“Except for an extraordinary diligence in looking out for his personal advancement, he had no motives at all… He merely, to put the matter colloquially, never realized what he was doing… It was sheer thoughtlessness—something by no means identical with stupidity—that predisposed him to become one of the greatest criminals of that period.” ~ Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, published Anno Domini 1963
Later, historians and survivors will put a date on it. Some time around 2017 a group of people chose to murder seven billion other people.
Do you really care why they made that choice? You aren’t ever going to be in a position to choose anything of the sort, nor are you the sort of person who would justify choosing to be monstrous. I know you wouldn’t be reading this essay if you were.
Let’s say they wanted to keep power forever. Let’s say they thought they had won the global authoritarian challenge, were in all the seats of power, and could do whatever they please. Let’s say they aren’t especially imaginative people, so carrying the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and to all souls in between, or any similarly vast goals that would empower billions of people for generations wouldn’t ever show up for them as good ideas. It’s hard to put yourself in their shoes because they are really ugly, terrible, hateful, horrid, sick, disgusting, and evil.
Fat positivity is deadly
Yes, I am saying that the people who are putting poison in the foods they sell are encouraging fat “positivity” because they want to sell poison. It is, in some ways, less costly to them than selling wholesome foods. Your body can tell the difference, and it stores some of these strange compounds. The liver and kidneys do not remove everything, and there are all kinds of liver disorders common today that were rarities only two generations ago.
One of the goals is to kill off the people who they believe have “low impulse control.” And, as odd as it sounds, they also want to kill off the people who don’t have critical thinking skills but blindly obey authorities. You see, they are still eugenics enthusiasts, they still think they should make people … better.
“There's been no war here and no terraforming event. The environment is stable. It's the Pax. The Paxilon hydrochlorate that we added to the air processors. It was supposed to calm the population, weed out aggression. Well, it works. The people here stopped fighting. And then they stopped everything else. They stopped going to work... they stopped breeding, talking, eating. There's millions of people here, and they all just let themselves die.”
If you haven’t seen the film version of the television show “Firefly” you should go do that right away. The name of the film is Serenity. Spoiler Alert: proceed no further if you want to watch the film first. In the film, the bad guys represent the system overlords, the authorities who hate everyone else and want willing obedient slaves. So they cook up a toxin, add it to the air processors on a recently terraformed world, and not only watch people die as a result, but find out that a very tiny minority of the population become hyperaggressive to the point of insanity.
“This report is maybe 12 years old. Parliament buried it, and it stayed buried 'til River dug it up. This is what they feared she knew. And they were right to fear 'cause there's a whole universe of folk who're gonna know it, too. They’re gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people. Y'all got on this boat for different reasons, but y'all come to the same place. So now I'm askin' more of you than I have before. Maybe all. As sure as I know anything, I know this: They will try again. Maybe on another world. Maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, 10, they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people...better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave.” ~ Malcolm Reynolds, speech to the crew of Serenity
The vaxxajabs have been pushed into the veins of billions of people. For my own part, I don’t think they are any good at counting. Judging by their deficit spending, they are also not any good at accounting. So when the powers that be claim they have injected 5.5 billion people, I am sure they are lying. But it is a very big number, bigger than 2 billion.
Nor are they in charge of who lives and who dies. They can poison people, beat people, torture people, and it isn’t up to them whether a person lives. Look at what happened two thousand years ago to Jesus. He was very brutally beaten, tortured, crucified, died, was buried, rose again from the dead, sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, and comes to judge the living and the dead. Jesus lives. Those who claim to have earthly power have no say in who lives. God does.
Helene was steered
It shouldn’t come as any surprise. We’ve understood the rudiments of weather control technology since the 1950s. Cloud seeding with certain chemicals in certain forms causes rainfall. We’ve had “hurricane hunters” which are curiously not civilian aeroplanes but military, flying into storms since 1943. Eighty-one years. Four human generations. Computer technology has a six month “generation” so 162 computer generations - which represents roughly doubling the speed of computation and the accessible memory. Moore’s law, named for the guy who founded Intel.
You can find recent posts of people who inquired with one of the large language models, or ask one of them yourself. “AI” as they call it is saying that Helene was steered. They wanted to kill a lot of people in Appalachia.
It is not a feature of my beliefs that you are expected to share them. I don’t want you to obey me, as I have no orders for you. I don’t want you to believe me without looking into things yourself. And I don’t want to send you to links because it isn’t my job to spoon feed you information. You aren’t like the other children, you aren’t going to be convinced by me, you’ll either convince yourself or you’ll come back from whatever rabbit holes down which you wander and tell me what you think in the comments. Or refuse to go look and say so in the comments. I truly do not mind.
You see, it isn’t about me. It’s about you. It is about your choices. Your pursuit of happiness. Your freedom. If you find yourself laying in a ditch, it may be that you have been led around by blind persons. So, what to do? Well, you might start by opening your eyes.
Things were prepared
It came to me one day in 2020 that Zoom was convenient. Now, I know a great deal about open source video conference technology. I’ve been a Jitsi user for a very long time. I know a great deal about how to make end-to-end encrypted technologies that actually work. We did a lot of actual code work on a bunch of competitors to one of the companies we were considering for investment eight years ago.
Suddenly there was a plandemic. Suddenly there were lockdowns. Suddenly, and to my surprise, there was faithlessness amongst the faithful. It was devastating to my sense of well-being when the Religious Society of the Friends of Jesus in Dayton, Ohio went full commie and closed their meeting house. Never go full commie, it’s obscene.
There were signs. I did try to get them to do otherwise. On the very first day they were to have a meeting for worship and chose instead to refuse to have faith in God, a homeless lady was able to gain entry to the meeting house. She had great fun, built a fort in the janitor closet, scattered potted plant dirt everywhere, played with all the toys in the children’s room, had fun with the foods in the kitchen, and was noisy enough that the neighbours called our emergency contacts wondering what was up.
Anyway, within a couple weeks, we were meeting by Zoom. I was at the meetinghouse because I had no fear of the place. I began to pointedly show on my phone’s camera feed the empty space, the pleasant weather, the room full of chairs. In time, others began to show up as well. But it was never again the same, and I have moved a long way away since then.
But isn’t it fascinating that Zoom was made ready and marketed just in time for the lockdowns? Everyone suddenly had it. Startling, when you think of it. Profitable, too, for a few.
There have been a lot of things like that. These aren’t coincidences. Just as the mail-in ballots and the ballot drop boxes were schemed. None of these events merely happened. Unjust men and women gamed it all.
They had a “tabletop simulation” called “event 201” and gamed how to murder 63 million people with a “novel coronavirus” in the 10th month of 2019. They told you about it. They were proud of it. They knew that the bioweapon was already released. And God took away its power to kill, so they had to scramble to find a thousand dead people and publish their names in the lying New York Times which has been in on a lot of lies ever since they refused to publish what their reporters in the mass starvation of the Holodomor in Ukraine were reporting in writing in the 1930s. Stalin murdered millions of people and the publishers of the New York Times celebrated every death with champagne and caviar, judging by the results of their actions.
Know them by their fruits. A good tree produces good fruit. A corrupt tree produces corrupt fruit. Poison.
You didn’t think that governments murdered 262 million people in genocides and 65 million people in combat during the 20th Century without newspapers and radio and television news reporters knowing about it, did you? Well? Did you?
They would make it illegal
If voting were going to change anything, said Emma Goldman, they would make it illegal. As I understand these matters, she was scooped up by the Palmer raids. You probably didn’t get the history on those events in your public school history class, so go ahead and research the topic, please. But the “tl;dr” as we say, the “too long; didn’t read” is that the attorney general of the USA, a terribly evil man named Palmer, sent thugs around to arrest “anarchists” and have them deported. Emma was amongst those grabbed, and she was deported to a country she had never even visited, which goes to show how horridly evil the “fbi” and the department of injustice and the war monger filth scum running the gooferment for the last hundred years have been.
Now, you can believe whatever it is you choose to believe. I don’t mind. You can believe that Trump will fix everything. I myself do not.
He signed the “operation warp speed” vaxxajab executive order. He agreed to the lockdowns. He was on the Epstein flights. He is in hundreds of photos with Diddy. I am not optimistic about his intentions.
But, look, it has been a week since the most recent debate. The Republican won. The last two times that happened, a week later there was an attempt on Trump’s life. So I am also not optimistic that there will be an election to remember on the fifth of November. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gun powder treason and plot. I can see no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.” And similar verses. Or do they teach you that one, outside of the occasional film? Meh.
People are being killed
There are dead bodies hanging from the trees in the small towns of Western North Carolina. Another hurricane is being steered toward Florida this week. More people are going to be murdered.
You need to figure out where you should be and get there. You need to figure out what you need to have with you, and bring it. You need to be in communication with your family, your neighbours, and the people upon whom you can actually rely for mutual aid. Because the people in FEMA are not coming to save you.
They are coming to keep you from receiving help. They are coming to bulldoze the homes in Chimney Rock, North Carolina, grab all the land under “eminent domain” and build a communist central committee owned and operated lithium mine.
Eminent domain is theft. Taxation is theft. Regulation is theft. Inflation is theft. There’s a lot of theft going on, which is part of the scheme. Are you awake yet? Need to stop for coffee? Get a couple extra shots of espresso, it’s going to be a long month.
The people who are doing these things are not going to stop. They don’t see the point. They have no remorse, no decency, they worship demons, they hate humanity. They want you dead. They want billions of people to die. They think it will be very profitable. Okay, maybe they have delusions about it being very profitable, but it doesn’t matter, as above, why it is they think these are good ideas.
Why did Stalin murder 30 million plus Soviet people? Why did Mao murder 76 million plus in China? Why did the Japanese try so hard to murder hundreds of millions in China? Why did FDR build the death camps to inter the Japanese Americans? Why did Sam Walton help run them? Why did the house of Hanover invest in the German death camps of the 1930s and 1940s? Why were Swiss insurance companies selling expensive insurance policies all over Eastern Europe in the 1930s knowing that they would never have to pay any claims because there would be no survivors?
The aristocrats
It’s a running gag. There’s a 2008 video on YouTube you can find in which Gilbert Gottfried says some of the most foul, terrible, ugly, nasty, disgusting things, deliberately.
The way the joke goes, there’s a talent agency. An open call for talent is hosted at the talent agency. So a man and his family come in and perform their act. They do all kinds of really disgusting things. I don’t want to say the things, so if it matters to you, go find the Gottfried version. Nearly every member of “the friers club” has done the routine at one time or another. The club is named after Saint Lawrence, who was martyred by being roasted on a grill and was calm enough after hours of this torture to say “I’m done on this side, turn me over.” Thus the “roasts” that were televised in the 1970s where various popular comedians and popular figures were poignantly made fun of at a celebratory gathering.
Anyway, the punch line, such as it is, after all these disgusting acts are described, the talent agent says, “That’s quite a performance. What do you call your act?”
And the dad says, “We call it ‘the aristocrats.’”
The point being that the European aristocracy has never been decent. If you look directly at them, they are disgusting. The peasants of England revolted in 1381. Do you know why? Because the capitation tax, the tax on every adult in England, was to exempt the actual virgin maids, so the filthy aristocrats were putting their hands up the skirts of young children, not just teens but toddlers, and trying to break the maidenhead so they could collect the tax. Perverts. All of them.
The peasants of England were persuaded to stop after a less than a month. They were simply butchering every “noble” they found, mostly by chopping off their heads. They were persuaded that they shouldn’t go too far, that there were some good aristocrats. There weren’t. After they stopped, they were then hunted down and murdered, often the entire families were killed. Such is the filth that were running England at the time.
You shouldn’t stop this time.
My family were against the pretender in 1746. We were cleared off our land after our side surrendered. You need to keep that in mind. My family are here in America because we were transported for life to Virginia colony. There was a storm at sea and by the grace of God we arrived far from where the indentures were to be served. It was convenient to the ship’s captain that he burned the indentures so he didn’t have to pay the duty at the harbour. You probably won’t have the same opportunity if you throw yourself on the mercy of those who have no mercy.
You see, they have been killing hundreds of millions of people this century. At Bally’s hotel in Las Vegas you can see dozens of the bodies of victims, made into statuary and put on display. Bally’s loves the dead bodies, which they declare to be a sight to see, an attraction, for families, for scientific knowledge. They are celebrating the murder of 78 million Falun Gong by the Chinese government. They will always celebrate murder because they are evil.
Am I getting through to you? I have no idea. I post these essays and a few dozen persons read them, and there are some few likes, a very few restacks, and the occasional comment. It isn’t a problem, really.
After all, the writing is a catharsis for me. The things inside have to come out. You can cry, you can laugh, you can sing, you can scream, you can write, you can dance furiously, it’s all catharsis. Every form of human activity can be cathartic if you work at it.
But at some point, you need to do something. I don’t know what you should do. I’m not you. But you really do need to make some plans and put them into motion.
Because expecting the people in charge of the system that wants to murder you to relent, ever, is not going to work out. And I like you more than they do. If they were able to succeed in murdering seven billion people and enslaving the rest, it would be rather dreary going from place to place, freeing the slaves, stopping the wars, and ending tyranny.
We could get past that part and go do the other parts. Care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility. Carry the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and to all souls in between. Wouldn’t that be better?
Let us pray, please. Eternal Father, please help us to free the slaves, stop the wars, end the tyranny of the state and the state of tyranny, cast out all demons, translate the Gospels into every language, care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility, and carry the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and to all souls in between. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. God’s will be done. Amen.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
i have been dumbfounded since 2020. i had sung from the rafters for decades. i now remain silent for the most part, my heartbreaking, praying, trusting, listening. i was brought to this place in March. so far, it is where i am to remain. i was just reminded that the true power on this earth is greater than these. i also remembered a message from a dear elder to let my tears flow, heart to break and open again. ty for writing, it is cathartic for me too. i kept getting the message that the war is won, now i must win the peace. 💙
My grandmother did a haunting painting (oil) of that photo from Ebensee.