Yes sir,

Was not aware of many of the details in this long line you wrote about.

But have had a general idea of it.

You did fill in many gaps.

Most of my issues with churches over the years have been about this one thing.

Jesus started a Government.

Just as much a Kingdom as any other.

France, England ,where ever.

Kingdoms are locatable and actual not just off in the future clouds.

In the beginning They were kicked out of the Roman and Jewish temples/ government offices where they got their needs met.

The problem with mans governments is they can only operate by force.

Jesus told us not to be like the governments of the world run by men who call them selfs benefactors.

Is this because they give benefits away? benefit factors?

Don't know but they ay Jesus and His ministers worked was faith hope and charity or love.

They did not Murder him for singing songs or hearing "messages "on Sunday.

No they murdered him because He walked into the Temple/ government office and fired them.

He appointed His own ministers .

It looks like the enemy came in like a flood at this fledgling new Government.

The enemy seeks to kill and destroy it.

But the enemy is also lacking wisdom in that He does not believe He is defeated.

One thing about God's Eternal life is , well just that, it is eternal, can not be destroyed not even by death( the last enemy).

It is still here and growing , the light IS shining in the darkness and the darkness will not accept it nor can it because dark does not understand light.

Thy Kingdom keep coming .

Thy will continue to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

We are a club too Brother and they ain't in it.

Difference is we bar no one entry to His Kingdom, IF , you come in by the Door.

Jesus is the door.

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Amen, Amen!

Also, there is a passage that always struck me, about a free people. Weather they became complacent or lazy or envious of all the shiny goods other kingdoms had, people begged for a king. Is this in the book of Soloman? They wanted a king to tell them what to do. So God granted it after some time. We were meant to be free. God preferred we are free. That entails some work, but so much more rewarding. Thanks be to God! Alleluia!

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That would be in the book of Samuel, chapter 8. In verse 7 God explains to Samuel that it is not Samuel the people have rejected, but God. I quote from it extensively here:


You were indeed meant by God to be free and sovereign and independent. A taste of that is conveyed in the Declaration of Independence in which the authors and signers assert that they are choosing to "assume among the powers of the earth the equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them," and for a short while, they did. But the revolution was betrayed by the constitution, and here we are.

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