"Separation of church and state." was a letter to the Danbury Baptists. Massachusetts had a state religion up until either late 1800's or early 1900' for example. The intent is to protect religion from the state, not the other way around.

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Indeed. And by not only allowing but actively encouraging and supporting the communistic Satanic group to have a display at Christmas time in a direct attack on Christianity, the evil state of Iowa has chosen to align itself against God. Blasphemy and attacks on God are not protected speech under repeated case precedent in the courts. But Iowa is run by woke af mfs who hate humanity and want to enslave mankind, so of course they are against God and for the spiritual wickedness that they actively promote. Nothing the governor of Iowa says can be misunderstood in this regard. There is no organised effort by the state to oppose this counter-demonstration, so the government of Iowa is against Jesus, the Nativity, and God. Perhaps it is a time for the people of Iowa to change things. Meanwhile Mr. Cassidy is not guilty of a crime because he was exercising his freedom of religion to oppose evil, which Christians are obligated to do. God will be watching this matter, as God watches over all things. Praise God. Amen.

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