“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” ~ Edward Bernays, Propaganda 1928
In 2017 it was necessary for me to re-locate. As it develops, I was able to find a spiritual home at the meetings for worship of the religious society of the friends of Jesus. For various reasons there was a very large screen television at my home when I moved to new living quarters. There was room in the new house to set up a table big enough to hold the 60-inch screen, but time never came to connect it to cable or internet or even an antenna. There it sat for a year.
It was the 10th month of 2018 that I gave the television away. I hadn’t even attached it to a DVD player, so it was completely superfluous. The lady to whom I gave it was a good friend. She sold it to buy food for her children and a few presents for the yuletide season.
Do you watch television friends? Are you programmed by the programming?
Some years ago there was a good bit of experimentation with subliminal messaging in films. You can see some discussion of it in the film “Fight Club” and the book by the same name. There are also a number of video channels on various platforms which describe the use of subliminals and the prohibition on their use about 1958 in the USA, the UK, and Australia. But then the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 was repealed in 2013 because Obama wanted to use propaganda as a weapon against the American people - people who were clinging, in his own words, to their Bibles and guns.
So if you think you aren’t being programmed by the television programmes you watch, perhaps you should look into that matter a bit more closely. If you have trouble understanding the derangement and vituperation of people who do make it a matter of pride to tune in their favourite shows, including news programming and talk shows discussing what they are to think of current events, perhaps you should see if you can persuade them to deprogramme for a while. I like to use the international spellings of many words to emphasise that what you are reading is meant to get you to think, including about why the Yankees were so determined to destroy Confederate culture that they eliminated traditional spellings of many words.
You and the people you know have been experiencing propaganda for a very long time. Pretty much as long as there have been usurpers calling themselves kings and emperors there have been official statements that were, well, false.
They knew the children were being raped
Would it matter to you if you knew? Of course it matters to you. You wouldn’t be reading this essay if you didn’t think it matters.
Children are stolen off the streets of cities, towns, and rural communities all over the world, as many as 8 million a year by some counts. More who are uncounted are also stolen. Children in some places are sold by their parents for drug habits or money for other purposes. Children are trafficked. Children are raped. Children are tortured to death.
Hillary, Huma, and others torture children and drink the adrenochrome blood. Podesta family members have paintings and sculptures of tortured children and tortured bodies. Cheney and Rumsfeld enjoyed torturing political prisoners and prisoners of war, even acknowledging that the data from torture is useless as intelligence because at a certain point the mind breaks and a torture victim says anything that seems likely to stop the torture. The James Bond film makers enjoy making torture a feature of their films because they like to portray manly men tying up other people and torturing them for information.
All of them know about the Epstein island activities. All of them know about the Epstein flights. All of them know about the Diddy parties. All of them know about Oprah being a procurer for Weinstein and others. Every executive of every entertainment company knows. Every news publisher, including Bezos. Every studio executive. Every news media mogul like Ted Turner. All of the sports celebrities that you admire. All of the sportscasters. Some not only know all about the children being tortured, raped, and trafficked, but also participate as often as they can. They are all compromised.
All of the politicians in the District of Corruption know. Some were sufficiently briefed on their arrival on the national scene that they did not go to the cocktail parties of those wealthy families hosted by the seemingly charming and gracious thirteenth generation of Europeans in North America hostesses who eagerly participate in the gang raping of children, the drugging of up and coming politicians, and the filming of the same in bed with a live boy or a dead girl, or both. There are no actually gracious hostesses in London, New York, Hollywood, the District of Corruption, or other major cities, because they all know all about the children being raped, tortured, and murdered. They know, and they do nothing.
Some years ago there was a minor kerfuffle, as such things go, in the libertarian community on Failbook (as I call it) when Tom Woods and I got into it. I made mention of the numerous pederast priests being supported by the Roman Catholic church, moved out of jurisdictions where they were likely to be prosecuted, and hidden in various ways. I said that it was wrong to tithe to the church knowing what was then known, iirc around 2010. Tom blocked me. I guess there are some things people aren’t allowed to question? Or maybe I don’t need to get involved in every fire that shows up, since some fires are going to burn out anyway.
But the priests know who is and isn’t raping altar boys and raping the girls in the congregation. The priests hear one another in confession, and in gossip, and in discussions of whether to admonish a given monk or priest or deacon or assistant in the church. Some are punished. Some are not. And I am not the judge of the living and the dead. Jesus is.
I am here to hear the words of Jesus and to do them. You should, too.
Trips to Disney and Universal theme parks
Right out. If you take your family to these places, you are saying that you acknowledge that the people profiting from your family vacation are aware of children being raped and tortured and you are giving them a free pass. They aren’t doing anything about it. They don’t want to protect the children. They don’t want Diddy and his accomplices to be questioned, let alone prosecuted.
The executives at Anheuser InBev? Was it merely that they wanted to have Bud Light appeal to the market for transsexual and transvestite imitators? Or was it that they worship the transgendered demons created by those who crave worldly power? Of course, choosing one of their other brands of beer does little to reduce their bottom line. I myself gave up drinking alcohol in 2007.
Films? I stopped going to the cinema. The last time I saw a film in the cinema was 2018. I couldn’t tell you what was on the screen, because I was very distracted by difficulties at work.
Fast food restaurants? They all use the same celebrities to promote their products. Some of them have lately been tainting the food or the grease they cook it in. You would be wise to carefully evaluate what you are eating and what you feed your family. Cooking at home is less costly and gives you more control over your dietary choices.
Madison Avenue knows
By Madison Avenue my intention is to cover all the publicity firms, all the marketing firms, all of the advertising companies, worldwide. These include Saatchi & Saatchi, Hill & Knowlton, and other famous name brand companies in the industry. Their top executives are deeply aware and thoroughly briefed on the rape, torture, and murder of children. They know, they hire the celebrities for endorsements anyway, and they do not care. Perhaps one or two of them have trouble sleeping at night?
The advertising and publicity executives all know. They have plenty of information. They have people in their companies who participate in these things, or they suspect them of doing so. They are not willing to refuse the endorsements of celebrities for the products and services they pimp no matter what horrifying things those celebrities do to children.
Yes, even the sportsball franchise owners know. They apparently make the sale of children a part of the most watched professional sportsball games.
What to do
You live in a corrupt culture. You live in a corrupt time. You are trying to raise a family, trying to be good to the people in your community, trying to be a good parent, a good neighbour, a good member of your congregation, an example to others. You have to be aware of these matters. You should boycott all of the companies having anything to do with popular media, entertainment, advertising, celebrity endorsements, popular sports, fast food, national brand beverages, major churches, major political parties, unless and until they do something about these matters.
What else should you do? I would start by taking yourself apart and touching not the unclean thing. I refer you now to the 2nd epistle to the Corinthians by Saint Paul. In chapter 6, beginning at verse 14, he writes,
“For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, ‘I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me,’ says the Lord Almighty.”
The Amish have been making it clear, through their lived examples, that it is possible to live outside of the culture. The don’t have television sets and radios and they limit their contact with the culture that rapes and tortures and murders children.
Perhaps you aren’t ready to give up motor vehicles? No worries, many of the adult baptising or so-called “German baptist” groups such as Husserites, Mennonites, Amish, and so forth do buy farm equipment that they carefully select to have the most advantageous road gears available - they too like to drive, and not always in a horse and buggy. Which is not to deny the advantages of horses. They are easy to refuel when the grid is down and the refineries aren’t pumping.
Nor have I been quiet about the concept of search and rescue groups. You could form one for your area. You can get lots of support from the military surplus system which will give you vehicles, supplies, weapons, and ammo if you know how to ask. You can work with others in your community to find lost children and to be a good shepherd to your people.
Hear the words of Jesus. Do them. Then you bring close to you and to your friends and family the kingdom of heaven.
It isn’t your fault. But it is definitely your problem.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.