True freedom is being able to choose without coercion by others.
For thousands of years, the people who became the European aristocrats have hated freedom. They have hated decency because they are indecent. They have hated peace because they are war profiteers. War has been nearly continuous amongst the various cliques and interest groups amongst the Europeans since Anno Domini 1337.
Which is not to say that there have never been decent, humane, freedom loving, peace promoting aristocrats amongst the filth that puts on airs and claims heredity from Roman emperors of the Holy Roman or earlier instantiations of Rome. There are good men and women in many different walks of life.
It is, however, to say that the European aristocrats are primarily scum. They either actively worship demons or the tolerate in their communities and “society” those who do. They either rape children, including newborns, or they are personally aware of those who do. There are no truly consistent Europeans from old line families who have not succumbed in part to the freemasons, the communists, the demon worshippers, the blood drinkers, the celebrants at black mass, the evil ones - but I repeat myself.
Peasants revolt
In 1381 the peasants of England had enough. The despicable evil Norman French knights who had been ruling England since the time of William “the conqueror” of 1066 had finally gone too far. The king and parliament had declared a capitation tax against all adults and the aristocrats sent their men around to put the hands up the skirts of every maiden to pierce the maidenhead and declare the young girl an adult, thus subject to the tax. The peasants began to kill those men at arms, and continued by killing the “lords” in their homes, mostly by decapitation by axe. Such was an entirely suitable response, and it should have properly continued until all of Christendom from Tartary to Vinland had been cleansed.
But the peasants relented, as peasants are wont to do. They did corner the usurper calling itself “king” in London town. Dick the second, as he should be known, pretended to be agreeable to parley and murdered the peasants’ representatives. Then the “noble” families of England went to every village and town and slaughtered those they thought were associated with the rebellion. They acted in every way the Roman.
You see, the Roman slaves had rebelled, too. There were three “servile wars” between 135 BC and 71 BC. You are probably aware of a fellow named Spartacus who was the leader of the 3rd servile insurrection against the hated, evil, despicable, entirely worthless Roman patricians. It was amongst the more successful of the revolts, but it ended the same as the others. The Roman “noble” families had their men at arms murder every man, woman, and child by crucifixion. It is said that the via Napoli had a body every three feet from Naples to Rome, hanging from a cross, suffering to death.
The idea that you should have “elites” to rule you is the ideology of Klaus Schwab and the ideology of Yuval Harari. It is very agreeable to the mElon and to Linda Yaccarino who seem to like the idea of plantation slavery. I believe that mElon wants to put a chip in the head of every human being so his software can kill you if you think about rebellion. If you trust him, you are foolish. I also believe that he plans to send “starships” to Mars and get lots of men and women killed. But I’ve actually been thinking about and writing about living and working in space for over 50 years. Among other problems, I don’t think he’s worked out the radiation shielding for long duration space trips, and I also don’t think he cares.
“Some should rule”
There was a convention in New Orleans in 1988. I was there to meet with other members of the L5 Society chapters who had agreed to have a series of conversations about the upcoming “merger” with the Nationalist Space Institute of Herr Werner von Braun and his nationalist socialist sycophants. We were very concerned about Mark Hopkins and his tendency to “merge and purge” with various groups. We were confident that we knew who would be purged, and we were unhappy with these expectations.
There was a boutique hotel somewhat removed from the convention hotels. It was over in the French Quarter. The world science fiction convention that year is notorious for how poorly it was run. It was really difficult to get a room at the convention hotels, and some of us wandered away to find something better.
To give you a sense of what an amazing Charlie Foxtrot was arranged by the NOLAcon convention committee, there were two hotels near one another. Events which were supposed to be held in a meeting room in one hotel would be changed to occur in the other. Members of the convention committee would go to the “Green Room” and tell the guest speakers where things were happening, but essentially none of the convention attendees were told, especially in the first days of the convention. So my friend David Mayer and I were sitting in the room where Harry Stine, Jerry Pournelle, and Aleta Jackson were supposed to have a panel discussion about living in space based on the experiences of the Skylab and Salyut astronauts and cosmonauts.
There were about thirty people in the audience and no one on stage when things were supposed to begin. Nobody came to let us know. No other panel was scheduled for that room at the time. So the audience sat waiting. David asked me what I thought Harry would say. I told one of Harry’s favourite stories about how cats don’t love zero gravity which was discovered by an unfortunate jet pilot who was given a cat to take on a series of parabolic arcs - which puts the jet into an orbit of sorts which intersects the Earth but gives fifteen to forty-five seconds of microgravity at the top of the arc.
David laughed remembering the story and asked if I thought they would talk about the fork fight on Salyut 6. It was at this point that one of the fans leaned over the seat in front of him from two rows behind us and poked me in the shoulder. He said, “It’s been 15 minutes. Nobody is coming. Why don’t you two go up there and use the microphones. Then we can all hear the stories.”
I looked at Dave, shrugged, and we did.
A few hours later, we found the updates to the convention schedule, which were being published on coloured paper run off in lots of a hundred or so copies for a convention sporting roughly 3,000 fans attending. Eventually it became possible to puzzle out where most of the events were actually happening.
Then it was time for some of those L5 Society gatherings, about which more another time. These went on and on, as space settlement enthusiast meetings are wont to do. Eventually the San Antonio L5 Society president, Carol Luckhardt; a fellow from Colorado Springs whose name I recall as “Bob Blackmon;” and I went to that boutique hotel aforementioned. There we sat up in a very nice suite chatting in the lounge area of the rooms.
Bob asserted that it was a well established fact that some people have to be led. I said that didn’t sound right to me. We had a lengthy discussion. I remember trotting out a quote, poorly remembered that night, from Jefferson. Writing from Monticello on the 24th day of the 6th month of the year 1826, expressing his regrets that he could not attend a 50th anniversary celebration of signing the declaration of independence, Jefferson wrote to Roger Weightman, “the general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of god. These are grounds of hope for others.”
In another part of our discussion, I called to mind the admonition, also from Jefferson, that if it is the view of some that the mass of men are too ignorant to run their own affairs, it would seem best to enlighten their ignorance rather than put them in chains of servitude. These arguments seemed to fall on deaf ears with Bob, though Carol found them quite agreeable.
Obedience no defence
My friend Roger Ver is in prison in Spain. My friend
may have more information. What I’ve heard is that Roger is imprisoned by the deep state for the alleged crime of consulting his attorneys about how to properly and permanently ex-patriate from the United States. I believe they are very angry about Roger’s efforts to make Bitcoin accessible to millions of people.I’ve mentioned it in other contexts. The people in power don’t agree with one another. They are in various groups and cliques and interest alignments. Some of them have visceral hatred for one another. But they are of one mind when it comes to you being subjugated to them. If you aren’t a 33rd degree freemason or a demon worshipper or a member of one of the old families that trace their lineage to the evil sorts who nailed eight thousand prisoners to crosses at the conclusion of the “3rd servile war,” in 71 BC, well, you need to be put in your place. And if your place is in Appalachistan and has some lithium or rare earth minerals, well, you need to be put off your place.
My life has included quite a number of occasions when I have been arrested despite being obedient to the laws. In 1990, for example, the company that David Mayer and I co-founded, Space Travel Services, paid a handsome sum of money to the law firm of Haley, Bader, & Potts. Now that firm was very experienced in communications law, and was able to issue a detailed, 14-page legal opinion letter asserting that our sweepstakes project was lawful. Further, their attorney James Dunstan checked with the FCC, FTC, Post Office, and other agencies and was assured that based on the published rules, we were running a lawful sweepstakes. We were also advised about which states required a surety bond and arranged to exclude those places from participation. We had a contract for a trip for one week to the Mir space station, and we wanted to give it away.
The Nationalist Space Council of Dan Quayle hated this idea. So they sandbagged us. Eventually we were charged with a to-be-disclosed later number of counts of felony gambling promotion of a lottery in the 2nd month of 1991. We fought the charges. And in the 5th month of that same year, long after our business had been destroyed, the powers that be issued an agreed injunction allowing as how we had been engaged in a lawful sweepstakes and insisting that we don’t do that ever again, in return for which they would drop the charges.
You can be charged with crimes without having done anything illegal. It used to be said that “ignorance of the law is no defence” but an actual court opinion from a feral justice in a feral case indicates that with hundreds of thousands of pages of laws and regulations, it is impossible to be fully conversant with every law and ever do anything else for a living. So it is actually now the case that the gooferment admits that ignorance of the law is a valid defence.
But they don’t care. They lie to defendants all the time and are allowed by the courts to lie to them. They “win” convictions in over 99% of cases. I know people who have successfully fought against convictions and proven their innocence, though at enormous cost, only to find that “civil charges” were still pending and the relevant administrative courts would not rule in order to ensure that the person could never clear his name.
You don’t think it’s fair? Yeah. Me neither.
But that’s my point. Obeying the laws doesn’t protect you. Not knowing the laws may be a defence, but you’ll be railroaded. They will ruin your life because to lawyers, ruining the lives of other people is fun. It is how they entertain themselves and one another at cocktail parties.
What’s the difference between a dead lawyer in the middle of the road and a dead skunk in the middle of the road? When you come up on the skunk, sometimes you see skid marks.
God wants you to be free
Jesus says “taxation is theft.” He said so to my friend Katherine King in the 9th month of 2020. God doesn’t want you to be subjugated and enslaved.
You can look in the Bible. There is a commandment in Exodus 21:2. Slaves may be purchased for only six years, after which they must be set free at the beginning of the seventh year and the slave pays nothing at that point. You will find this fact reflected in the bankruptcy laws of the United States and in the term of enlistment for the military. You can only be drafted (for ww2 or Korea) for six years, after which you are free. Of course, nobody in the District of Corruption wants these things for you.
They want your property. They want to destroy your family. They want to rape your children. They want to drink the blood of tormented toddlers, as Hillary and Huma demonstrate on the Frazzle Drip video and in other evidence including eyewitness testimonies. They believe that you are their property because you happen to be born in the United States.
I don’t believe you should obey them. I believe you should obey God.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
"For thousands of years, the people who became the European aristocrats have hated freedom. They have hated decency because they are indecent. They have hated peace because they are war profiteers. War has been nearly continuous amongst the various cliques and interest groups amongst the Europeans since Anno Domini 1337."
I have long held that the pyramids of human hierarchies are inverted, that those now considered on 'the top' are actually at the bottom, that the decent and good ordinary folk are truly the top of the hierarchy. The ordinary person has no driving need to rule over others, or to employ violence against his fellow man, or some need to pervert or degrade or destroy. Those at the 'top' of the hierarchy demonstrate these terrible propensities in spades. Why then do we consider murderous kings or 'aristocrats' or religious leaders as 'above' us? We are not laying all the hurt, we ordinary people are not taking control of all the resources, regular folks don't write rules that cripple anyone's chances of generating wealth in business. It is the elites of human societies who regularly demonstrate the worst of human behavior, not the ordinary folk.
The Epochs of American History a set of 3 volumes exposes the "Plantations" and the companies, and of course their "Charters"-Constitutions....The first one The Colonies 1492-1750 has some maps and a lot that I was not taught of course. I got all three of them for the maps.