“This past week a video emerged of a girl running across a park in Vancouver, shouting that there were people locked in shipping containers in Vancouver’s vast port. This began a new movement which is called “open the shipping containers”, because, reportedly, one of the reasons for the threatened port strike was that people were locked in said shipping containers and port workers could hear them banging against the walls. There are, apparently, sections of every port where access is barred. But workers can hear the banging and the shouted appeals for rescue.” ~
Welcome to Absurdistan, “A Radical Opening: A Terrible Evil” Anno Domini 2024 11 16On information and belief the shipping containers with living people chained inside are not only in the port of Vancouver in “British” Columbia, but also in the port of Vancouver, Washington, and all up and down the ports of the West Coast. Additional information reveals many enslaved in Buckingham palace, in the other palaces of the so-called “royal” family of the house of Hanover, in the Getty mansions, many Rockefeller mansions, and in many other homes. The Obamas keep slaves. The Podestas keep and torture to death slaves. Hillary and Huma drink the blood of a tortured toddler on the “Frazzle Drip” video and according to eyewitness testimony on many other occasions.
Two important political statements are needed here. First, the entire edifice of the Justin Trudeau administration must be torn down. Trudeau must be imprisoned and tried for his many crimes against humanity. Second, Matt Gaetz, the recently appointed freemason taking the position of “attorney general” of the United States must prosecute the politicians, bureau rats, and the federal, state, county, and local persons involved in this vast criminal conspiracy. Racketeering influenced corrupt organisations are being exposed and must be prosecuted, with triple damages to all the victims, or the new administration is just as culpable as the last eight administrations.
You should be aware that I do not consent to be governed. I’ve made that statement in many recent essays and going back thirty years in other contexts. You shouldn’t consent to be governed by demon worshippers, communists, and freemasons (but I repeat myself). Without consent, it is not “government” as defined in the declaration of independence of 1776. Governments derive their just powers only from the unanimous consent of the governed. As that same document says, they have abdicated government, placed us out of their protection, and make war on the American people. Therefore, I shall refer to them as “gooferment” because they are goofing up, and SNAFU-ment would be more elaboration than they deserve.
Celebrities must be shunned
You need to make specific inquiries with any celebrity you want to continue to support with your enthusiasm, with your fan mail, with your album purchases, with your film attendance, especially the “tortured poets” woman who is deeply implicated in all these scandals. Long ago, a friend of mine gave me a bunch of his rock albums because he had found Jesus Christ. He was convinced that the albums were tainted by evil. I myself didn’t want most of them, but I accepted the first pressing “Sergeant Pepper” album and a few others. Later, I read an interview with rock musician David Crosby who said that the master tapes of the recordings from which long playing vinyl albums were pressed were invariably taken into demonic rituals before the music was distributed.
Nashville’s music producers know. The Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, New York, and London music producers know. There are children raped and tortured in “Diddy” parties at all the major music studios, at all the major film studios, at most of the major studio vacation “resort” destinations. They know that slavery, demon worship, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and blood drinking are used to advance and control the careers of the most powerful performers in music, in film, in television, in advertising, in public relations, and in all the news media of the hoax stream that lies and calls itself “mainstream.” As George Carlin noted, it isn’t deep enough to be more than a stream.
You need to stop pretending that the people with hit music are the only ones with good singing voices. Many of them are now implicated in the murder of other musicians, up and coming talent that threatened their stardom. You need to stop admiring people who worship demons, including especially the freemasons who worship Lucifer in the highest degrees of their cult. You need to be aware of the many different groups that are implicated in these scandals.
To that end, I would recommend some of the essays and many of the charts of
who has been doing yeoman’s work identifying and linking various individuals and groups.Sue them into oblivion
It is not only the big pharmaceutical companies that should be sued into oblivion. Every college and every university anywhere in the world that mandated the poison vaxxajabs must be sued, by employees forced out of work, by students who were forced to be jabbed, and by anyone else with a claim against them, until they have zero endowment funds, until their buildings are all sold, until they cease to exist.
Disney is one of the worst perpetrators of evil against children. Disney executives should be prosecuted, and if Matt Gaetz isn’t up to the job, he should be “supplemented” by a special counsel appointed for the purpose. NBC/Universal should be sued into oblivion. Canadian gooferment agencies such as the vile and reprehensible “Royal” Canadian mounted police should be sued again and and again until no one works for them any longer, then disbanded. Their uniforms should be sent back to Buckingham palace for the usurper to let him know that there isn’t anything royal about raping children no matter how much he likes “prince” Andrew who spent “weeks” on the Epstein island according to recently unsealed documents.
The “drug enforcement agency” conspires with the drug cartels to enslave and murder Americans. The fbi has always, since it was founded in 1908, used films and photos of politicians and prominent people “in bed with a live boy or a dead girl” to advance the agency’s power. The dea and the fbi must be eliminated, and if Vivek and the mElon aren’t up to the job, they should be replaced by those who will do the work.
The “child protective services” groups in the United States and in Canada would be better called “child abductive services” and must be rounded up, tried, and punished for their egregious betrayal of children. None of the individuals who have ever worked for any of these agencies should be allowed property or pension, every asset must be taken, all their victims must be compensated, and they must never be allowed near children ever again.
The same goes for all of Jimmy Carter’s department of destroying education. The same goes for the nsa, the cia, interpol, and all the other agencies allegedly empowered to establish justice which actually have always been against freedom, decency, humanity, and Christianity. These are all outfits run by freemasons and their ilk, who worship the spawn of Satan. They must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and if they are not, then we know that man-enforced “law” is not for humanity but is, as it has long appeared to be, indecent, inhumane, and against God.
The Democrat political party has run machine politics in major American cities for two hundred years and more. The Democrats were always the party of plantation slave owners. They were always the party of racism, of violence toward women and children, of indecency, of inhumanity, of demon worshippers.
The sheriffs in many counties in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Virginia, Texas, and other states are well aware of the slaves in shippping containers. They are aware of and, in many cases, involved in, the rape of children and ritual sacrifice. They, too, must be removed from office and prosecuted until they have no assets, until everything they were ever paid has been taken back.
Leave no stone unturned. Let these institutions be demolished. Let future generations know that we were not willing to be patrons of demented, sick, ugly, disgusting, filthy, evil “celebrities.” Let future generations know that we demanded justice and an end to the kind of horrors that the politicians, bureau rats, and “law enforcement” agencies promote.
Does it seem like “a tall order” to you? It should. The rot is deeply set.
I’ve told you since this ‘stack began and in my writings going back thirty years that you are not going to vote your way to freedom. The Republicans have plenty of demon worshippers in their ranks. The senior “senators” who claim authority over America are mostly evil and vicious thugs who hate humanity and make war on God.
So I pray: Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, end the tyranny of the state and the state of tyranny, cast out all demons, translate the Gospels into every language, care for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility, and carry the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and to all souls in between. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. God’s will be done. Amen.
A reckoning comes. The time for the suffering of the victims of these horrible people to end has arrived. If you don’t want to be a part of resolving these matters, then look to your soul. I am not your judge, your judge is Jesus Christ. Everything that is hidden will be revealed, he says, and what is whispered in an ear will be shouted from the rooftops. Behold, those prophecies are fulfilled in your day.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Evil people have gotten in control of our societal systems and the result is depravity. Massive depravity, on a Biblical scale.
This is so surreal but easily swept under rugs chronically.
The human demons doing this torture, murder and imprisonment MUST BE WOOD CHIPPERED, after their tribunal trials of course.