You have to let it all go. Fear. Doubt. Disbelief. Subordination. Obeying other people. Going along to get along. You have been down that road. You now know where it leads. It leads to you, in a pod, being poisoned by the food, water, and air. Fluoride to reduce your mental capacity. Other chemicals to reduce your ability to put up a fight, what they want to call aggressiveness or volatility. Emasculation for all your male children. Mutilation for all your female children. Except the ones they want to take for breeding purposes, until they think they have reliable machine surrogates.
Effete Overclass
There are people who have learned a variety of arrogance. It is an exceptionally pernicious kind, and they have been around for a long time. Thomas Jefferson wrote about them.
All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. the general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God.
~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Roger Weightman, 1826 06 24
I was in a hotel room in New Orleans in 1988 during the World Science Fiction convention that is widely regarded as the most disastrous event in fan history. It would be correct, and relevant, to say that I was in a vast array of different hotel rooms that week. But a conversation with the president of the San Antonio space society and the head of the convention committee of the Denver L5 Society was in a particularly nice room at a boutique hotel that was destroyed when the flood waters were deliberately released after hurricane Katrina in 2005. We were there, in the 8th month of 1988, to consider proposals for the upcoming “international” space development conferences. Denver had hosted the conference three months earlier and Chicago was going to handle the following year, Anaheim had just been chosen for 1990 but subsequent years were not yet designated. San Antonio and Houston wanted to work together on a bid.
Both of these two were people that I knew very well. It may come to pass that someone might figure out who each of them were, so I shall limit myself to one major point of discussion. The Denver guy said, “Of course you know that some people have to be told what to do. They have to be led, or they ruin everything.”
I said, “No, I didn’t know that, actually. I had heard something different. Say more about that, please.”
He went on at some length. I should be rude to be more specific in the ways in which he was. So I simply quoted Jefferson, saying, “So you think there are people who have to be saddled and ridden, whereas there are a few who are fit to ride them?”
He said yes. And I said, “No, I don’t believe that’s true.”
But these people do: America's Dysfunctional Overclass
One survey, the
Elite{effete}, included only respondents with postgraduate degrees, household incomes above $150,000 and residents in a ZIP code with more than 10,000 people per square mile. Another, Ivy League graduates, included adults who attended Ivy League or other selective private colleges such as Chicago, Duke, Northwestern, or Stanford.
* * * * *
What is surprising is the extent to which this American overclass would deprive its fellow citizens of things they have taken for granted. Half of these groups, 47 percent of
Elites{effetes} and 55 percent of Ivies, say the United States provides people with “too much individual freedom.”More than three-quarters favor, “to fight climate change, the strict rationing of energy, gas, and meat,” a proposition rejected by 63 percent of the public. Again, “to fight climate change,” between half and two-thirds favor bans on gas stoves (a recent target despite demurrals of Biden bureaucrats and New York state Democrats), gasoline-powered cars (heavily disfavored by Biden Democrats and California rules) and SUVs, “private” air conditioning, and “nonessential air travel.”
I know quite a lot about these people because I went to college and graduate school with many of them. I went to a public school in Lawrence, Kansas and was only able to afford Columbia on a John Jay academic scholarship, with an actual scholarship cheque from one of the sponsors of the National Merit Scholarship contest, plus work study and later a full time job at a bank working every weekend processing cheques.
The John Jay programme is an interesting experiment, or it was at the time. There were 14 Jay scholars my first year, and for reasons that are complex, I was invited to participate in my second year as well. Once a month we had cocktails and supper together at the faculty clubhouse with some member of New York City society. People like former mayor Ed Koch, Ford Foundation president Franklin Thomas, violinist Jascha Heifetz, and newspaper magnate Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch recognised my Davidson clan tie, and I adverted on his Murdoch tartan apparel, which he thought was amusing repartée on my part.
Murdoch understood his readers and what they wanted. He had no compunction about the fact that he was in business to make a profit. He didn’t care what sophisticated people thought about his publications, he cared what readers wanted to read. So he was quite jovial about the page six ladies and the tabloid topics. He understood the details of the publishing industry and he knew what sold newspapers.
Heifetz liked music and liked fine living. He didn’t have philosophical opinions that I recall. Koch hated everyone, wanted to use wolves to patrol the subway yards to cut back on graffiti artist improvements of the railcars, and was one of the most unpleasant people I’ve met. Thomas also cared very much what other people thought, and also wanted to appear responsible for helping people out of poverty. He was sophisticated and urbane, but also pleasant and understanding, in my brief acquaintance.
The Jay scholars were a mixture of prep school graduates who had generations of money behind them and scholars like me who were brought in from remote parts of the country to enhance the experiences of the wealthy. I never got the impression that the wealthy were elite, in the sense of having superiority in knowledge or work ethic or leadership. Rather, they were effete, “no longer capable of effective action” as in an aristocracy past its prime. Inherited wealth is an indication of propensity to be arrogant, but it is no sign of talent. Steven Spielberg had Jeff Goldblum say that talent skips a generation, but that seems, from my direct personal experience, to be woefully optimistic.
You see, the eugenicists don’t actually pay any attention to their pet scientists. Evolutionary theory says that you don’t get smarter, faster, healthier, savvier, stronger people by feeding them the best foods, giving them the finest educations, and treating their smallest scrapes with massive attention. It is hardship that develops competition and determination. Plato’s The Republic is the text the effete fools use to justify their behaviour, but it is completely irrational. There are no philosopher kings, there are only grifters.
Return Theory
My friend
recently posted about Attachment Theory. Click the pic to reach the link.Her post brought to mind a conversation with my old friend Randy Dumse. Randy and I were members of the Texas Constitution 2000 ratification committee that Bob Phipps sabotaged because he was paid to destroy it. But we did successfully obtain the ratification of one county, Sabine county, and met a lot of good people.
Randy held forth on something he called Return Theory. His idea is that some people want to return to the womb, want to return to the nursery. They enjoyed contentment, being taken care of, a seemingly safe place. You find this desire in a lot of political discussions, having someone take care of the dangers, having a strong central government to plan and choose, having a nanny state to limit choices and require safety helmets. You also find this desire in architecture and in interior design. The globe shaped fixture on the overhead light looks like a breast. The dome structure looks like a breast, sometimes with a statue adding that little bit extra on the tip. He would go on at length given the opportunity.
Maybe so. But, obviously, the world isn’t a safe place. And the generations that built a lot of wonderful things had playgrounds that were raw steel jungle gyms and enormous wooden teeter totters which gave splinters. We played dodge ball with hard inflated balls that hurt when they hit you. We rode our bikes like maniacs and only the kids on the slow bus ever wore a helmet to school. If there were seat belts in the back of cars in those days, you wouldn’t know watching kids bounce around from seat to seat, sitting only when a parent noticed something wrong. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen an ashtray inside a building, which seems odd because it isn’t the tobacco or the Native Americans would have died of lung cancer long before Europeans visited here.
(On that particular point, I do believe the mined potash is measurably radioactive. In the 1950s they began to stop the practice of burning the stubblefields to prepare for the next crop. Large scale tobacco farms began using mined potash. And the plants were able to concentrate the radioactivity away from the posey, away from the genetic information. Where? In the leaf, of course. Not to mention the post settlement practice, approved by the feral gooferment, to include ammonia as an ingredient in major brand cigarettes. Ammonia is ten times as addictive as nicotine. And far more destructive to lung tissue. But the people in power do not care about the people they govern. They have nothing but contempt for you.)
The Truth
If you intend to be free, you need to look directly at the truth. You need to understand what is true and what is false. And the truth that you need to fully understand is that the people who govern you, now, today, who live in the county seat of your county and occupy county offices, who live in the capital city of your state and occupy state political and bureau rat offices, who live in the wealthiest counties in America which surround Washington, District of Corruption where trillions of dollars are forcibly collected and spent every year, all those corrupt officials and politicians, hate you. They hold you in contempt. They despise not only you personally, individually, but everyone like you that they have ever met. Anything they say to the contrary is pretence and should not be taken seriously.
It is especially true in those states that still don’t recognise the inherent right to keep and bear arms, the God given freedom to defend yourself and your family with effective tools. Machiavelli knew it:
Yes, reading Machiavelli’s The Prince and excerpts from his discourses on democracy was required to complete “Contemporary Civilisation,” a two-semester course that was necessary to graduate from Columbia. Writing to “the prince,” and you can look up which Italian magnate was being addressed if you care, Niccolo wanted to be sure he knew not to let his people take away his palace guard and his armoury. No no. If you do that, you will be despised, you will be viewed as contemptible.
You will be, as Hillary Clinton has so clearly said, be regarded as “a basket of deplorables” who are, to her, filth to be murdered, raped, tortured, and enslaved. She told John Podesta that she wanted everyone who had ever seen the Anthony Wiener laptop contents to be killed. He said that was tens of millions of people and she couldn’t expect him to find a way to do that much killing. She typed “lol.”
Barack Obama said that Americans in what he and the rest of the effete pseudo-intellectual strivers call “fly-over country” were inept and foolish, clinging to our guns and Bibles. Obama would burn all the Bibles, hang all the parish priests and ministers, and enslave everyone else. Obama is a rapist, a murderer, and a depraved madman. I know. I met him in person at Columbia in 1983, though only for about fifteen minutes on campus when he was finishing his “research” on the anti-war groups on campus.
The truth is that demon worshippers are in power. And what you get when you vote is more of the same. Maybe in different costumes. Fetterman certainly doesn’t bother to shop for business suits. Maybe in different parts of the Overton window of allowed political discourse. But always making the government bigger, the rules more arcane, and you more impoverished. They hate you, and they laugh at their cocktail parties about how gullible they think you are. I know. I’ve had cocktails with a lot of these goofs, back before I chose sobriety in 2007 and told God that I wouldn’t get drunk or cut my hair or beard until the wars are over.
The truth is, you are not ever going to vote your way to freedom. I understood that fact in 1991. I’ve been waiting for other people to wake up and begin to understand. It’s sad in many ways how much garbage people have been willing to put up with for the last 33 years. But it is worth celebrating that the people who have been deliberately killed to protect the power of the military industrial financial political pharmaceutical regulatory complex have not died in vain. There are enough people awake to change the world.
And the truth is, the people who run things in your county, city, state, and national government are mostly doing the bidding of the exceptionally evil people in Europe, especially the clowns who meet at Davos. They declared war on the American people at their first meeting in 1954. They hate you, and their hirelings in the media have kept quiet about how much they want to enslave you and hurt you and how many of your children they have arranged to entice and rape and torture and murder.
A Reckoning Comes
When I told you to prepare to defend yourselves, I was quite serious. It’s a presidential election year, boys and girls. It is different from the off-years. It’s different from the mid-term election years. It matters much more to the grifters who work inside the beltway of Mordor on the Potomac who wins this year. They want to have their way. If someone that really doesn’t like them actually takes power, leading some ten million of the active duty age military veterans in the country, say, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason or sent to Idaho to be executed for raping children.
I think that 2017-2021 was Obama’s third term. If you look at the people in critical positions in the Trump administration, he was apparently convinced of continuity as a policy and unaware of the consequences of letting turncoats have power. Bill Barr, Gina Haspel, John Bolton, Antony Fauci, and others were using Trump. Or he was aware of all the perfidy and treason and fine with it. I don’t much mind if you can show evidence either way. Because his re-election won’t matter, even if it were possible. Clearly, from this paragraph, you should see that I believe that Joe Biden is president in name only. Obama is having his fourth term, and clearly intends to subvert the nomination process by preventing actual primaries with actual voter chosen delegates, as well as preventing debates among contenders for the Democratic nomination.
If Trump isn’t who you fans of him think he is, then his re-election won’t matter because he’ll do whatever the Venetian black and white nobility want him to do. And if he is who you fans think he is, he’ll either not be allowed to take office, or removed in the way they removed JFK in 1963.
Your Happy Thoughts
Please think them. Take your soma, whatever form of soma it is that you take. To quote the guy I saw in 1981 doing his Hallowe’en concert, Frank Zappa, “Smoke your little smoke, and drink your little drink.” Hug your children and grandchildren. Be good to your neighbours. Surprise your spouse with a very nice tasteful gift. Cook a favourite meal once a week for the next two months.
Do I know something? Yes, rather a lot, really. They didn’t give me a National Merit Scholarship because I was ignorant in high school. I learned a great deal by reading the classics of literature, philosophy, and politics, studying quantum physics, astrophysics, orbital mechanics, operations research, linear algebra, nuclear physics, history, economics, financial accounting, and a dozen other topics at Columbia and Rice. God provided me with a nearly photographic memory, sufficiently eidetic that I call it “photogenic” because it can make me look good. -smile-
I’ve also caused things. I’m inclined to cause a few more. I’ve sought out the people who bothered to talk about individual sovereignty between 1991 and 2024. For a while that included a lot of Sons of Confederate Veterans and Against Leviathan libertarian types. It has been my delight to visit four continents (Europe, Africa, east and West Asia, and North America), learn Spanish, French, Dutch, and Portuguese, plus a smattering of Arabic, Russian, and Somali, and stay overnight or longer in every single state in the “union” including Alaska and Hawai’i. I know a lot of people in a lot of places, and a whole lot of geography.
We passed over a watershed at the end of last year. The water is flowing down the other side of the hill now. It’s going to keep flowing, more and more, and that flow will accelerate.
God Moves
God loves you and wants you to be happy. God has said so again and again. God doesn’t want you to be afraid. God has said that over and over.
God loves you so much and wants you to be happy for all eternity so He sent His only begotten son to die in agony as the perfect sacrifice to undo the sin of Adam which allowed death to enter into our world. God sent His love, Mother Mary, as an immaculate ark for the new covenant to bear Jesus the Messiah and through her perfect obedience during seven nearly unendurable sorrows to make up for the sin of Eve. Mary is the mother of the mercy of Jesus. Jesus purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation. God loves you. If you don’t understand that, you should read the Bible.
A reckoning comes. God is involved.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Every time I read your posts my heart fills. Thank you ♥️
Damn, dude, amazing. I can relate to all of this. A friend just sent me this piece of yours and I’m glad she did. Subscribed, sadly no $ right now. Between jobs, no joke.