Several years ago I was living in a temperate rainforest in Arkansas. Above me was a rock overhang. Next to me was a waterfall. Downhill from me were three garden terraces I carved out of the slope. Nearby were caves, other waterfalls, and a long rural dirt and gravel road. It was there that I inquired of the name of what I would be building and was told, “Three White Roses.” Now it is time to discuss the purposes of the group.
Free the Slaves
So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by
nature are not gods. ~ Galatians 4: 7-8
It is our goal to free the slaves by ending human trafficking. We are especially concerned about children being sold into bondage. We do not believe, and recent evidence supports our view, that governments are at all interested in doing anything meaningful about this matter. Rather, the cia, fbi, and military are the largest traffickers in child sex slaves in the world. The politicians and bureau rats are corrupt and evil. They profit from the rape, torture, and murder of children. They have no shame.
Accordingly we are putting together search and rescue teams for the purpose of identifying lost and stolen children, finding them, and bringing them out of slavery. Where it makes sense to work with local authorities, we will. Where it is necessary to confront local authorities, we’ll do that too.
Which slaves? All of them. God created every soul that is on Earth today. No soul is to be enslaved by any other being. We will work to free every one.
Stop the wars
“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” ~ Matthew 24: 7-8
Free market anarchists do not start wars, governments do. Free marketeers do not drop nuclear bombs on cities nor explode them in atmospheric testing that harms rural populations. Governments do, and aren’t even apologetic about doing so. Therefore we will not work through governments to stop the wars. The war profiteers have far too much sway over the evil, personally corrupt, and disgusting politicians and bureau rats who are paid for their involvement in keeping the wars going. We will use other means to end the wars.
End tyranny
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said,
We ought to obey God rather than men. ~ Acts 5:29
Do you want to know why there is tyranny? It is because you give your power to other people, people you barely know and in whom you cannot trust.
You aren’t going to end tyranny by voting. The voting process is corrupt. You’ve never had a legitimate presidential election in the United States. All you’ve done is allowed one group or another to lie to you about the most recent election and select who will have power over you. You need to stop pretending. You need to grow up. Now.
The suffering of people under tyranny is widespread. It is everywhere. You aren’t going to end it by supporting one government over another, by sending money through corrupt politicians to corrupt military contractors to wage war by one corrupt government’s army against another’s. You aren’t going to end it by mindlessly supporting the genocide under the regime supposedly run by the descendants of survivors of genocide in Germany.
You should stop supporting the system that seeks to enslave you and others. You should stop voting, stop participating, stop allowing yourself to be used. Withdraw your consent.
Cast out all demons
The seventy-two returned with joy, saying,
“Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” ~ Luke 10:17
You may be curious how we get to be living as cherished souls created by God on a planet where there are demons. Further information on this topic will be revealed as God wills. For now, you should be aware of two things of great significance to your spiritual well-being.
First, if you are baptised in water and with the Holy Spirit, you have power to cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. I have done so. You can, too. Say the words, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command all demons to go from this place forever.”
Second, the holy rosary of the blessed Virgin Mary is a weapon against evil. By praying the rosary and by encouraging others around you to pray the rosary you create a spiritual stronghold against evil.
Build the archives
Know that wisdom is such to your soul;
if you find it, there will be a future,
and your hope will not be cut off.
~ Proverbs 24:14
God wants us to stop having to learn everything all over again. There’s a certain saying common among the demon worshippers that God was against mankind having the knowledge of good and evil. What God actually sought to avoid was people disobeying God and mistakenly trusting the deceptions of the evil ones. It was not for knowledge, but for disobedience that Adam and Eve were sent forth from the Garden of Eden. It was for the sake of our eternal salvation that Mother Mary and Jesus Christ were sent to make full reparation for the original sin. We have the opportunity to move past that part now.
So one of the purposes of the Holy Order of Three White Roses is to create archives to make the knowledge of how to do things anti-fragile. We have a word for “the knowledge of how to do things” which is “technology.” I wrote an essay on it recently.
Some of the information you need to preserve from generation to generation has to do with making stuff, which you might think of as material technology. Steam engines, oil refineries, solar cells, satellite launch systems, these sorts of things. Other information you should preserve from century to century has to do with joy, passion, romance, and being human: poetry, art, architecture, sculpture, painting, gardening, growing, teaching.
You should also be aware by now that there is information of a deeply spiritual nature that is vitally important. You may think of this information as forming a spiritual technology. You need to be aware if there is evil coming into the world. You should be aware of how to go about making evil go away. You should be aware of the darkness, of the light, and of the light of creation which is God.
So you should not be surprised that in response to the depredations of the early Roman empire, God led some early Christians into the desert places, to remote islands, to create monasteries and libraries to preserve knowledge. Early Christians had some success in these areas, and worked with the Arab peoples in the early centuries of the Caliphate to help establish the Houses of Wisdom. Much that was worth preserving was destroyed by the Mongol invasion and sack of Baghdad in Anno Domini 1258.
So you should not be surprised that one of the larger archives we are planning to build will have a church on the ground floor. We are also in communication with people who are building other cathedrals and houses of worship.
Translate the Gospels into every language
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
~ Matthew 28:16-20
When I was in college I found out that there were certain things one did not say in a term paper on the history of psychology if you wanted a good grade. In particular, you did not tell a professor at the Columbia university department of psychology that you believe the balance of evidence is that gorillas and dolphins have language. You see, Noam Chomsky told them that animals are incapable of language, so it must be true. It was one of my first encounters with “the science is settled” though that particular term of phrase was never used in the discussion.
There are about seven thousand one hundred seventeen human languages on Earth. Some of these now have very few speakers. There are something fewer than 700 languages that have “official” status and are used for jurisprudence, legislation, and market activities. It seems very likely that there are many languages of people and of creatures on Earth that have not been provided with the Gospels. Certainly we have reason to believe that missionaries tasked with translating the Gospels into the local dialect are in many instances sunning themselves on the beach and not getting the work done.
Meanwhile there are creatures like cetaceans and apes which clearly have language. Some effort should be made to understand these languages. We should offer the Gospels in all languages and to every creature. We should not be intimidated that this process may take some time. It has been two thousand years since Jesus asked us to fulfil his commission.
Carry the Gospels to all creatures in God’s creation
In addition to our purpose of translating the Gospels into every language, we seek to share the good news of eternal salvation with every creature in all of God’s creation. Naturally, that includes the people on Earth, the other creatures on Earth that are capable of understanding, and the beings we encounter throughout the universe.
God sent Jesus to purchase for us the rewards of eternal salvation. Jesus suffered enormously for all souls to be saved. There is no need for any further suffering. Those who hear the words and believe may be baptised. (Mark 16:15-16)
Carry the Gospels to the farthest stars
I’ve written about this topic a few times in recent months. About the Ides of the twelfth month of last year (which still retains in English the rather inappropiate Roman name “December” although it is not the tenth month at all) I wrote an essay discussing some of the thoughts of Giordano Bruno.
In it, I pointed out, among other important thoughts: Jesus didn’t say “on earth” and heaven is not reached by flying on the Concorde nor by taking a rocketship into orbit. Those places in the sky which you see and can reach with your body are parts of this earthly realm, and even if you are in an aeroplane or dirigible or spaceship you are still “in earth.”
I believe that people who don’t have their heads completely lost to recto-cranial inversion are going to be able to encounter other intelligent beings in this Solar System. I believe whales, dolphins, and gorillas are among those intelligent beings. For one thing, we taught a gorilla sign language and she taught her daughter without any human prompting. So it would be well to approach other planets that have atmospheres and life forms with a certain amount of dignity and respect. Souls have been known to come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Care for and educate the young
You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
~ Deuteronomy 11:19
You are welcome to make excuses for parents sending their children to gooferment propaganda mills in the comments. I’ve seen and heard and read all the explanations. Oh, it’s expensive to teach kids at home. It isn’t. Oh, I have to work hard to pay taxes. You really don’t. You can stop paying taxes right now, it’ll be okay. Stop your friends and neighbours, too.
How’s that, you ask? Well, in the late 1990s congresscritters held hearings. Their constituents were angry about the evil vicious thug filth at the Infernal Revenue Disservice (irs) brutalising them, being uncivil, yelling, screaming, throwing things around, and they wanted their congress critters to do something about it. The congress is a bunch of worthless scum, so they did very little, but they did at least hold hearings. They heard from a bunch of people who had encounters with the scum bureau rat garbage that work for the irs. Then they called for the commissioner of the irs to explain things. As I recall the commissioner was a scared child and refused to show up, but an assistant commissioner testified. You can go look for the CSPAN videos and such. But the long and short of the testimony is, at that time, about 66 million Americans the irs thought should be filing were not doing so. And so they were brutal, deliberately, maliciously, with forethought, because they didn’t think anything else would work. What, the assistant commissioner asked, are we going to do with 66 million prisoners? We don’t have the prison cells. Today over 120 million Americans refuse to file.
I know it would be about 20 years before they hit on the idea of locking everyone in their own homes and getting their neighbours to rat them out to the pigs every time someone went outside without permission. I was surprised that worked so well in 2020. Lotta people have much for which to be ashamed of themselves.
Anyway, no, I don’t agree that the filthy communist scum at the nationalist socialist education assocation (nea) teachers union are individually any good, nor are they collectively good, nor do they want what is best for children. They are foul and disgusting. What they want is to sacrifice children to demons. If they are not personally Moloch worshippers, if they do not actively engage in acts of abortion and child mutilation, they want those things to be protected. Do your own research and let me know in the comments what you’ve learned.
The truth is that you have been down that road. You have seen what it brings. The military industrial pharmaceutical complex lies and releases bioweapons and puts poisons in vaxxajabs and your children have a “schedule” of dozens of jabs they are expected to take to even be allowed in some schools. These jabs have harmed millions of children. Autism spectrum disorder is directly and conclusively linked to the vaxxajabs given to children.
Robert Kennedy, Jr., a politician and scion of a family of politicians of questionable merit, whose uncle Teddy killed a lady at Chappaquiddick and pushed through a “reform” of civil aviation that destroyed second amendment freedoms at all airports, has a lot of things wrong with him personally and philosophically. But I believe he has the goods on Anthony Fauci and has the details on how damaging vaccinations are to children. And his “Children’s Health Defence” network might be able to do some good.
But if you are expecting the gooferment to care about children, teach them well, raise them up in the way they should go, you are dreaming an impossible and idiotic dream. I would like to reward you by throwing a lot of cold water on you, but you are not right here and I’m not aware of a port on the computer that lets me do that yet. So it will have to be metaphorical cold water. Grow up.
Give up your fantasy that the daddy government is gonna protect you from dangerous other countries or that the mommy government is gonna save you from unlabelled cannabis edibles. Stop pretending that you need a life guard for your life. You need to learn how to swim, sweetie. And become a rescue swimmer yourself. Stop farming out your obligations. It. Doesn’t. Work.
If you haven’t worked it out from some of my recent posts about growing up alienated and being unsatisfied with the way children were treated in my home town, I am not a fan of the adults pretending they have it all worked out. Case in point: you let the cinemas charge thirteen year olds more for a seat but they aren’t allowed to watch certain films until they turn 17, and others even later. What’s that all about? You let sixteen year olds contract to work at a job, have money taken from every pay packet, and you don’t let them vote. Isn’t that taxation without representation? Who do you think you are fooling? You weren’t fooling me, you double standard wielding hypocrites. And I don’t think you fool most of the other children either.
You may be satisfied with the military industrial financial pharmaceutical complex approach to child healthcare. Many children are not. So there is an opportunity to find solutions that make more sense. Involving children in their own destinies might be a place to focus, since essentially no one takes them seriously.
Care for the old, the sick, and the dying with humility and compassion
You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord. ~ Leviticus 19:32
We believe that all souls, young and old, should be respected, cared for, and provided with dignity. So we also seek to provide education and health care to adults. I have met many men and women who needed help learning to read, and have great respect for their struggle for literacy. It is vital that we keep alive the knowledge of the past. The people who have much of that knowledge lived through experiences we can only imagine. So it would be well to offer the opportunity to make records of what they went through, in the event that the future should come to reflect the past.
There are people who have illnesses of the spirit. Addiction is at least partly an illness of the soul, a detachment from hope and possibility, a reflection of despair. A few places have begun experimenting with the idea that making alcohol, cannabis, or drugs illegal only raises their prices, and arresting people struggling with addiction doesn’t help them or anyone. Alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous suggest that people who don’t have a commitment to hierarchy and who start groups without permission may have important insights into helping people get beyond alcoholism and drug addiction. There are other ways to help without incarcerating anyone. The prison industrial complex is a slavery industrial complex and needs to be ended. It’s a particular grift of Joe Biden from which he has profited immensely.
Your Help
I have been very directly instructed not to solicit your financial contributions. Not being paid is part of this Substack. We don’t have paid subscribers. We don’t have payments “turned on.” We’re not here to ask for your money.
If you want to get involved, please get involved. There are lots of things to do, lots of projects to work on. Feel free to discuss how you would go about helping, or where, in the comments.
How will it all get done? Have faith. God provides. Praise God. Amen.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I’ll have something new. Or old.
Thank you Jim. 🙏
This needs to be read by multitudes!
What is the meaning of 3 white roses? Your posts are so uplifting and grand in scope.