True peace involves freedom from tyranny and a generous tolerance; conditions that are denied over a large part of Europe and are not fulfilled in other parts of the world.
Today it is the 11th day of the 11th month on the far side of the world as I write this essay. On this day Anno Domini 1918 the forces of evil representing the house of Hanover and the forces of violence and oppression representing the house of Hohenzollern agreed to begin an armistice. It is sometimes said that the armistice was to begin at the 11th hour of the day. Certainly it is true that some combat officers insisted on pushing their troops into battle in the early morning hours to generate additional combat “credit” in their system of military advancement. Men died in combat until the armistice.
Men had been dying in combat since 1914 when the two houses of Hanover and Hohenzollern conspired with the Habsburg royal family in Austro-Hungary, the Ottoman empire’s sultan, and other world leaders. A true peace proposal was advanced in 1915 but the war profiteers had been investing in new artillery plants. So peace was prevented, as it was again recently when Boris Johnson insisted that the Ukraine gooferment could not consent to the generous terms from Russia in order that war profiteers like Barack and Big Mike Obama could get richer. Three more years of war took place, 1915 to 1918, and millions more died.
On the British side alone 1.75 million artillery shells were fired only during the battle of the Somme from the 7th month to the 11th month of 1916. The house of Hanover, which would, in 1917, begin to lie and call itself Windsor but is still very German and very authoritarian and very ugly, profited enormously from the death and mutilation and destruction caused by their refusal to accept generous peace terms. Today’s upChuck the third has the same personal responsibility for the deaths in Ukraine and elsewhere. He loves war and mutilation and death, which is why he murdered princess Diana the way he did. You saw his official portrait - it shows him and his clothes covered in blood and it shows the demon he worships.
What for?
Why did you join up? In 1973 the feral gooferment very sensibly ended the military draft. Some of my older friends were drafted, so there isn’t really any need to say why they joined up. Men with guns would have come to their homes, hurt their family, thrown them in prison, and done horrible things to their property, pets, and younger siblings if they refused to go. Or they would have to take it on the lam, as, again, some of my friends did, and avoid the law and the “immigration” authorities at international border crossings.
Many people joined because they were told it would be remunerative. The Marines approached my mom’s favourite cousin in 1940 with this proposal. He died on Guadalcanal fighting conscript soldiers from Japan for a disease-infested island neither side wanted, needed, nor could keep long. His gooferment wouldn’t even return his mortal remains to St. Louis, Missouri where he grew up. So one time in 1969 my mom got to visit his grave in the nationalist socialist cemetery in Hawai’i which wasn’t even a state when her cousin died.
Did you get the training you needed for a better job in civilian life? Maybe. Didja get the GI bill education subsidies? Didja leave part of your leg or arm or hand over in combat land? Did they make the place where you bled the ground red into another state? Oh, we don’t do that any more.
Hitcher had a story
A very long time ago, a hitch hiker taught me two rules for picking up hitchers. Rule one, they have to be walking. Someone sitting at the side of the road might have friends where you can’t see them. They will ambush you if you stop. So I don’t.
Rule two, a person walking might be out for a walk. So they have to be asking. Thumbing is good enough.
One day in the 11th month of 2019 I was driving out to meet friends in Telluride. Ordinarily, driving from Dayton, Ohio, I would have stayed on i70 most of the way through Denver. But the worthless people who run the interstate highway system don’t want it to be used and will close it at the least excuse. Oh, you can have chains, snow tyres, and know more about driving in two feet of snow than anyone but they don’t care. You aren’t allowed on the highway and they will close gates, put up electronic signs warning, and maybe even shoot you to death for driving on them interstates during a blizzard. So I took the spur between Salina, Kansas and Wichita and got myself on US 50 highway headed West.
No, there wasn’t much of a blizzard. There rarely is. But the authoritarians don’t want you to use the things they make, so there. Anyway, entering Colorado and approaching Pueblo, there was a man walking along the side of the road. Tall, thin, white hair, cowboy boots, nice Stetson, no overcoat. He thumbed as I went by so I stopped a ways ahead, cleared some space, got an unopened bottle of water for him, and put the passenger door open.
We got to talking. He was walking because he had been at a rodeo championship as a bronco rider back Baltimore way. Had enough money to put his saddle and gear on the bus back to Utah where he worked on a ranch. Friends would collect his stuff at the other end. He commenced to walking and hitching. He said he had been up for five days, drinking coffee, walking, keeping on, taking a ride now and again.
No doubt we swapped first names but I’ve left his name in some memory channel that doesn’t spring up just now. And his name isn’t relevant to his story.
He said that five days wasn’t his longest wakefulness. That had been in country down in Central America as a sergeant for a military unit assigned to protecting the drug lab of the cia sponsored cartel that was operating in his area. He and two other guys were separated from the rest of their unit, couldn’t get retrieval, had to walk their way out. Nine days. Maybe some cat naps while the others kept watch.
I asked him how he felt about guarding the drug running for the cia. He gave me a baleful look. “Gold. Oil. Drugs. I guarded some of each. Didn’t like the work. Don’t do it now.”
They want you dead
The tolerance demanded by the communists who lie and call themselves socialists or “democrats” or are republicans in name only is like a one way street. You are required to tolerate their behaviours. They are not going to ever tolerate yours. They barely acknowledge you are human, and will call you garbage (Joe Biden), deplorables (Hillary Clinton), bitter clingers to guns and Bibles (Barack Obama) and other names. They will say that you are uneducated, even if they have recruited you into one of their military or paramilitary or “civilian” agencies to get enough money from your pay and GI bill benefits to be able to afford the kind of education they think matters. They despise you.
“Among the other harm it brings you, being disarmed causes you to be despised.” Their favourite author, Machiavelli, wrote that in his little book The Prince. It was required reading for a required course at the college I graduated from. You should probably read it, if you want insight into their demented ways of thinking. Art of War by Sun Tzu and On War by Clausewitz are perhaps good additional items if you are seeking greater clarity about what was done to you.
They don’t have these wars because there is any meaningful threat to the United States. They didn’t err when they demolished the World Trade centre’s three buildings in 2001, they planned it all very carefully. It wasn’t foreign terrorists, it was the deep state. It was the psychopaths who worship demons. Two planes didn’t cause three buildings to fall down in New York.
They want wars because they profit from the wars. I don’t much like Michael Moore for many reasons. But I did enjoy his documentary film “Fahrenheit 911” in which he went around to prominent politicians in Washington the district of corruption and asked them if he could help them sign up their military service age children to serve in the military. Moore even brought the paperwork and a military recruiter for one of the combat services. None of the filthy demon worshipping politician scum he talked to would agree to encourage their children to join up. The film came out in 2004 while those same scumbags were sending men to die in Iraq and Afghanistan but were not willing to serve. They were arranging great little corrupt grifting profits for themselves, but not for you. They hate you and want you dead, which is why they have people lie to you about benefits and risks and recruit you into the military.
People in the USA have been arrested for praying outside of abortion clinics. You know why? Because inside they are celebrating the slaughter of an unborn child as a sacrifice to their demon and they know it doesn’t work if someone is praying to Jesus Christ nearby. They don’t tolerate Christianity. They want to destroy Christendom.
They want to mutilate your children
Seriously, go look it up. Newsom signed it into law. The teachers in California are required to make sure your children transition and are not allowed to ever tell you. They want to chop your son’s balls off. They want to mutilate your daughter so she can never bear children, never nurse children.
It isn’t that they want tolerance. That’s no longer enough. I grew up being told to tolerate the gay community, and I shrugged my shoulders and didn’t say much.
The governor of Illinois profits from the hospitals he and his wife own. Those hospitals do a lot of unnecessary surgeries, especially mutilating children. These surgeries do permanent damage. The body tries to heal, but the “wound” which they have given the very glamourous sounding name “front hole” requires repeated dilation and sometimes additional surgery to stay open. The body wants to be what God made, which was men and women, and so the body is distorted by the removal of things. None of the Pritzker family will ever care. They will luxuriate in the profits and make fun of the victims.
Do I believe in tolerance? Sure, to an extent. I believe in a generous tolerance for the pursuit of peace. But I also don’t consent to tyranny, so I don’t have any tolerance for brutality.
The teachers do. The teachers that taught me in the public schools were against anyone ever fighting back. Bullies were to be tolerated. Bullying was to be tolerated. I would fight back. I don’t consent to be bullied, especially by teachers.
They want to rape your children
They want you to join up and go through boot. Then they want you to deploy. While you are away they have people in the neighbourhood come over and rape your wife and children. They don’t want you around while they do these things, because you would put a stop to it.
How do I know they want to rape your children? I read. Really fast. Fifteen hundred words a minute is a casual reading speed for me. I can scan a lot faster if I need to do so. Do I like the things I read? I do not. But I read them even so.
The Diddy parties are not aberrant. They are “normal” for Hollywood. Every Disney resort has been the host facility to many rapes of children. Children not merely under 18 or under the age of consent which in some states is 17 but under the age of menarche. They rape pre-pubescent children. Diddy was proud of having raped Bieber and having a video to sell to Oprah of Bieber “tore up” in Diddy’s own words.
The Epstein flights are not aberrant. The politicians in this country are compromised. The bureau rats in the district of corruption are compromised if they rise above a certain level. The head of the fbi from 1924 to 1972 used to proudly say he had film and photos of every prominent politician “in bed with a live boy or a dead girl.” His files became the Clinton’s during “FileGate” which is another of those forgotten controversies that have been memory holed by the hoax stream media.
The senator who confronts the Corleone and his consiglieri in the second Godfather film wants a piece of all the revenues from the four casinos they have or will soon have in Nevada. So they arrange for him to be drugged and to wake up in bed with the bloody carcass of a young girl. That’s your fbi. That’s every single cia agent. That is the nsa. They are the organised crime factions that hate your children for being young, innocent, and virgins. They want to rape and mutilate and murder.
They sacrifice children to demons
Walter Cronkite is regarded as the symbol of the kindly older generation of news readers who could be trusted. What was he doing in the Bohemian grove? On information and belief, he was at least voicing the demon they worship as they burnt men, women, and children alive in their “immolation of care” event at every gathering. The freemasons worship Lucifer. The Planned Parenthood filth worship Moloch. The transgender crowd call their demon Baphomet. They should all have their places of worship destroyed, they should repent, they should sin no more, and they should plead for God’s forgiveness. But they won’t. Most of them don’t want any less blood. It soaks into the skin of their chins and they slaver for more.
There is a document that I like, the declaration of independence. It mentions God four times. There is a document that I don’t much like but tolerate somewhat, the articles of confederation. It mentions God one time. Then there is the constitution.
Not only does the constitution (to which many veterans have sworn an oath - although Jesus tells us to swear not - to defend from all enemies foreign and domestic) mentions God zero times. You can go look for the complete text and use a search tool to “find in page.” God is not in there.
Worse, the constitution, in the body of the constitution, forbids any test of religious faith to hold public office. Your leaders are not Christians. They worship demons. And the constitution was written by demon worshippers like hellfire club member Ben Franklin and plantation owner James Madison. Aaron Burr properly killed, in a duel, the evil and disgusting son of plantation owners Alexander Hamilton, but Broadway plays about Hamilton are very popular because the demon worshippers like his central bank idea that steals value from you without taking the money out of your bank account.
The spot market for gold is closed right now. In a little while, it being “Monday” already in Tokyo and Hong Kong, the market will open again. Until then the price of gold is $2,684. When demon worshipper and mass murderer Woodrow Wilson signed the feral reserveless act in 1913, $20 would buy an ounce of gold. This week the price of gold may go up or it may go down. But it will not become $20 again.
They want to live in luxury
The people who have power over you live really nice lives. They have everything they need. They have a staff (and some have a distaff) of people who cater to their needs. Let me give you, again, some of the scale on that particular aspect of things.
The audit is out for the fiscal year 2024. For reasons of perfidy and evil, the feral gooferment fiscal year ends on the last day of the 9th month every year. This year they spent $6.75 trillion, including $2 trillion extorted and stolen from tax payers as income taxes. They borrowed trillions. And there aren’t that many of them.
There are 2.2 million civilian personnel in gooferment offices, bureau rats, millions of them to eat out your existence (quoting from the declaration of independence). There are 2.1 million military personnel on the payroll. That works out to AVERAGE more than $1.57 million per person per year.
Now, as a soldier you didn’t get that much money. But other people do. There are senior politicians like Nancy Pelosi who are worth tens of millions of dollars even though she didn’t get that wealthy by saving her $174K salary every year for 40 years. Barack and Big Mike are worth hundreds of millions. John Kerry and his evil wife are worth over a billion dollars. There are rear echelon mfs in the military who get all the money they want, millions a year, so that the average is $1.57 million spent this year on salary, benefits, per diem, travel, luxuries brought to the office, extra child blood to drink, extra children to rape, extra pillows to rape them on.
They won’t help you
While she was wearing tens of thousands of dollars of jewellery and thousands of dollars of clothing, Kamala condescended to allow as how she might be willing to see victims of hurricane Hellene get $750 each. But many who applied for the money were refused, because the bureau rats know who wants to vote for the Demonrat candidate.
The fema is an agency whose name means ‘feral emergency mismanagement agency’ or words to that effect. For many decades they have chosen not to help certain families, not to provide aid to families who have campaign yard signs for the people out of power, who have a history of not doing what the gooferment demands, who are not members of the freemasons.
I do say that the freemasons recruit based on the idea that it is “a mutual aid society of believers.” I also say that the freemasons do not provide aid to the lowest degree freemasons commensurate with the amount of money they take from them, because they are hierarchical and evil. And it is the same in the gooferment.
The ladies who host the cocktail parties where Tucker Carlson (in a speech he gave a few months ago) refuses to confront governor of Texas Abbott because it would embarrass his hostess to call Abbott a liar at the party (but he calls Abbott a liar in his speech, like a coward) know all about the children being tortured in each other’s basements. They like it that way. There are no “noble” families in Boston, New York, Baltimore, the district of corruption, or any other American city. They all know about the children being tortured and raped, they all know about the blood drinking, the demon worship. They don’t all partake of human flesh, some will go to church and confess, some will pray repentance, but they do nothing.
Tulsi Gabbard is not only a veteran, she was fairly high up in the military industrial complex psychological warfare against the American people operations in recent administrations. Although a registered Demonrat she apparently felt some remorse or some vestiges of conscience and said some things about the Republican candidate for president this past Summer. So she was targetted for “quad S” status and followed around by three or four undercover “air marshalls” on every domestic and international flight she took. She was not only not being helped, she was actively being hampered, because the bureau rats hate freedom.
You may not have had the same experiences I have had in Veterans Administration hospitals. In 2019 the one I spent time in over in Dayton, Ohio, seemed pretty good in comparison to the horrors I encountered from patients at the VA hospital in Houston, Texas at the end of the last millennium. But I don’t think there is any evidence that veterans get a very high level of care compared to, say, the evil grifter parasite politicians who profit from the wars they inflict around the world.
Tolerance is not endorsement
My parents were academics. Mom was basically anarchist. Dad had been a Rockefeller republican in 1968 which gives you a sense of how foolish a really brilliant nuclear physicist can be when it comes to politics. Both of them voted for Jesse Jackson in the primaries back in the day, and both voted in 2008 for the gay man who married the pre-op tranny.
It should come as no surprise that they supported the local American Civil Liberties Union. Mom served as the Douglas county chapter’s president for a few years. Then the Nat Hentoff group was destroyed by the homosexuals on the national board and the ACLU decided that it had to work closely with the fbi to make sure that nobody who didn’t want to be gay all the time was ever again defended by the ACLU. Oh, sure, they said “domestic terrorist” or something, they were gonna help fight the war on terror by prosecuting the war on terror and not defending freedom for people they don’t like. So much for civil liberties or principles huh?
There was a “simply equal” act passed by the local city commission. My parents liked it. It said that the administration of the law and of the city’s services was not to discriminate based on race, national origin, gender, sexual preference, or religious preference. At the time I thought that was okay, broad minded, tolerant.
Of course, Lawrence, Kansas is run by a Democrat machine. The people who have meaningful power there actively hate anyone who isn’t a Demonrat like them. They hate the libertarians, the anarchists, the independents, the Republicans who are not republican in name only (RINO), and anyone who dares to actively support third party candidates. They are hateful and evil, in my direct personal experiences of them. They bully children in school because they like bullying as a way of managing people who want something from them.
I myself don’t think that any city, county, state, or nation should have a legislature. If you have a law against murder, why should it be changed? Legislators only ever do one thing: they grift. They are all corrupt, they are all evil. They all hate their neighbours. They want more than they would otherwise get. And you foolishly give them the power to make a law that says that they get more.
Ever read the tax code? I have done. I read it in business school because it wasn’t that long (back then) and because it seemed like a useful exercise in understanding whether I wanted to pursue a career in financial accounting. It says, among other things, that there is a special exemption for people who run a dry cleaning operation in a certain block in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. Well, the New York City phone book was right there, so I asked the librarian for the upside down directory. Sure enough, they were able to source it through inter library loan. And there is only one such dry cleaners. It is written that way because a “bill of attainder” specifically singling out an individual is forbidden by the constitution, and they used to care about that sort of thing.
The reading of the tax code was not enjoyable reading. I opted against a career in financial accounting. But I have done financial accounting ever since, anyway. Funny how life goes sometimes.
Now, today, you are no longer expected to be merely tolerant of homosexuality, depravity, demon worship, the mutilation of children, the teaching of communism, the communist manifesto planks being in both Democrat and Republican party platforms (go look if you doubt me). You are now expected not only to tolerate but also to endorse, not only to accede to other people being different, but to celebrate, enthusiastically, that they do horrible things to children, dress in drag only to read to children and never to read to the elderly in nursing homes because they want to rape children not elderly persons, and so forth.
Well, I don’t know why you joined up. I really don’t. And I’m not sure if your experiences were typical. But I would not uphold and defend a document that forbids a test of religious faith and doesn’t ever mention God, and I certainly would not ever swear an oath because Jesus says not to do so. It is not by upholding a parchment written by a bunch of plantation owning demon worshippers that is going to bring freedom.
It is hearing the words of Jesus and doing them. Which you might start by reading the New Testament to your children, today, Armistice day as we used to call it.
You might want to look for “People against people enlisting or re-enlisting civilian life is preferred” which spells PAPERCLIP and wear a paper clip if you like it. Iraq veterans against the war told me about it in 2006.
You might be wise not to register your sons and daughters for the draft. The boot camp might mutilate their genitals, the way things have been going.
You might believe that Trump being elected means he never flew on the Epstein flights. But he did. You might believe that he sincerely repents the vaxxajabs he authorised at warp speed. You might believe that he and his associates are going to fix everything by creating a new cabinet level agency to get rid of older cabinet level agencies. You might want to take off those rose coloured glasses because the inauguration is still a ways off, and the congress critters who provide a “majority” in each house include a lot of republican in name only scum bag grifter parasite politicians.
So I pray:
Eternal Father please help us to free the slaves, stop the wars, end the tyranny of the state and the state of tyranny, cast out all demons, translate the Gospels into every language, care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility, and carry the Gospels to the farthest star in every direction and to all souls in between. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. God’s will be done. Amen.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.