“According to intelligence historian James Bamford, the Black Chamber secured the cooperation of American telegraph companies such as Western Union in illegally turning over the cable traffic of foreign embassies and consulates. Eventually, ‘almost the entire American cable industry’ was part of this effort. However, these companies eventually withdrew their support, possibly due to the Radio Act of 1927, which broadened criminal offenses related to breaching the confidentiality of telegraph messages.” ~ from a summary of The Shadow Factory: Eavesdropping on America, Bamford, Anno Domini 2008
Long ago, as I have the story, during the last months of 1916, a man from Washington DC took a train to New York city. There he went into the offices of various telegraph and telephone companies and demanded compliance with a classified executive order. The order required that all overseas phone calls and all overseas cables be provided in duplicate to the man from the district of corruption. Some companies were more enthusiastically compliant than others. Western Union and AT&T were two of the most enthusiastic. So when you are wondering why the national gooferment arranged a national long distance carrier monopoly for AT&T you don’t need to look much further to find the motive.
It used to be that an overseas call would be delayed. “Our operators are trying to make the connexion,” or some similar lie would be told. But the truth was, the “black chamber” was looking for a local translator who would cover the translation services so the spy agent would be sure to understand what was said. New York city has lots of ethnic populations, so it wasn’t too hard most times to find a translator when needed. Then the call would be put through.
My own involvement in anonymity arose from certain childhood traumas. In pursuing some emotional and spiritual resolution of those events, I worked with a number of other people on anonymous remailer projects long ago. In those times, the world wide web had not been built, but there was a very active internet even so.
Anonymity is important to people who feel constantly under threat to be abused again by the same persons who abused them. In order to talk about what was done to them, survivors of rape and survivors of other forms of violence, especially childhood violence, need to be able to write and discuss their experiences without being identified, hunted by their abusers (and those who support the abusers with tattling), and at times forced to recant their experiences in the face of either additional trauma, or trauma to be inflicted on the next generation. When you think about it, this situation is a sort of model or microcosm of what everyone in the world is going through now all the time.
Since at least 2020 when tattle-tales and sycophants of mass murder undertook to report their friends, neighbours, and family members for failing to masque, failing to take the poison vaxxajabs, or failing to “social distance,” you have been the victim of various forms of violence. Some of it you experienced directly, some of it vicariously through the experiences of others reported to you by the hoax stream media in an effort to intimidate you into compliance. Perhaps you grew a spine, or some intestinal fortitude, and began to push back. Perhaps you didn’t. No time like the present, friend, except the last few seconds of the immediate past and the next few seconds of the immediate future. Really, now would be a good time to stand for freedom, privacy, goodness, and decency. Now would be a good time to repent your sins if you were involved in the lockdowns, the lies about masques, the lies about social distancing, the lies about the poison vaxxajabs.
RSA and Phil Zimmermann
There are a lot of reasons why many of us were against the “clipper chip” and the other lies of the Clinton administration and its predecessors about the importance of being able to read everyone’s message traffic. My own involvement in persistently encrypting my emails arose from a friend sending me a floppy disk (!) of Phil Zimmermann’s “Pretty Good Privacy” PGP in the form of an MS DOS command line interface code set. Yes, it was a bother to type in the arguments correctly to get the encryption to go, so it is now available embedded in popular email clients like Mozilla Thunderbird, if (and only if) you bother to enable it.
Why encrypt? I think the fact that the people who work for the gooferment (the goofy thing that pretends to be government but lacks the consent of the governed) are against it is a great reason to encrypt. Anything the people in the district of corruption hate is good, and anything they love and want to force you to experience is deadly.
That is especially true of the pernicious, evil, violent, mass murdering, and frequently child trafficking members of the espionage agencies at all levels. The fbi, cia, nsa, mossad, mi5, and mi6 are the world’s largest and most egregious child traffickers. Their progenitor, J. Edgar Hoover, promoted the idea, enthusiastically endorsed by aristocrats all over the world, that it was easy to control politicians, senior bureau rats, and wealthy business persons by having film and photos of them “in bed with a live boy or a dead girl.”
Hoover and his agents did very few things about organised crime, being themselves organised criminals, but they spent vast resources arranging to drug prominent men and put them in bed with children, film the best angles, and then murder the children, sometimes after raping them. The fbi is entirely populated and staffed by child traffickers and has been since it was founded, against the wishes of congress, in 1908.
You will find child rapists in Islamic countries among their most prominent men. You will find the cia and mossad and mi6 delighting in finding children of every ethnic group to bring to fundamentalist Islamic countries for the purpose of paying homage to those prominent men. These things have been going on very actively since vast oil deposits were found in Persia and Arabia by British geologists. You can find similar behaviours dating back hundreds of years to the British occupation of India.
Espionage denies consent
Espionage agencies hate the idea of consent. They find search warrants to be anathema to their purposes of enslaving everyone on the planet. They hate the idea of a “court” sitting in judgement of their intentions, so they have made the concept of privacy a thing you cannot obtain from any court. The spies have corrupted the judges. Who would have guessed? Um, besides everyone who has read history books?
Back in the late 1780s, seeking ratification for their constitution, the feral Federalists came up with some artful language for an amendment to be placed in what we call “the bill of rights” to the following effect: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”
Well, gosh, how pretty. And what, pray tell, is the difference between a reasonable and an unreasonable search and seizure? Oh, there is no longer any difference. Espionage agencies monitor every phone call, every text, every telegram, every cable, every email, and put them all in vast data “mountains” where they will go seeking something wrong in the event that anyone ever does anything they don’t like. They will, in fact, and have been caught repeatedly, manufacture evidence against anyone they don’t like and put it on their electronic devices to be “discovered” when they conduct unreasonable search and seizure operations, which have become routine. They will go into any home, any office, any safe, because they hate the idea of you being free.
Consent doesn’t matter to spies. Spies break into places. Consent doesn’t matter to spies. Spies rape children. Consent doesn’t matter to spies. Spies kill anyone they want dead.
Espionage agencies don’t protect Christendom from outrage, they outrage as many Christians as possible because they hate God. Spies are demon worshippers. Spies are evil filth.
Espionage agents only serve those who have power, especially those who can pay them. They are much worse than prostitutes because they will accept pay and then murder those who pay them for any reason or no reason. Spies enjoy torturing other people. They don’t merely engage in torture because they think it will get them essential information - which, while clearly unworkable, would at least be a figleaf of modesty in the form of a rationale.
But torture doesn’t bring true information. The victim of torture, including repeated emotional or physical trauma, will eventually “break” and say anything that might reduce the amount of trauma. Spies know this fact, and they eagerly engage in torture for the purpose of sparking hope in their victims so they can then crush that hope with further abuse, because all spies are evil, vicious, nasty, worthless, creepy thugs.
A great many men who have worked in military operations on “secret” missions have made it clear that they stopped because they didn’t want to serve Afghan warlords with young boys to rape. They didn’t want to guard poppy fields and cocaine factories. They didn’t want to serve the establishment in hurting other people. I made no effort to seek out such men, but met them in various contexts. I made little effort to engage these men in discussions of these matters, but found them volunteering the information. Why is that? Because it is the purpose of the major military organisations on this planet to rape children and use the rape of children for extortion; it is their purpose to operate drug cartels and use drugs to enslave others; it is their purpose to do anything to cling to power. Good men don’t like these facts.
People in military and espionage groups often claim that “civilians don’t need military weapons.” It is a lie.
In fact, it is the purpose of the five veto power nation states on the United Nations security council to arrange for as many wars, as many acts of genocide, as many mass murders as possible, by arming groups for the purpose of hurting each other. The Belgian espionage agencies (obeying one of those Saxe Coburg Gotha monarchs) created the entire idea of “Hutu” and “Tutsi” ethnic minorities, used the conflict they fomented between the groups to keep power during colonial and post-colonial eras, and then arranged for the importation of machetes so they could watch the locals chop each other to pieces. Belgian aristocrats are still watching “Hotel Rwanda” with glee. They enjoy all depictions of violence because aristocrats are disgusting, evil, and horrid.
Who are the biggest arms exporting nations in the world? The United States, France, Great Britain, China, Russia. Who are the veto powers on the UN security council? Same same. So why isn’t there peace on earth? Because these men and women hate everyone on earth and want to see as much slaughter as possible. They worship demons and cannot ever slake their blood lust. They profit from war.
So, when I say that I don’t want to be a part of their system, now you understand, perhaps, just a bit, why it is. I do not consent to be governed. Taxation is theft. Inflation is theft. Regulation is theft and violence. Conscription is slavery. Spies are rapists. The militaries of the world serve arms dealers for the purpose of witnessing mass murder. The men and women who claim authority over you are mass murdering, genocidal, child raping cannibal blood drinking filth. Maybe you should reflect on these matters before you go jump in a voting booth and eagerly choose the overseers for your next few years of suffering.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
It says here that the founders of this esteemed pro-privacy, pro-information-security, and anti-censorship group were John Perry Barlow, John Gilmore, and Mitch Kapor. In his discussion of the origins of the group, Barlow has this to say: “The Electronic Frontier Foundation was started by a visit from the FBI. In late April of 1990, I got a call from Special Agent Richard Baxter of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He asked if he could come by the next day and discuss a certain investigation with me. His unwillingness to discuss its nature over the phone left me with a sense of global guilt, but I figured turning him down would probably send the wrong signal.”
Yes, I do think it is intriguing that the fbi agent called on Walpurgisnacht and showed up on May day, a day of celebration for German pagans and communist mass murderers, to see if he could get Barlow to be coerced into a guilty plea or otherwise falsely convicted of crimes the fbi guy didn’t even vaguely understand. The fact that the story involves John “Cap’n Crunch” Draper, someone with whom I’ve worked in the past, makes it even more amusing to those of us who have knowledge in this area of speciality. I suspect you can find the essay Barlow wrote on the subject your own self, and I don’t want to coddle you.
Given the kind of evil you are up against, you really do need to learn how to do your own research. Cue the voice from that one Seinfeld episode, but instead of soup he is saying, “No links for you!” -smile-
One of the other founders, John Gilmore, is fairly famous for having said, “The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” If you are one of those currently fashionable Kool-aid coloured hair people who wants to see more censorship, you probably haven’t been dissuaded by my jeremiad above on the topic of who it is you are asking to tell you what to think. The rest of us will sleep better knowing that we have technologies to keep saying what we choose without your approval.
So, I won’t provide a link to the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s web site. But if you have trouble finding it, by all means, you can ask politely in the comments. They have an entire anti-surveillance collection of pages which would make good reading for you. Protecting yourself and your family against surveillance is a good idea.
You should seek the ability to speak and publish without censorship in order to be a part of a free society.
You should seek the ability to have data security in order to protect yourself from outrage.
You should seek communications privacy because without privacy, you cannot speak freely.
You should not feel obliged to spend three hours with an fbi agent from Rock Springs, Wyoming in an effort to educate said agent enough that it knows what kind of things constitute innocence and what would indicate guilt, as Barlow relates in his description of that 1990 day. The fbi, cia, nsa, mossad, mi6, kgb, nkvd, and other espionage agencies don’t deserve to know what you are saying on the telephone, nor in any other context.
Spies only want to hurt other people as much as possible. They do not represent civilisation, but its corruption and downfall. Of courese Ian Fleming was an espionage operative. Why else would he pretend that James Bond is a hero?
Not long before things went sideways, two of us drove from Lawrence, Kansas to the Arrakis Bay Area. We chose the more contemporary auto, owned in part by the chief financial officer of the Resilient Ways Foundation. It was the 8th month of 2017. We went to see the Startup Societies conference.
Of the conference, there is much to say another day. Two of its best features as a shindig were the mistress of ceremonies, Naomi Brockwell, who brought intelligence, vivaciousness, and a sense of possibility to the proceedings; and the Decentralised Dance Party which was fun, hilarious, invigorating, and debilitating by turns. A sort of ongoing mosh pit moving about the city with music, lights, dancers, and costumes.
If you want to know more about communications privacy and data security, one of the best resources for you is NBTV. That is, Naomi Brockwell Tele Vision. You can find it here on Substack, you can find it on YouTube, and you can find related posts on Twitter. I gather that the mElon is against all things relating to privacy and had a number of privacy related accounts removed for poorly conceived and ineffectively articulated excuses.
(Should I say more about the mElon? I think you can find a number of posts about him here on L5 News. So other than reminding you that he didn’t become hugely wealthy by being a struggling entrepreneur, but by being the recipient of tens of billions of dollars of gooferment subsidies as the biggest welfare queen ever, I shall let my previous words speak for themselves.)
Rather than saying much more about Naomi, I shall defer to one of my favourite wizards of open source cryptography, Phil Zimmermann. He says, “Naomi Brockwell researches her cybersecurity topics carefully, and provides clear, approachable, practical advice for the lay public to protect themselves from the hostile environment we inhabit today.”
What is the Ludlow Institute? Well, run and find out, says Rikki Tikki Tavi in some book. They are dedicated to advancing human freedom through technology. You will find that they have an impressive array of dignified and qualified persons who not only know their stuff, but in many instances invented the stuff in the first place. So I encourage you to go looking for what they produce. You’ll be glad you did.
“Gentlemen do not read each other's mail.” ~ Henry Stimson, 1929
You would think that the former secretary of state of the United States would have some sensibilities about decorum. After all, they have these vast state occasions, state dinner parties, where they entertain one another, eat the salad course with chilled salad forks, know when to use which spoon, and so forth. I don’t know of any passage in Emily Post’s books on etiquette describing the proper manner for imbibing the adrenochrome blood of tortured children, presumably because such conduct is unbecoming a good decent person.
It might be the case that Henry Stimson didn’t like the Black Chamber and removed department of state funding for it. But it is in fact that case that self-styled “gentlemen” in gooferment read one another’s mail all the time now. They hate freedom, they hate privacy, and they want to keep power for the purpose of hurting other people as much as possible. They are ugly, venal, and creepy.
So what should you do about it, friend? Well you might want to read up on some topics, which I am indicating here below. This list is not meant to be comprehensive. It is meant to be partial and indicative of further research.
I am not going to tell you that you can have information security. I am going to tell you that if you don’t even try, you aren’t very courageous in the face of evil. Security, to my way of thinking, is mostly an illusion. You can project the illusion into the minds of those who would attack you and make them work at getting at you, your family, and your information. But if you succumb to the illusion yourself, if you believe that you are safe and can drop your guard, you are not safe. So, work with security as befits a stage magician. Use showmanship and patter to distract those who would enslave and harm you. And remember that the freedom you preserve may be your own.
What is a VPN? It is a “virtual privacy network.” It is a way of connecting to the Internet by proxy. It involves certain login information, which you can automate at startup for your device. The VPN serves information to you and interprets your requests for information from various sites without you directly interacting with those sites.
A good VPN will work with web sites, with file transfer protocol, and with other methodologies for interaction. If you have control over your own email server, you should be able to access it through your choice of VPN.
(I should mention that if you do not have control over your email server, you may be subjugated to a variety of bad policies by the people who do control it. You will find that Gmail, having enjoyed hiding important messages from you in the “spam” folder is now also hiding important messages in “promotions” and “updates” and presumably soon many other folders, in order to make accessing the information you want much more of a hassle. Presumably they have intricate reasons for these subterfuges. Which is not to say that you should never use Gmail or any other free email service - you can use them deliberately and with care for various subscriptions and to enhance your privacy in certain ways.)
The best VPN service providers not only masque your Internet protocol address by using a connexion by proxy, but also mix information from your address with information from others so that the aggregate is much more mysterious. Mixmaster VPN is not the easiest way to implement the technology, but it does provide certain advantages.
You should do a lot of research on this topic. You will find some service providers are more reliable than others. You will find that many espionage agencies are involved in populating things like “the onion router” or TOR with nodes that they control for their own nefarious purposes. You will find, in sum, that it isn’t easy to get good reliable inexpensive services in this area. But it is useful. And with care and research, you can get what you pay for.
What is an LAS? It stands for “location agnostic server.” It is possible to have a virtual privacy server in a server room in a building you have never visited and to which you have no access. It is possible to have the location of this server be completely unknown. Which can be handy when people come around with search warrants obtained under false pretences, with sleazy fabricated evidence, put before easily manipulated judges who are either corrupt or compromised, for the purpose of hurting you as much as possible.
Again, it is possible to do these things without doing them well. So if it seems likely to be helpful to you in any context, do a lot of research before proceeding.
Encryption has come a long way. It happens that I have a working knowledge of code schemes going back to the time of Caesar in Gaul. Code schemes don’t work nearly so well as mathematical schemes.
It developed after the second world war (so-called) that publishing the source code for encryption schemes worked better for developing better encryption schemes. Most such schemes became mathematics based. So it really functioned as finding mathematics attacks to mathematics problems.
These facts were maddening to the aristocracy that wants to enslave everyone. For a time the USA feral gooferment used its “arms technology export controls” regime to attempt to silence the publishers of open source cryptography. One of the amusing responses was to put the code on T-shirts. But to “get the joke” you might have to do a bit more reading at links that I am not going to supply in this essay.
Privacy tokens
A long time ago, I was interested in individual sovereignty. Author James Dale Davidson published, with William Rees-Mogg, a book in 1997 entitled The Sovereign Individual which is still pretty good reading. As a result of reading that book, and as a result of seeing the evil fbi and batfe barbecue seven dozen Texans in their church in 1993, and as a result of not buying the official narrative surrounding the multiple detonations that blew up the Murrah Feral Building in 1995, I was interested in Texas independence.
So I went to work for the Texas Constitution Ratification Committee. Doing so got me introduced to e-gold and digital gold currencies generally. Which led to my participation on talk.e-gold and dgcchat at GoldMoney. That’s how I found out about “1MDC” or “one more digital currency” which had some really impressive privacy features. Which led to my involvement in operating the private venture capital stock exchange based on servers on the island of Vanuatu which listed stocks denominated in grams of gold.
Those things are all gone. Oh, GoldMoney found a way to get bought by BitGold which took up the name GoldMoney much in the same way that Cingular wireless bought AT&T and renamed itself with the legacy name. But the spirit of digital gold currencies and privacy technologies evaporated rapidly after the corrupt fbi raided e-gold in 2007.
A little while later, on an internet relay chat site, I heard about some discussions of hash cash and Merkle trees. Eventually, in 2008, a white paper was published. Then some source code was released. Then the genesis block of Bitcoin was mined. And since then a lot of other currencies have been developed.
Today there are over 9.5 million digital currencies tracked by Coinmarketcap’s web site. There are millions more that are not tracked. There are thousands of digital currency exchanges, hundreds of which do much volume and are also tracked on that same site. Right now the market cap of all digital currencies tracked there is in excess of US$3.6 trillion.
By way of comparison the US economy is supposedly $28 trillion. The audit of the feral budget came back for fiscal year 2024 which ended on the last day of the 9th month last year. About $6.75 trillion was spent on the care and feeding of 4.3 million gooferment parasites. The entire European Union economy is on the order of $19.4 trillion. You can find other figures for various other countries. One that compares closely is the economy of the United Kingdom at $3.59 trillion.
Another way to measure the scale of alternative currencies now in circulation is to look at the daily volume of transactions. That’s currently running at $191 billion more or less. That scales to an annual volume of around $69.7 trillion which may seem substantial compared to the gross national products of countries, but a more valid comparison would be to the scale of global foreign exchange, which runs to around $119 trillion per year. Over the counter derivative trades have a notional value of on the order of $667 trillion per year as of year end 2023.
Some cryptocurrencies have privacy features. Some that do include ZCash, Monero, and Pirate Chain. There are also software systems to provide privacy for certain aspects of other cryptocurrencies. You should do your own research. With care, you can be completely private in your economic activities, which is a good way to be. The good news is, you won’t have trouble hiding in the crowd these days.
Another area for you to research is the Inter Planetary File System or IPFS. It represents a peer to peer file sharing technology. IPFS uses a decentralised network of nodes to store and transfer data. Nodes are created and maintained by individual users on their computers. IPFS stores data based on the fingerprint of its content, rather than its name or location. IPFS content is distributed and replicated across many nodes on the internet. IPFS can be used to store and access files, websites, applications, and data.
The use of IPFS can tend to move power and control over data files from big tech companies to more individuals and smaller enterprises. It is a useful strategy to understand. Of course, its use can have drawbacks, so you should look into it before jumping into the very deepest end.
Before there was electronic communications, there was radio. Before radio there was the telegraph. Before those inventions, there was writing. For as long as people have had the ability to convey information across time and space using symbols, other people have wanted to read over the shoulder or listen in.
Yes, reading over someone’s shoulder is rude. Yes, listening at the keyhole is rude. Yes, planting spy devices in someone else’s room is rude. Yes, a vast array of bad things are intended when people claim that they ought to be allowed to do any of these discourtesies on the regular.
So, for the furtherance of communications privacy and data security, a number of technologies have been built by good people. Good people want to do things like speak privately, keep their data secure from corruption, keep corrupt files off their systems to avoid being falsely accused of outrageous crimes and put in prison forever, and publish any ideas without censorship.
Your privacy should be important to you. It is an aspect of your freedom.
Today it is possible for you to have complete privacy from interference with your economic transactions and communications. The consequences of these facts are enormous. You don’t have to be regulated and stolen from any longer. You don’t have to be captive to the system run by the people who hate you.
You don’t have to borrow money you don’t have to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like. It’s a different world now. These facts are among the many reasons the people in power feel increasingly desperate and increasingly out of control. The size and scope of things that they cannot control has expanded enormously.
You’re welcome.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Thanks so much for the shout out, Jim! I really appreciate it and the awareness that you spread about the importance of privacy!
sapient points, thank you!