“In the Lower East Side of New York City, he noted, 500 physicians catered to Jewish societies alone. Among blacks in New Orleans there were over 600 fraternal societies with lodge practice during the 1920s.” ~ David Beito, Lodge Doctors and the Poor, Anno Domini 2010
If you go back to roughly 1890 in the American West you find groups like Woodmen of the World, and various totemic fraternal societies of lions, eagles, kiwanis, bears, rotaries, and other clubs. Members of these lodges engaged in various strange rituals, often did unspeakable things like pledging their allegiance to a flag, would sing “America the Beautiful” and other patriotic songs, and met weekly or monthly to have rubber chicken at a hotel meeting hall or in other places. Most of these rituals were intended to be harmless, though of course pledging allegiance to a flag or to a republic is ungodly, disorderly, and evil.
Mutual aid
The intention of many local groups has been to provide a mutual aid and assistance outfit for the betterment of the local community. My dad was a member of the “Kiwanis” club in our home town where he taught nuclear physics at the university. To be fair, he travelled widely as a sort of one man nuclear proliferation operation, teaching nuclear physics in Brazil, Norway, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, and a number of other places.
The Kiwanis club, as it is known, takes its name from “nunc kee wanis” which is allegedly a Native American phrase from the Detroit region which was translated as “we trade.” The “supreme lodge benevolent order of brothers” took up the name some time after they were founded around 1915. My dad’s involvement began sometime in the late 1960s and included helping to identify suitable scholarship students for their benevolence.
Over the last fifteen years, I have written a large number of essays about “state busting” and “sovereign mutual aid response team (SMART)” projects that would, if they were pursued enthusiastically, provide alternatives to the poorly operated bureau rat systems of the gooferment. Among other very interesting projects, I worked briefly with some of the progenitors of the “Cell 411” dev team which was meant to offer an useful alternative to calling 911 which would alert friends and family by text to any emergency one was having, sending out GPS data as appropriate if enabled. It turns out to be one of those “trickier than it sounds” projects.
The state hates mutual aid about as much as it hates unstructured private charity. So it does a lot of things to harrass, intimidate, arrest, falsely accuse, and hurt people involved in such endeavours. I may undertake to write some books on these matters, since I have gone to great lengths, driven and flown vast distances, and met with many such men and women on four continents.
Lodge practice medicine
One of the topics that came up when I was writing about mutual aid was the history from a hundred years earlier of lodge practice medicine. Some of the most numerous lodge groups, such as the Foresters (who claim descent from the traditions of Robin Hood whose visage graces the top of this essay - he stole from tax collectors and gave back their stolen wealth to the people) and Eagles, had many doctors working for them for the purpose of providing health care services to the members of their lodges.
To be clear, there is an aristocracy within the medical profession that hates, by turns, nurses, patients, freedom, competition, and alternatives. They get together in a cartel that operates in restraint of trade, which has been proven in supreme court cases to be such a cartel. They go by various names, but “the American Medical Association” and “AMA” are among them. These are horrifyingly ugly, demented, weak, and intemperate men and women who seek state protection through licensing, who use licence boards to attack their fellow doctors, and who pushed the vaxxajab mandates very very hard, to the point of de-certifying board certified physicians who spoke up even briefly about alternatives. The AMA is an evil group of terribly nasty persons whose machinations against freedom should be legendary. They deserve to be destroyed, to have their wealth seized for distribution to their many millions of victims, to have their edifices torn down, and to have their reputations kept firmly in the swampy vermin-infested mud where they belong.
The AMA claims to have been founded in 1847 for the purpose of advancing medicine and training therein. They actively support the mutilation of children and young adults in the guise of “transgender care.” They actively support the poisoning through vaxxajabs of all people everywhere. They are heinous, evil, and bad. Nothing about them should continue, they should cease to exist, and their membership should be punished for their many crimes against humanity. These are, of course, opinions of mine, therefore supposedly “allowable” under the various laws regarding which persons you are allowed to speak truthfully about. Happily, I have zero assets in the event that those in power deem it wise to promote my work with lawsuits to attempt to silence me.
Among their other terrible policies, members of the AMA are against allowing open competition among medical schools to educate as many new doctors in practice as the country really needs. Estimates vary but about 350,000 new doctors are needed every year, and the AMA severely restricts access to medical school positions to keep the new doctors at around 105,000 a year or fewer.
(Oh, are you new here? Yeah, you get to go do your own research. I’m not here to offer links which will expire and eventually lead to sites promoting all manner of unseemly behaviours. Nor am I in the least inclined to help you confirm or deny the things I write. You may think of these essays as a listing out of hypotheses and if you want to disprove them, by all means, feel free. Show your work, or not, as you see fit. It is an important part of the scientific method to falsify hypotheses. It isn’t actually possible to prove them except circumstantially and in limited cases.)
Chiropractors will tell you how the AMA conspired against chiropractic. Nutrition experts will often tell you how the AMA is against nutrition supplements and herbal medicines. So it should come as no surprise that it was the AMA which led the charge against lodge practice medicine.
Why? Because “filthy handed workmen would sit in judgement of doctors in hiring and performance reviewing them for their lodges” was one complaint. You can find others. Basically, the crisis in medicine a hundred years ago was that health care was inexpensive and widely available. A great many AMA members hated those facts, hated patients, hated freedom, and wanted to operate a cartel in restraint of trade, and did. So they had state licence agencies and state legislatures pass laws forbidding lodge practice medicine.
You can still find it at a few colleges and universities which provide as included with tuition and other student expenses a clinic for health matters. There was one at Columbia and there was one at Rice when I was a student at each campus. Rice’s was very nice, and not far from the medical centre where so much clever medical innovation is found. (I should like to mention that you could not join a fraternity or sorority at Rice when I was a student there because they had an honour code that opposed such groups. I found it refreshing.)
So, as a result of their many endeavours, with help from evil people in gooferment, the AMA and other groups have brought about the health care consolidation sought by the Bavarian Illuminati in their 1776 manifesto which the freemasons had their brother masons Karl and Friedrich write into the communist manifesto in 1848. You will find all the planks of the communist manifesto in the platforms of both Republican and Democrat parties, which is why you don’t see anything good come out of mainstream/hoax stream politics. The AMA wanted much higher prices for health care and they have gotten all they wanted and more.
If you get a sense from my writings that I think state and national legislatures are abominations that should be eliminated, then I am getting my work done. Legislators are all corrupt and evil, though some pretend to be for peace and freedom in order to highlight the work of the rest. Legislation is a terrible thing and you don’t need any of it. If you cannot come up with a set of laws that are those things which should be illegal, you are poorly led if your leaders want a permanent legislature to meet to force into existence new laws.
It was well said while I lived in Texas that, although the state legislature meets for five months every two years, it would be better if it were to meet every five years for two months. Better still to meet not at all. Taxation and regulation and legislation is theft. You should grow up and stop pretending that the state represents you. It doesn’t. The people in the legislature, like the people in the AMA, hate you, hate freedom, and want to subjugate you, steal from you, and hurt you as much as possible. It is unwise to trust filthy scoundrels. It is impossible to gain your freedom by voting in a different collection of scoundrels. You really ought to understand these things, by now, after over two hundred thirty five years of elections (since 1788 when they ended the articles of confederation and instituted the scam of the constitution).
State licences
When I tell you that you are being robbed, do you have any sense at all of how comprehensive the robbery is? State licences are now issued for you to do things that are properly your right at all times.
God put you here in this earthly realm. God created the fish and the game animals. The state did not. The people who hate you want you to buy a state licence to go fishing. Can you imagine how your forebears even a hundred years ago would react? Such disgusting cowardice on your part accepting a fishing licence, paying for going out into God’s creation to fish for food for your family. What is wrong with you?
How hard is it to dress as a game warden and fish without a licence? How hard is it to evade their minions? They have homes. They live at addresses. You don’t have to put up with tyranny from unjust men.
Robin Hood, according to legend, was outlaw because he shot one of “the king’s deer.” Well, it is a greater crime to prevent a man from feeding his family. But the state worshippers hate freedom, they hate families, and they would rather you starve to death than see you eat venison, ever.
You don’t need a licence to engage in plumbing, home contracting, home repairs, carpentry, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lawyering, doctoring, nursing, or any other activity. The licence does not make your car run any better. The licence is a form of theft. The licence fee is theft. Is this ubiquitous robbery what you actually plan to leave your children and grandchildren as your legacy? Srsly?!
The state has no authority to prevent you from practicing medicine. Its claim of such authority is usurpation. There has been a lot of usurpation for a long time, ever since the first European aristocrat {spit} called itself “king” in defiance of the one true king of all mankind, Jesus Christ. You need to stop putting up with it.
Big Pharma
There are many cartels operating in restraint of trade. One such is called “big pharma.” It involves a small number of companies that have multi-billion dollar revenue income statements. They allow a large number of innovative companies to exist to come up with and sometimes to partly test new poisons and new treatment protocols. Then they conspire with the food and drug administration of the feral gooferment to force the owners of those companies to sell the companies and the proprietary information they have developed to one of the big companies. So the big companies get bigger, the small companies are absorbed one at a time if they are doing something worth doing, costs go up, and everyone is more thoroughly poisoned every year.
One of those big companies is Pfizer. On information and belief, they had a lot of trouble about ten years ago and were very close to going bankrupt. Then there was a surprise event in Wuhan along with fabricated videos from the Chinese communist (freemason sponsored) party, and behold, there was a “global pandemic.” And guess who had a vaxxajab just a short time after finding out the alleged gene sequence of the pandemic illness? Pfizer. Oh, how the profits rolled in.
You probably wouldn’t be reading what I write if you weren’t quite jaundiced about the hoax stream media and the Democrat party. But some of y’all are big advocates for Trump and Vance (or, as our good friend
author Demi Pietchell recently began calling them, “Starsky and Hutch”) and you need to think that part over, friends. Because it was Trump who, despite sincere efforts on his part to point out alternatives such as hydroxychloroquine, authorised the emergency use exemptions from liability that protect big pharma.If you look at the person he has appointed to be his chief of staff, her connexions to big pharma are troubling in a big way. But hero worshippers are ever going to worship their hero and will no doubt tell me how I have it all wrong. I will mention one further point in this respect: Trump had access to Trump towers in various cities require proof of vaxxajab. I don’t think he is as good a person as you seem to think he is.
World death organisation
The reason the freemasons and their dupes the communists have wanted a global gooferment claiming to be a global “government” (but utterly lacking any method of even giving lip service to the consent of the governed) is because they want to kill seven billion people and enslave the rest. There are freemasons, usually of the lower degrees, who seem to pop up from time to time in my comments and on my notes feed who assert that it isn’t so. But the evidence is very much against them and in favour of the “Morgenthau group” which formed the club of Rome to forward globally the Morgenthau plan that was developed to slaughter 40% of the post-war German population through starvation and privation.
They have a lot of arrogance. Amongst their many conceits, they have an outfit, that an Ethiopian terrorist currently runs, which they call the “World Health Organisation.” It is, of course, a world death organisation, that lies about pandemics, demands the slaughter of livestock wherever it can get away with it, and promotes deadly vaxxajabs and other medical interventions for the purpose of hurting as many people as much as possible, unto death where they are able. You should stop listening to globalists and stop obeying their edicts. None of the things they demand has the force of law, and none of the “laws” made up by various legislatures are of any authority.
Generally speaking, the way forward is to refuse to comply. Refuse to obey. “Resolve to serve no more and you are at once free,” wrote Etienne de la Boetie about 500 years ago. His essay “On Voluntary Servitude” is a good one, and you should read it. Not very long, either.
Yes, there were Rockefellers involved in pushing the AMA, medical licence laws, and investing in big pharma. Yes, there are other names which are a who’s who of evil and perfidy. But, if you want to know who is responsible for enduring the high cost of health care in the 21st Century, you need look no further than a mirror.
You should grow up. You should adapt yourself to your chordate biology. Grow a spine. Make use of it. Have greater intestinal fortitude. Stop being weak.
God gave you free will. God gave you all of creation for your work. God sent His only son to purchase for you the rewards of eternal salvation. You are free to choose.
Now would be a good time to stand up on your hind legs and stop bowing down to the state. Now would be a good time to resolve to leave a legacy of peace, freedom, and prosperity to your posterity.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Increasing evidence that most illness and compromised immune systems are caused by poor quality gut microbiome, due to processed food and use of antibiotics. Intestinal fortitude indeed!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Godspeed! ♥️☀️☮️🌈🏁