Several important understandings are fundamental to making our species free. I believe mankind's most important objectives include freeing the slaves, stopping the wars, and ending the state. Knowledge is one vital element in our work.
Please understand that you live in a Solar System. You do not live only on a planet. If Earth were not part of a Solar System, with no star to heat our world it would be much colder – close to absolute zero by a few degrees on the Kelvin scale.
Please understand that without the planet Jupiter, our planet would be very much more vulnerable to impacts from asteroids and comets. Without Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ganymede, Io, Europa, Titan, and the other planetary bodies with atmospheres, volcanoes, cryospheres, or weather, we would understand far less than we do.
Please understand that while you often live and work on Earth in a seemingly two-dimensional world, your universe probably consists of at least 12 dimensions. Thinking linearly, in two dimensions, or even in three dimensions is insufficient to your needs. You must begin to think in at least four dimensions – three space dimensions and the one time dimension you find most familiar.
In order to live free on Earth, mankind will need to live free in the Solar System. Beyond Earth are resources of time, energy, position, materials, and opportunities that cannot be found on Earth. Moreover, these resources give keys to many of the specific problems of Earth that, while potentially soluble without space resources, become much easier to solve with the application of both space resources and resourceful thinking.
Now therefore you and many others would like to examine the body of knowledge needed to become a space scout, a small part of which is in this field manual. Like all scouts, you will venture into unknown or uncharted or misunderstood volumes of space, visit other worlds, and see things from a new perspective. You will see some things never before seen by a human being. You will see in new ways. You will encounter other space scouts, and if circumstances arise, you may even encounter a space scout that is not human. Being on the edge of human experience may bring you into contact with anything. You will be given insights to find paths that others will follow. You stand at the beginning of an amazing journey into the future.
Everything comes into play. All the assumptions you have lived with all your life are up for grabs. The concepts of up and down, the dynamics of water, the physics of buoyancy, convection, even how a ball is affected by Coriolis forces in flight – everything you know and think you understand is all based on the special case of one planet, one rotating ball in space, one gravitational field, whereas the universe is much more complex.
As a space scout you will venture beyond Earth's atmo and find a seemingly weightless environment. You will experience accelerations much greater than one gravity to get off Earth (three to seven gravities are typical) and microgravity so tiny you won't perceive it.
Everything you see from high altitude atmospheric platforms to orbiting space platforms to cities built from new materials between planets – you will see and understand differently from your terrestrial brothers and sisters. You will share with them sights and sounds, yet the experiences will still elude many.
The space scout steps forward beyond the steps of anyone else. Scouts see everything anew and these experiences work a sea change on your soul. As scouts come to live in space in dozens, hundreds, and thousands, you will make homes there, raise families, teach children, find one another, and be at one with the universe.
In that oneness and from your position you will be able to bring new insights and take direct actions to alter the ways people live on Earth. Your choices will affect many lives. Thus, in reading this field manual and in studying to become a Space Scout, you should seek not only knowledge but also wisdom.
Seek to be wise enough to free others from bondage. Seek to be calm enough to refuse to initiate aggressive force. Seek to be brave enough to rapidly and effectively respond to aggression with defensive and retaliatory force to eradicate the aggressor's ability to make war. Seek to be kind enough to stop wars amongst others. Seek to be independent enough to never have a master in human form.
Seek then to be worthy of your role in the universe.
Space Scouts lead the way.
The above lengthy quotation is from the Space Scouts field manual parody that I wrote in 2017 and which Ben Stone was kind enough to host on his web site. As I am planning to offer a second edition in the near future, I won’t link to the original at this time.
Why Won’t You Bother?
The people who say the Earth is flat can be proven wrong by a simple experiment. Aristarchus of Samos worked it out about 2,274 years ago. He not only proved that the Earth is a sphere, he calculated its circumference, knew from that figure its diameter, and also calculated the distances to the Moon and to the Sun. You need to understand trigonometry to do all the same mathematics he did. So why don’t you?
I have no idea. I think it is ugly to take flat earthers seriously. They are obviously funded by the deep state filth that want ignorance to dominate our world. They don’t want you to know your own history let alone the truth about your capabilities. Why do you put up with this nonsense? It mystifies me.
From my perspective, trigonometry is algebra and geometery, focused on triangles. It isn’t that complicated. It’s junior high school stuff. Similar triangles. Sum of the angles. Sure, the curvature of the Earth indicates a non-Euclidean geometry, big deal. What is your problem? Please explain in the comments why you don’t share my visceral certainty that the Earth is not only large and generally spherical, but of a particular size? The maths just aren’t that tough.
A guy in Alexandria, Egypt understood it in detail two and a quarter millennia before you were born, using a stick of known length, the measure of one shadow, and knowledge of another place that was on the Tropic of Cancer at the time of the Summer solstice. You don’t even need for your baseline to include a point on the Tropic line, as long as it is a few hundred miles in extent, and you can get two sticks and measure the shadows at noon on the same day in both places. Cell phones ought to make this easy. You should be able to design the experiment from first principles. Why don’t you? idgi
So, if you want to be a Space Scout, that would be a good place to begin. Measure the circumference of the Earth. For extra credit, calculate the distance to the Moon and to the Sun, and publish these figures. (Aristarchus wrote that he wouldn’t publish the distance he calculated for the Sun because it was unbelievably large. So you can do better.)
Chemistry of exothermic reactions
You should understand the chemistry involved in contemporary space launch systems. What is ammonium perchlorate, and why should you care? How do today’s rocket engine propellants compare to materials like inhibited red fuming nitric acid and unsymmetrical di-methyl hydrazine? Why are liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen such good propellants (fuel and oxidizer) compared to other materials? If you had a fusion reactor on your starship, what material would you prefer to send into it to be heated and emitted as reaction mass?
These are some of the topics in chemistry you might want to consider on your long journey to the stars. If you haven’t tried making “black powder” gun powder, now would be a good time to begin. You’ll find some early 20th Century encyclopedias have recipes for gun cotton and gun powder that are worth having - this data was elided in most of the post-JFK-murder encyclopedias because the gooferment hates humanity and wants to enslave mankind. You might want to read up on what makes a good source of carbon for the powder - not all charcoal is created equal.
Physics of Rocketry
About a hundred years ago, in 1926, a guy named Robert Goddard was pioneering the development of liquid propellant rockets. See him? He’s just this one guy with an ungainly launch gantry and a pretty shiny rocket. Why aren’t you building liquid fuelled rockets in your garage? I have no idea. You should. It’s fun.
Some friends in Michigan built a liquid propellant rocket and launched it themselves about twenty years ago. It reached a height of 20 miles altitude. The guy who built their avionics (or, as he likes to say, astrionics) is Dennis Feucht, who is a subscriber to this ‘stack. Fun times. Noodle salad.
You know where the government supremacists of the German political party that rose to prominence 1933 to 1945 got their ideas and systems designs for the V2 rocket? From the patent applications of Robert Goddard ten years earlier. It is one of the strange things about the military industrial financial pharmaceutical complex that they imported this strange thing, Werner von Braun, known mass murderer, war criminal, concentration camp owner operator, and beastly enthusiast of the nationalist socialist German workers party instead of encouraging Goddard and others who were his predecessors and who were also Americans. The filth that was von Braun was so enthusiastic about Nazi party ideology that he joined every Nazi group he could find. One of his associates, who was also dragged to Alabama with Operation Paperclip, stood on his rights under the Weimar constitution not to take any political affiliation as an officer in the German army, and only reluctantly joined the deer hunting club because there was no other way to be allowed to hunt deer, and he “loved venison more than politics.”
If you want to understand the physics of rocketry, you would do well to study the rocket equation and to learn as much as you can about ballistics. Tasty mathematics with parabolas. Fun! One of my favourite books on the topic was written by Krafft Arnold Ehricke, who was a German rocket enthusiast who was also excited about space colonisation at a time when NASA was still very actively against it.
Now, Jim, I pretend to hear you exclaim, how can you say such a terrible thing against NASA? Look, I was there in 1988 when we worked really hard to get congress to amend the NASA charter of 1958 in its thirtieth anniversary year and require NASA to have the purpose of opening the space frontier instead of holding the door shut as they had been doing. They were required to write a report to congress every year about how they were doing so, and they refused. They absolutely did not write those reports, and when I mentioned the fact to Tim Kyger who worked for congressman Dana Rohrabacher, he was incensed. So they reluctantly and grudgingly issued a tiny report a few years later. One that I know of. NASA is run by people who hate humanity and want to enslave mankind. It is, for those in its bureau rat infested hallways, a grift for feathering their own nests. They enjoy watching astronauts burn to death, so they arrange to make it happen frequently.
What is a Scout?
A scout is a person who goes ahead of others. A scout is involved in exploration, communication, pathfinding, understanding, and surviving. By tradition, scouts go where no one else has gone, or, given the hundreds of thousands of years of humanity’s time on this planety and others, hasn’t gone lately. Scouts are integral to the “ground truth” part of the intelligence part of command, control, communications and intelligence (c-cubed i) that is essential for the leadership of military units.
So, a space scout is all that, in space. And you, my friend, are in space right now. You are on the outer surface of a planet that has an atmosphere which rotates on its axis, orbits a star, and hurtles around the core of the galaxy in the midst of one of the spiral arms of what is currently supposedly a “barred spiral” but is actually a traditional whirlpool type galaxy.
One of the more amusing videos I’ve seen about how we cannot be on a huge rotating ball shows the host leaning out the window of a moving automobile. His hair is blown every which way. And the car is going maybe 80 miles per hour. Obviously, just the rotation around its axis requires a speed of about 1,000 miles per hour since Earth is about 24,000 miles in circumference and goes around in 24 hours more or less. Why aren’t we all blown off our feet?
Well, the atmosphere has many layers, and you are down at the bottom of a fairly dense (one atmosphere, or about 14.7 pounds per square inch) body of air which pushes down on you constantly. Above the thermosphere there is an area of very low wind called the thermopause and above that is the stratosphere where winds move really fast. Way beyond the stratosphere is a thinner area called the ionosphere, and above that are various belts of the magnetosphere. Understanding our atmosphere, and those of other planets like Mars, Jupiter, and planetoids like Titan would be useful in your studies to become a space scout.
When your head is inside the car, even with the window rolled down, your hair isn’t moving as wildly as when you stick your head out the window. Why is that? Because it is in an air pocket of sorts. So what do you think would happen if you put your head out the window of a jetliner at 35,000 feet? Quite a lot of damage would likely ensue, and you might experience a lack of partial pressure of oxygen because the air is much thinner as you go up. So your head, down here at ground level, is not at all blowing in the wind. The analogy isn’t perfect, but you get the point. People who fly kites and hot air balloons or helium balloons on a tether notice right away that the “winds aloft” can be much stronger depending on how far you go up.
Equipment of a scout sniper
If you are interested in becoming a Space Scout you should probably look into the widely available information on the training and equipment of military scouts. One of the sorts of scout that exist in many military organisations is the scout sniper. A scout sniper is not only capable of exploring the terrain in enemy held territory, but also of doing something about some of the more pernicious persons engaged in combat.
“Now we come to the matter of the specific targetting of officers during engagements. Oh colonel, you must know that in civilised warfare, officers in the field must not be accorded inappropriate levels of hostile attention.”
“To your mind, what are appropriate levels of hostile attention?”
“Oh, colonel, imagine the utter chaos that would follow from leaderless armies having at each other. There must be gentlemen in command to lead and … and where necessary restrain their men.”
“Restrain them from, say, targetting civilians. Women. Children and such.”
“That’s a separate issue.”
“No no. I consider them linked. And as long as your soldiers attack civilians, I will order the shooting of officers at the outset of every engagement. And my men are excellent marksmen.”
The above scene is from the film “The Patriot” which is worth watching for its historical and spiritual features. The clip is found here.
Some of the equipment you might want to have on hand include optics, night vision and low-light vision gear, illumination for visible, ultraviolet, and infra-red as well as appropriate optics for the same, global positioning satellite receivers, maps including map software and paper maps of the area you are in (because electronic systems fail and batteries run low), compass, radio transceivers, cryptography (which literally means the writing of codes) software and one time pads, and defensive tools such as rifles, pistols, knives, slings, bows, and appropriate ammo. You’ll also want body armour appropriate to your environment, which may include a vest, helmet, and femoral/groin armour. You may also want to consider non-lethal weapon systems for capturing overseers and the like.
In space, of course, you’ll also need systems for providing air and supporting the skin against vacuum. You may think of space suits as big and bulky, but there is a school of thought that a skin suit such as deep sea divers wear is sufficient to hold the capillaries under adequate pressure to prevent vacuum exposure issues. Developing more flexible suits and gloves that function well in zero atmo are interesting opportunities for space entrepreneurs. Pictured above is a stretch suit from one of the teams at MIT, vintage 2014.
The Beginning at the End
My goal has not been to tell you what to do, who to be, nor how to act. My goal has been to entertain you with this parody of a field manual, with stories and tales, with facts and figures. Most of all, my goal has been to inspire you to choose for yourself.
I think it would be very exciting to see hundreds of thousands of people become space scouts. I would anticipate at least that many people on Earth are already interested, eager, and willing to explore their universe. I don't anticipate more than a few thousand of them getting into space in the next 20 years, but now is the time to expect those first few thousand.
You have read this field manual, since you are here on this last page. You don't want it to be over, and the good news it is not. You are surprised that I haven't told you a whole lot more, but that is, as I've mentioned throughout these pages, very deliberate on my part. I'm not going to hold your hand, reinforce your confidence, and talk you through every step. I cannot.
You have to learn on your own. You have to motivate yourself. You have to convince yourself of the idea “I want to go,” and then learn everything you need to go. You have a lot of learning to do, in mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, astrophysics, history, ancient cultures, anthropology, world travel, scuba diving, manufacturing, design, engineering – there is no complete list of disciplines.
You have to figure out how to organise people, gather resources, fund raise, build a team, put a system together, and get into space. You have to do these things if you want to be a space scout.
I cannot do that wanting for you. I cannot want it so bad for you, get the fire in your belly roiling every day, get you jonesing for the space frontier. I'm doing that for me every day. You have to do you.
Please don't come to me and ask me to lead you, order you around, command you. I'm not looking for followers, serfs, apprentices, nor slaves. I'm looking for generations of men and women to see this booklet as a guide, as a possibility, as a parody. I want you to reject this booklet and say, “I can do a better job, I know what being a space scout is like, I can write a real Space Scouts Manual.”
Most of all, I want to see future generations think of space scouts as people who were bold, innovative, independent, free thinking, and determined. Never follow:
Space Scouts Lead the Way
Space is for tourists
In 1990, as part of the research we did for the business plan for Space Travel Services, even before we sent Art Dula of Space Commerce Corporation to go get the contract with the Soviets to put an American on Mir, we looked into how we might quantify the space tourism industry. How many people around the world want to go into space? The research is mostly out of date now, but at the time I found a very interesting study by Rockwell International, which in the 1970s had at least pretended to have the ambition of building space shuttles to sell to airline companies.
Based on their surveys, they concluded that at least 400 million people worldwide wanted to fly in space as of 1990. One of the most interesting facts in the survey was the open question: What do you want to do about space?
The single most volunteered answer was, “I want to take a trip into space.” If you know anything about marketing research, having a persistent answer like that show up from thousands of independently surveyed individuals who had no opportunity to talk to one another before answering is a huge result. It indicates a large market demand that can be satisfied profitably.
A very long time ago, my grandma was born on a farm in the Ozark mountains of Missouri, quite near St. James. It was 1903. That same year, two men named Wilbur and Orville Wright flew an aeroplane in North Carolina at the dunes near Kitty Hawk. Within thirty years, you could take a scheduled airliner to any major city in America and to many destinations overseas. My grandma flew on such planes a number of times.
In 1961, a man named Yuri Gagarin is believed to have been the first to fly in space in our contemporary civilisation’s histories. I have reason to believe that another fellow, also from the Soviet Union, flew earlier, but his space vehicle depressurised and he didn’t survive the experience. Nevertheless, it was thirty years later, 1991 when we wanted the first American to fly to the space station Mir for a one week trip.
That space tourism event was prevented from happening. Some day I’ll write more about how that went. Earlier this month, on the 12th, some people in the space business celebrated the flight of Gagarin in his Vostok capsule on its SIXTY THIRD anniversary. Sixty-three years. 63.
Think of it. The freemasons and the other scum filth gooferment bureau rats have deliberately prevented space tourism for the last 63 years because they hated JFK so much they murdered him in broad daylight, arranged to get away with it, and destroyed the things he wanted most. Probably also for other reasons that Robert Heinlein wrote about in his novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.
Lately, the cost of reaching orbit has been coming down. It is time once again to consider space tourism as an industry. I believe today there are over a billion people who want to fly in space, so if you were able to bring the cost down to, say, $26,000 for a round trip to a space hotel, you would find tens of millions of customers. That is, as it happens, first class accommodation on Qantas from New York City to Sydney, Australia. Thousands of people pay that fare every year. And people do save up for special trips.
Do the mathematics in your head, would you? Forty million customers a year, $26,000 average ticket price per, that’s 40 x 10^6 times 26 x 10^3 = 1,040 x 10^9 or just over a trillion dollars in market opportunity.
Of course the first trips won’t cost $26K each. But you should know that Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic announced his intention of flying tourists to the edge of space in 2004. And I think he booked a bunch of seats on the first few flights at like $250,000 a person. So there are people who really want to go.
Do you?
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Two of my friends and I started a company in 1990 called Space Travel Services. I am going to get that going again.
We gotta get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do.