“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?” ~ Patrick Henry, 1775
It is well said that if you seek peace, you should prepare for war. Things said in Latin often are regarded as more forceful. Si vis pacem para bellum comes from Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus's booklet Dē Rē Mīlitārī written Anno Domini 383. His actual words are Igitur quī dēsīderat pācem, præparet bellum ("Therefore let him who desires peace prepare for war.”) Thus the title of this essay.
I believe it is important to draw lessons from history. We have from a wide variety of authors, going back at least as far as Thucydides in his book on the Pelopponesian war the idea that the future will most likely reflect the past. When a communist tells you not to be burdened by the past, they are saying that they defy you to remember any of the 262 million persons murdered by their governments in the 20th Century, nor any of the 200 million persons murdered by their governments in this millennium so far. I don’t tell you about the past to burden you, but to prepare you, for your future.
You live in dangerous times. People will say that it has always been so, but that simply isn’t true. We have lived in times of peace, and at times there was peace for thousands of years. There was a great flood sent by God eleven thousand years ago to drown the most wicked. There was a period of over three thousand years when people lived without armouries in every community, with trade and commerce, with peace, love, and understanding.
There is a symbol used widely in a multi-tiered scheme known as freemasonry, which is composed in part of a set of dividers. There has been a group of people known for their enthusiasm for dividing people, sowing division, and encouraging the different groups to fight against one another. In the Roman empire these men and women were known as the “patrician” families.
Author and careful student of history
has written extensively on the topic of the “Venetian black nobility” who are, I believe, the same families that were known to run the major cities and provinces of the Roman empire up until the city of Rome began to be sacked. What became of them? They went to the swamps on the other side of the Italian peninsula. They built a city in those swamps, carved out canals with slave labour, and called it “Venice.”The word Venice is a reference to the phoenix, the bird that rises from ashes and carries in its nature the flames of its next immolation. Although the Carthaginians came from a region called Phoenicia, I don’t believe that people of Venice were declaring themselves descendant of the Phoenician peoples of the Levant nor those of North Africa nor those of Spain. Rather they assert a claim to what they call the glory of Rome.
I do not regard Rome as a bright era, but as a blot. Even as a repubic, Rome was violent, rapacious, and pillaged what cultural artefacts and concepts they sought to keep, training their captives to make similar works of art and technology as slaves. The servile wars and the war with the Caledonii are examples of how the Romans really were. The war leader of the Caledon men, known to us as the Calgacus, said of them, “They make a desert and call it peace.”
If you want to understand in great detail the sort of suffering inflicted by Romans on individuals who stood against their pretence of authority you may turn to your Bible and read of the suffering of Jesus Christ under Pontius Pilate. To be “saved” from the death penalty, Pilate decreed that Jesus be scourged. So he was chained to a pillar and whipped by two Roman soldiers who used barb-tipped whips to rip off the flesh of his torso.
One of them was poorly trained and repeatedly struck the same area of Jesus Christ’s shoulder, inflicting a very deep wound that made it difficult for Jesus to carry his cross on that side. After the scourging, the soldiers of their own accord, without being ordered, crafted a crown of thorns and forced it onto the head of our Lord, inflicting deep scalp lacerations and causing profuse bleeding. Such a profusion of blood that when she saw him carrying his cross, his mother, Mary, saw that Jesus blinked the blood from his eyes in order to see to go forward.
For all that Pilate pretended to be saving Jesus from execution, he yet ordered the execution. So Jesus was made to carry his cross up that long sloping hill to the place of the skull. There he was nailed to the cross and the cross was raised up. Try to imagine the wounds in his hands and feet and the pure torment of being raised up in that way. Then try to imagine breathing for hours while in that position - having to push down on your feet in order to lift your chest enough to draw breath.
The Romans had centuries of experience with this method of execution. They put a piece of wood under the feet which you can see on more accurate depictions of the crucifixion so that the victim would be able to breathe. Two other men were murdered by the Romans at the same time, and they had not been scourged. They were yet alive at the time the day was ending, so their legs were broken in order to hasten their end. The legs of Jesus were not broken because he appeared to the Romans as dead, and so a lance was driven into his side.
You can read about the Servile wars, about a man named Spartacus and his followers. Thousands of men, women, and children were crucified by the Romans on the side of the road from Naples to Rome - they say a cross rose every three feet on both sides of the roadway. Such are the dividers of the Roman patrician “class” and such are the vicious, bloodthirsty, disgusting ways of their culture. There is no goodness in them. There is no sympathy, no honour, and no courage. They deliberately, without orders, forced a crown of thorns onto our actual king to mock him. They are evil, and their evil has not been wiped out.
Until it is, there is a war between the children of God and those who worship demons. It is the war we inherited from our ancestors. As I wrote in my essay, “Who lit the fire,” we know who wanted the war we are experiencing, and we know who profits from it. We know enough to know that the war must be ended. We need God’s help to end it.
Jeremiah 6
There is a great deal to be learned from the prophet Jeremiah. I encourage you to read every word, including those that appear in the book that bears his name and those which appear in the Lamentations. In the sixth chapter of Jeremiah there are these words:
They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown,” says the Lord.
You should be aware that Patrick Henry had read those words and knew he was quoting them when he gave his famous speech in the third month of 1775. He also knew that his country would be at war with the Hanoverian usurpation before another month had passed.
A great reckoning is coming. You can read about it in the Bible. You would do well, I believe, to direct your attention to the fourth chapter of Malachi, to the thirtieth chapter of Isaiah, and to the 18th chapter of Revelation. These are among the many passages in the Bible that tell of our day and our time and the events that are coming.
I would direct you to chapter 12 in the book of Luke in which he quotes our Lord Jesus Christ saying that everything hidden shall be uncovered, every secret will be revealed, what is said in the dark will be repeated in broad daylight, what is whispered in private in a closed room will be shouted from the rooftops. Behold, these prophecies are fulfilled in your day by men and women such as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, and many hundreds of others.
The dividers who seek to rule shall not rule. They shall not keep their secrets. They shall not win. They know these things just as I know them. Though they choose to worship demons, they know God is real, they know God’s plans for them. And they have grown desperate. So they plan to hurt you, hurt your communities, hurt you in your home, hurt you in your wallet, and hurt your family as much as possible.
You need to prepare to stand against them. You must not bow down before them. God provides great blessings and has hosts of angels to fight with you. But you must stand. You must fight. And you must not surrender to them, for they will not have any mercy. They don’t know of mercy, honour, decency, nor justice. They are known by their fruit, which is entirely corrupt, and they are filled with wickedness.
Who is your neighbour?
You need to reflect on your home, your town, your neighbourhood, and your community. You are in charge of your home. I believe that it is a firm, decent, and good principle, brought down to us from the time of the barons and yeomen of England demanding that John Lackland sign the magna carta, that a man’s home is his own castle. You have say in what goes on in your home.
You don’t get to choose who lives nearby, except that you may choose to leave one community and go and live in another. I have done so, by the way. I am a traveller who has visited countries, towns, and cities on four continents.
I have lived in Somalia and found there far too many governments for my taste. In all candour I also mention that the people of Greater Somalia are aware of their aboriginal territories and do not agree to having their lands occupied by foreigners. If you feel that some of the people around you are “xenophobic” you have no idea how definite the Somalis are in their hatred of foreigners. A Swiss man of less than ten thousand days was murdered in Hargeisa earlier this century because he was determined to marry a Somali woman and live with her and raise children in Somalia.
Oh, it is fine to marry a Somali woman, but you have to emigrate. You have to bring her to Europe or North America, give her a fine life, and encourage her to send home remittances to her family. You have to help her bring members of her family to your community, if you want such a wife. A British man of many decades age was tolerated in a Somali community in the early 20th Century because he and his wife had no children, he married her after she had reached menopause. A Dutch man of my acquaintance had the same experience in the late 20th Century, becoming the brother in law of the Samaron clan of Somalis who live in Awdal province. An Italian woman, who I suspect was also a communist, came to Borama as an elderly nun and worked in the hospital there helping the victims of tuberculosis. I not only met her but also spent time in her office at the hospital discussing the plans of the Awdal Roads company. She was murdered a few years later by Islamic fundamentalists on suspicion of praying with patients in the hospital and encouraging them to worship Jesus Christ.
I mention these things to point out that xenophobia is a global phenomenon and that those who seek to divide you from others in your community are well aware how foreigners in their own countries treat visitors. Tourists are welcome to visit and spend money and go home. Travellers are not welcome to stay and make homes and have mixed race children. These are rules that are enforced by bloody means.
God is in charge of the affairs of men. God is just. And God is not deceived.
So when you find many people from foreign lands have become your neighbours, you should know that God is involved. I didn’t choose the people who are living near you. God did. And if you don’t love them, then you aren’t obeying God.
If you love people you share the Gospels with them. You translate the Gospels into their languages. You care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility. You do these things to free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. You do these things to build on a solid foundation, on the teachings of Jesus Christ, so that we are able to carry the Gospels to the farthest stars and to all souls in between.
I do not say it is easy. I know it to be hard.
I do not say that it will always go your way. I know it may not. God provides. Praise God. Amen.
Your job as Christians is to convert your neighbours to Christianity. Your job is to be a powerful testimonial to how God moves in your life. Your job is to be a leader in your community. Your job is to protect your home, your family, and the people you love, and to love the people God has sent to you to be your neighbours.
Does that mean putting up with them being violent? It does not. Does that mean submitting to the tyranny of others? It does not. It means being prepared for war, and when necessary, to take up arms to defend your home, your family, and your community. If they take your livestock, butcher, and eat, you should stop them, you should punish the transgressors. If they take your children to butcher and sacrifice to demons, you should battle them, free your children, and end all demon worship.
Do you feel that these ideas are at conflict with one another? You should feel free to express your concerns and questions in the comments. I will do my best to offer answers and advice, as I am guided, as I am able. But I am a fallible vessel. If you want to know what Jesus would do, you should read the words of Jesus. Jesus cast out demons. Jesus fed the multitudes. Jesus walked on water. By their fruits you shall know who is good and who is evil.
Jesus told his disciples that he had previously told them to go out without possessions and carry the word to the communities all around, but now he was telling them to sell their cloaks and buy weapons. Why? To defend against the wolves, to defend their flocks against beasts, to do what is good and right. Not to be beastly but to be good.
The people who are in your community are your neighbours. I didn’t bring them there. And if you don’t get along with them, you may wish to consider finding a different community. If you are looking for a long term home, I strongly recommend you go up hill into mountainous terrain and find a rural property where you can build as you see fit. Grow food in your gardens. Lawns are a prestige thing and you aren’t going to graze very long on grass if that’s all you are growing.
The essential commandments are in the Bible. You are to love God with your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole energy. You are to love yourself. You are to love your neighbour just as much. Bring them to Jesus. God be with you. Amen.
Preparations lead to results
It is my view that you should have gold, silver, and copper bullion rounds. You should have arms and ammo. You should have tools for defence. You should grow food. You should can the excess for times when things are tough. You should be fruitful and multiply. You should marry and have many children. You should look around you.
See your community as a place to defend, and look for the strong points. Look at the hills around the valley and set up posts on those hills. It is mistaken to try to hold posts, but it is essential to take the high ground. Keep it as long as you can and use it to defend your home. Withdraw to fight again another day. Know where to go to get away, and know all the ways around so you can get back home after the maurauders move on. Have paths out in all directions so you know where to go depending on where the enemy is and is not.
Search and rescue groups exist and should be joined. If there isn’t one near you, start your own. Search and rescue outfits are given surplus vehicles by government agencies. Take advantage of those gifts. Get the things you need to protect your homes and your families. Build a mutual aid response team to defend your sovereignty.
God gave you many precious resources. You should live where you have water, where you can grow food, where you can stand, and where you can fight. You should find those who will fight with you. You should be aware of those who will fight against you. You should be able to stand on your own. You should never call the cops - they are hirelings of those who seek to divide. They protect and serve demon worshippers.
Unless they repent. In which case welcome them as brothers and sisters. Be wary until you know them by their fruits, by their actual actions and behaviours. Trust those who you can verify. Pray for guidance from God, often, many times a day.
God doesn’t want you to bow down to your enemies, nor to worship false idols, nor to follow false doctrines. God wants you to stand up, to be good, and to be an example to others. God wants you to lead your community. God wants you to share the Gospels with every creature everywhere in all of God’s creation.
I believe in God the Father Almighty creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only son, our lord, who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, and from there he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
Those are my beliefs. My beliefs do not require that you share them. But I believe God wants you to know these beliefs, and I believe that if you ask God, you would find that God wants you to believe as I do.
God is not deceived, and people who are coerced to proclaim beliefs are not always sincere. So we are instructed not to force people to pretend to believe. We are to share our testimonies, share the Gospels, and those who believe may be baptised.
If you have been baptised in water and with the Holy Spirit, you have the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out demons. You can call upon holy Michael the archangel to help you.
Those who refuse to repent, who would choose to continue in their wickedness, do not belong in your communities. You should cast them out, drive them from your neighbourhood. If you are uncertain, pray to God for guidance. If it is difficult to remove those who are evil, ask God for help.
God is great. Life is good. I am happy. Amen.
God wants you to be happy. Always. For this purpose, God sent His son Jesus to purchase for you the rewards of eternal salvation. Be blessed. Be prepared.
War is coming.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Jim, I am what I am calling, for now, Christian-adjacent or, more specifically, Christ-adjacent, but am learning constantly. And, Christian or not, I am a sinner. I find your words and style of writing very uplifting and helpful, so thank you. I do hope to find others like you near me. Local is the only way. And the blood boils....
Thank you Jim for writing this and for your constant exhortation on many things but especially to proclaim the gospel and to be prepared. Blessings and peace brother.