“Punk was a protest against work and against boredom. It was a sign of life, a rant, a scream, a rejection of bourgeois morals. But have things improved since then? Arguably, they've got worse.” ~ Tom Hodgkinson, diligently professional idler, Anno Domini 2004, The Idle Art of Idleness
There was a time when people called the area where Christianity prevailed by the term Christendom. There was a time when that was basically coterminous with the continent of Europe. Now, I gather that lately the anti-European crowd wants to assert itself about whether Europe is an “according to Hoyle” continent or only a part of some vaster land mass such as the Eurasian or AfroEuroAsian supercontinent. I myself don’t have any interest in this matter, as geologists don’t deserve much attention unless they are evaluating a mining resource.
There was, of course, a time when people had no televisions nor any radios, didn’t much care for newspapers and magazines and all their foolish lies, and had playing cards. So they had a book of rules of divers card games. All the way back in 1742 a gent named Edmond Hoyle wrote a book Hoyle’s Games and gave in it what became regarded as the definitive rules for play. Thus, someone following the rules was playing “according to Hoyle” which has come to refer to any statement that is definitive or generaly accepted.
Thus, you find Jules and Vince discussing whether the miracle they experienced during the recovery of Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase in the film “Pulp Fiction” was an “according to Hoyle” miracle or not. Jules, of course, says that God got involved in sparing them from the many bullets out of the enormous hand cannon that one of the other side had with him in the bathroom. Jules refuses to have eyes and see not, have ears and hear not, so he understands that God wants him to live up to the words he has been misquoting from the Bible and be a finder of lost children. Vince scoffs at the notion and ends up dead at the hands of a pugilist who finds that Vince neglected to bring his own hand cannon into the bathroom while awaiting the return of said fellow.
Ye olde culture
It is not always easy for someone remote in time, space, or both, from the epicentre of a particular culture to say anything for certain about it. At another time in our contemporary history there was a concept that a film should have “redeeming social value” and there was a supreme court justice who was reviewing a number of films to establish whether they were or were not obscene. That appointed justice said that he didn’t have a handy definition but he knew it when he saw it. Thus culture is something you don’t necessarily have to define, as you can simply be involved in it, experience it, and know that it is out there.
How, then, can I tell you anything for sure about the culture that was current in, say, Christendom of 1742? Books, of course, convey to us a certain measure of understanding. We read the books that were read at that time, or that had survived from previous decades and centuries. We learn that people who were a part of Christendom generally knew quite a bit of Latin, some Greek, and were familiar with the books of the Holy Bible and the works of major Greek playwrights, Roman orators, and various poets down through the ages.
We also learn about what we call “memes” today that were cartoons and wood cuts published in popular literature at the time. Magazines and newspapers from that era have been digitised prior to completely succumbing to decay and the acidic paper used for much printing in days of yore.
We also have works of cinema, both our contemporary cinema and that of decades past. You can trace a considerable amount of change by looking at how “Robin Hood” is portrayed in various films, including animated films by Walt Disney’s team, and more recent, more thoroughly communist films made by others. Actual English aristocrats of the 13th Century would have been alarmed if Robin Locksley had been accompanied from the Holy Land by a swarthy complected Moorish fellow named Hazim. But they would also have been appalled by Kevin Costner’s feeble effort to intermittently speak modern English whilst depicting a character who certainly spoke Middle English, so it isn’t hard to see that not all films would receive ovations from the persons they attempt to portray.
Nonetheless, there used to be a concept of culture, of worship, of goodness, of decency, of wholesomeness. It used to be regarded as appropriate to say that some things are right and others are wrong. We used to have, in Christendom, a culture that venerated Jesus, his mother Mary, God the Father Almighty, and the Holy Spirit. It used to be considered at a minimum “bad form” to use profanity and obscenity in regard to matters like family, heritage, and God’s will.
Let us take a look at a few lists to see if we can get a better sense of what our culture has been. For example, it is bad to maliciously plot and commit murder. It is good to defend a woman against outrage at the hands of assailants. It is wrong to rape children. It is wrong to murder non-combatants. It is wrong to steal. It is malicious to trespass on someone else’s property for the purpose of damaging their things. Cannibalism is a bad thing. People should not torment toddlers and murder them in order to drink adrenochrome blood. Human excrement and urine should be dealt with privately and not worn publicly. Private body parts should not be needlessly exposed. People should care for the young by teaching them good values and good skills. People should care for the elderly by providing for them, helping them cross streets safely, and visiting them often. People should care for the sick and wounded. People should care for the dying by offering help, comfort, and prayers. Worshipping God is good. Worshipping demons is evil.
Tyranny is bad. People should be free to live as they see fit in the private enjoyment of their own homes. People should not be burdened with confiscatory taxes. Typical behaviours should not be licensed nor should there ever be any fee for doing what our ancestors have always done such as travel, use our own property including vehicles, hunt, fish, gather wood, explore, buy, sell, and work. Governments only exist as such by the consent of all of those governed, and only serve the governed by protecting their rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Tyrants are evil and should be removed from power.
It is justifiable to work together to defend your community from outrage, from tyranny, from terror, from invasion, and from crime. It is possible to use force in response to aggression and such defensive use of force is good. All creatures will defend themselves given the opportunity. People need tools for defence in order to overcome surprise attacks, attacks by more physically fit persons, or by criminal gangs, and for other reasons (such as defence against venomous snakes and wild predators).
Please feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments. I don’t feel that I’m going out on a limb here and sawing at it. But you are free to think that some conditions should apply to various of these assertions about good and bad. Of such discussions much good may be had. Indeed, it used to be a part of our culture that freedom to discuss the nature of virtue was regarded as essential.
Ignoble aristocrats
You would like to have inherited a culture from previous generations that upheld ideals. Princes who were charming would rescue damsels in distress rather than raping them. The concept of noblesse oblige would prevail, and those to whom God had granted much of value would do considerable works to be of service to their neighbours. Entrepreneurs would build value not only for their customers but for those making it possible to generate wealth.
One of the writers here on substack
who writes about places she calls Absurdistan has indicated that she had experiences in the past that suggested, to her, that certain old-line families had many members who took such responsibilities seriously. And, indeed, it was a few months ago when I was given a book on the generations of descendants of John Winthrop, an English aristocrat who was born in the year of the Spanish Armada (AD 1588) and died in the year of the proper and necessary execution of upChuck the first, usurper and dictator of England (AD 1649). Winthrop was named governor of Massachusetts colony by that upChuck the first person, and was highly regarded as doing much good there. His descendants inherited enormous wealth and prestige from him, and some were more virtuous than others.What impressed me about the little yellow hardback book of some 80 pages was finding the names of my old friend Michiel van Notten, his first wife, his daughter Ariane, and his grandchildren. I can attest to the virtue of “bulletproof Mike” as he came to be known in Mogadishu in 1991. He worked very diligently to do good in the world, to build a free port in Africa, and to spread knowledge about how to herd animals without adding to desertification among the people in Ethiopia and Greater Somalia. He and I worked together from 1995 until his death in 2002. He took his duties as a man very seriously.
However, such is not the case of things like upChuck the first, nor indeed his son, upChuck the second, nor his remote descendant from a more German than Norman French family, upChuck the third. To say bad things about these “royals” is easy. They are some of the worst people ever. Indeed, the entire idea of monarchy is a usurpation, as explained in considerable detail by the prophet and judge Samuel. You might want to read the books of Samuel to get a better sense of how really idiotic it is to “clamour” for a king and thereby rebuke God. You should also try to understand the Gospels. Jesus Christ is the living human king of all mankind, and it would be well if you were to understand him as such. Praise God. Amen.
One could probably get along with the occasional execution or assassination of one or another usurper if it were only the “royal” families. But, indeed, the electors, bishops, landgraves, margraves, marquises, marquessas, dukes, duchesses, counts, countesses, and all the other hereditary officials in Christendom were more likely to be ravening beasts than good Christians. Indeed, there is extensive evidence that they were primarily German pagans in their beliefs, especially the members of the house of Hannover, the descendants of whom are now one of the branches of the house of Saxe Coburn Gotha.
You find their pagan concepts permeating your culture. You may not know many Quakers other than your humble author, but I do. And we members of the religious society of the friends of Jesus prefer not to use the pagan names for the days of the week. To us, it is not “Wotan’s day” but it is fourth day. It isn’t “Thor’s day” but fifth day. Nor do we regard the names of Janus for “January,” Mars for “March,” Julius Caesar for “July,” nor Augustus for “August” as in any way good things to wander the word emitting from our mouths. It was Quakers who came up with the practice of numbering the months from one to twelve and writing year-month-day in numbers such as 2025-01-31 for the last day of last month. (We also began in the 17th Century to put prices on the goods in our stores as a way of purposefully avoiding haggling, so you could send a younger child to make a purchase at our store and be sure they weren’t being cheated.)
Sophie of Hannover lived in a very big “schloss” which is a German word for lock. Things were kept locked in that house. People were kept locked in its dungeons. Iron neck collars were routinely available to clap someone in, along with manacles and leg irons, because the Hannovers were big on chattel slavery. So when she hatched a plan to subjugate all of Christendom, and eventually all of the world, under the rule of her heirs and descendants, it was not out of charitable goodness, but out of a ravening greed for power. On information and belief, she and her descendants were German pagans, worshipping not God, but Wotan, not Jesus Christ, but various other entities.
So when you see a Christmas tree with red garlands it might be appropriate to remember that the German pagans venerate the evergreen as sacred to “Thor,” and would commemorate the winter solstice by butchering a scape goat and draping its entrails on the living tree. When the winter was especially brutal, it was not a goat, but a human whose viscera were used for this purpose. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t especially enjoy Chris Hemsworth’s character in the various “Avengers” films.
The culture, the counterculture, and the punks
It would be incorrect to say that the culture of goodness described several paragraphs above is in any way the culture against which the “baby boom” generation and the next in line Gen X were rebelling. If it existed at all in the world, it was found most often in smaller communities in rural America which people in the coastal cities are now wont to call “flyover country” because they never visit, wouldn’t fit in if they did, and only see signs of its existence as they fly coast to coast pretending to have important business to conduct. Or fly overhead to get to some destination resort where they will do horrible things to children in luxuriously appointed rooms.
The culture of the 1960s was a culture of propaganda, of war and rumours of war, of terror by the gooferment. (I use the word “gooferment” because for it to be government it would have to involve the consent of the governed. I do not consent. Also L. Neil Smith came up with “gooferment” some decades back, and I liked it then and like it now.) The culture was authoritarian, indecent, and very hypocritical.
You can get bits and pieces of a sense of what it was like from films like “The Graduate” and from recent television dramas like “Mad Men.” Coverage of historical events of the time like the JFK assassination and the space launch missions of NASA and the Soviet Union should give you a sense of how little was disclosed and how many lies were told about everything. It would be useful to mention some of the testimony relating to the Pentagon papers and the Watergate scandal to get a sense of how insane everything was. “We never considered not having a cover up” is one of the memorable lines of the time.
People expected the police to be brutal, Southern communities to be institutionally racist, civil rights and anti-war protestors to be communists, and performers of popular music to be on drugs. Selective enforcement of everything was everywhere. The police were assaulting their own wives and families at a prodigious rate and this information wasn’t widely reported. But, as a survivor of childhood trauma that included a lot of shouting, screaming, pounding walls, slamming doors, and threats of violence loud enough to wake the neighbours, I know that people didn’t call anyone, even their neighbours, even the next day, when these things were happening or had just recently happened.
The war in Vietnam was unnecessary, counter-productive, highly profitable, and an extension of the “opium wars” of the 19th Century that were won by the British. I should make a point of clarity here: the British were the drug runners who won the opium wars and forced China to allow them to sell opium there. If you don’t understand who is behind the fentanyl crisis and you are looking for help to the royals in Windsor castle, you are looking in the wrong place. They have always been for addiction, for enslavement, and for profits from their drug distribution networks.
Nor was the “counter culture” of the 1960s good for very much. They were also enthusiastic about drugs, including the MK Ultra concoction of lysergic acid diethylamide. I should point out that the MK in MK Ultra and MK Naomi stands for Mein Kampf the title of Hitler’s book on his Vril-worshipping version of German pagan beliefs. There was a lot of senseless adulation of communist dictators in the 1960s counter culture.
To be fair, contemporary singing groups like The Beatles had lyrics like, “If you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao, you aren’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow,” and there was at least some perception of the viciousness of the North Korea, Cambodia’s Pol Pot, mainland China, and Soviet leadership. But, the officials were all very disappointing.
Officially, Henry Kissinger flew ahead to help Nixon “open China.” Unofficially he deliberately sold out the Chinese generals who wanted to overthrow Mao and establish a Western-directed free country. Those generals were tortured to death. Kissinger was widely praised. The people of China suffered.
So, when I say that punk was a cultural movement to reject the popular culture of the day, I refer to things like the Dead Kennedy’s songs “Holiday in Cambodia” and “Kalifornia Uber Alles” as examples of issues about which we cared. It was Frank Zappa who taught me to reject the drug addled idiocies of the so-called counter-culture with songs like “Cosmik Debris” and “Dancing Fool.” The culture of the broadly identifiable punk movement was for wild dancing, fast paced songs, rejecting the hypocrisy of the mullahs and tyrants, and celebrating the freedom of disobedience. It was, to me and others, a kind of living out of Etienne de la Boetie’s resolve to serve no more those who had revealed themselves to be without honour and undeserving of obedience.
Why do the aristocrats hate goodness?
The basic answer is: they hate God. Inheriting wealth has proven to be corrupting for aristocrats. They don’t want to work as their ancestors once did, they want to rule, to have privileges, and to hurt others. They hate the expectations of God, as outlined in the ten commandments.
Jesus said that God’s laws are: love God with your whole being; love your neighbour; love yourself. Aristocrats hate God, hate their neighbours and seek to enslave them, and engage in a variety pack of sado-masochistic behaviours of self-harm and torture in which they exult. You will find the aristocrats publicly being powerful and authoritarian and privately being submissive and self-flagellating. They know the wrongness of their behaviours and they refuse to repent or change or atone.
Why do they love Islam and hate Christianity? Because to the Skull and Bonesers like the Georges Bush elder and younger, Islam represents an authoritarianism that conceals their true nature as violent pagans. They want to slaughter Christian families and replace them with compliant and slavish people from other cultures. Above all else, the aristocrats want to be able to enslave, rape, torture, and murder children all day every day. If you want insight into their thinking and you won’t look at the “art” collection of the Podestas or the video of “Frazzle Drip” in the folder “insurance” from Anthony Wiener’s laptop, if you insist that “pizza gate” and the Wayfair online catalogue have in any way been “debunked” then I don’t know what to tell you.
Literally, I don’t have any plans to tell you anything. I don’t know what a person who denies the abundant evidence of the enslavement, rape, trafficking, and torture of children would need or want from me. I shall not provide you links. I shall not offer detailed accounts or what you would call “evidence” because I don’t work for you. I don’t seek to convince you of things about which you should be fully capable of convincing yourself. I am not your judge, and this essay is not a court of law.
Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty and from there Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead when, as, and how he sees fit. So it isn’t my judgement, nor a court of common law.
If you like the aristocrats of the olde wealth or the nouveau riche, you should feel free to explain what it is you find likeable about their behaviours in the comments. You should feel free to like the great cultural artefacts of the past, the symphonies and operas of Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Vivaldi, or Haydn, the paintings of Rabelais and da Vinci, the sculptures of Bernini and Michelangelo, and the great cathedral architecture or even the art deco style choices and airstream-lining without having to embrace the errors and sins of the culture in which they have been embedded.
You don’t need to like the cia, fbi, nsa, dea, batfe, usaid, and other baby raping coercive manipulative agencies of the tyranny posing as a “government” but endlessly corrupt and corrupting, in order to like America. The people of America are in many instances very likeable, and there are rural communities all over Appalachistan and the Free Mountain West that are good, decent, pleasant, worthwhile places.
So when I have in the past, in earlier essays, described myself as a reject, and when I point out why punk culture rejected your lamestream culture and its official propagandists in the hoax stream media (HSM), I do not choose to reject everything. God has created a beautiful world and Christendom has built beautiful places. Christians have done beautiful things. But do not be confused. The aristocrats are not Christians in a great number of instances, but pagan freemasons, pagan communists, pagan nationalist socialists, pagan monarchists.
Socialism, in addition to its variety of idiocies relating to building huge bureaucracies full of bureau-rats and idiotic regulations, doesn’t work. It doesn’t work by creating scarcity. It doesn’t work by thwarting the free markets which are the only source of market clearing prices. People starve under socialism.
Under socialism, people line up for bread. Under free markets, bread in the stores is lined up for you. You are fortunate if you find any bread at all in the official store of the tyranny under any socialist system, but in a free market you always find an array of choices, even in tiny rural stores in the hinterland. That’s because free market economics is actual economics and reflects how things work. Humans buy and sell and own property and choose as they see fit. Tyranny fails because it demands adherence to idiotic rules, limitations, regulations, licences, and distortions of the market.
Of course, aristocrats love socialism, Islam, Sharia “law,” and other abominations because they love hurting their neighbours. They believe themselves above the law, above all others, booted and spurred to put saddles on the rest of the species.
So next time you play some good tunes, you might find me in the mosh pit.
Many people have been reporting in recent weeks, including among others
author Demi Pietchell and that there are changes coming. The LORD is the living God, the creator of heaven and the earthly realm, and God is moving in our world. Change will do you good. Praise God. God’s will be done. Amen.That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Here is the original of Nena's "99 Luftballons" which does *not* translate to "99 red balloons" as the communist music studios might have you believe. Luft refers to lifting or floating.