends, good opportunities, a family of aspiring children, a future without wars or poverty or slavery. We are a market seeking species. We seek trade and commerce which brings us innovations and opportunities.

As I see the metaphor of the Morpheus Proposal, the pills represent two paths in the moment they were offered: go back to sleep or see in a new way. Since 2009 there is an orange pill for people who see the opportunity of Bitcoin, a thousand other currency choices of recent invention (NEAR and ZCASH have exceptional promise; DOGE has Venetian blinds), and the DeFi defiance of regulations. There is a black pill for nihilists who see only heartache and pain, white pills for people who see much for which to hope, and I think a whole pharmacology is growing.

I get your thought of a false dichotomy. That's why I like Neo's proposal in the film best of the choices offered. At the end of the film, death has been defeated and love is triumphant. No boundaries, no limits.

The way into the galaxy (the way of the Milky Way) is open to everyone who is willing to love one another. And the challenge Giordano Bruno made still stands: out there beyond Earth are stars with planets around them on which live beings who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ and who speak languages into which the gospels have not been translated. Out there is an infinite number of directions for trillions and quadrillions of humans to go and seek and find.

Paths beyond count.

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One further thought. In late 1989 I started working for Walt Anderson at Microsatellite Launch Systems. One of Walt's protégés was a guy named Peter, not a very good person in my experience. But he had a clever saying. "When faced with a choice take both." I have modified this to extend on the concept a bit: When faced with a choice take all the options.

There are many false dichotomies in the world. None of them are mine. 😎

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