Wow! A lot of truths in this essay.

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Epic post! Thanks for the shout out! Enjoyed this read. Especially the part about your French ancestors. Great ideas too. ❤️💕

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You're welcome! I also have a story from a family who were living in Germany in 1933 and chose to get out well before Kristallnacht. For various reasons they were allowed to drive to Zurich. But at the border crossing, everything from the money in their pockets to the rings on their fingers and the paintings in the limousine boot were taken. They escaped with their lives, though.

When they got to Zurich, the dad checked the family into the hotel where they had reservations. Then he and the chauffeur took that limo into town. Out of the boot he brought the toolbox into a very upscale jewellery maker's shoppe. He had planned for this day by having a friend in Hanover make moulds of all the wrenches. Every single one was made of pure platinum, then greased up and wrapped together in a greasy rag. It was just a bunch of tools even on close inspection. But all of the family's wealth was wrapped up in that toolbox. They took their money out under the very noses of the Nazi guards.

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How completely awesome! Great story!

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Thanks! People need to remember the little victories.

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I feel that I should reiterate my instructions: send no money now. If you are interested in a freedom guards academy for your area or an area of which you are aware, please let me know. More news to follow.

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Listened to it on the Substack app. I have to like anything that links to Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin' " . . . I included the same link to the song in my most recent article . . . coincidence? 😅

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Perhaps the times are, again, changing. Still.

As is tradition.

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