“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ~ Frederic Bastiat, Economic sophisms, 2nd series, Anno Domini 1848
Quite a few recent events can be better understood when you understand that the people who hold power have a religion that they want to establish. They want to force you not only to tolerate their religious views, they want to punish you, harshly, for any acts of what they call heresy. Burning a “pride” flag, especially during priDEMONth is an extreme violation.
Recently a friend of this ‘stack mentioned a case in Iowa of a man convicted in 2019 of burning a “pride” flag sentenced by the demon worshippers in the judiciary in Iowa to 16 years in prison. In 2024, the same fellow came up for parole, and parole was denied, after having served 5 years of his sentence, because everyone on the parole board is a demon worshipper.
Freemasons worship Lucifer
There are people I know who were told that the freemasons were a mutual aid society of Americans who help other members of their group. That has some elements of truth in it, but it is not wholly true. At the highest levels the freemasons all worship Lucifer. They are demon worshippers, they hate Christianity, they want Satan to sit on the throne of Saint Peter, they hate God, and they want to destroy Western civilisation. If you read even a few of the things written by them (Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, George Washington) you know that they intend these things, and that their hatred for mankind derives from their hatred of God, for mankind is God’s greatest creation as is written in Genesis, Psalms, Matthew, and elsewhere.
Some years ago I was instructed to join the Militia Immaculata which is group formed by Mother Mary dedicated to converting the freemasons to Christianity. For that to occur, the individual person engaged in false doctrines that place others before God must repent their sins. Freemasons don’t seem to have any inclination to do so in my direct experiences of them.
They celebrate depravity
There was a display in the Iowa state capitol building a while back. I remember reading the news story. As per always, I have no intention of linking to hoax stream media stories or establishing to your satisfaction the veracity of the things I say. It is right you should be sceptical of what I write, and I want you to be concerned enough to look for the truth on your own. You have to stop looking for expertise in others and start building it in yourself. You need to stop following people who are leading you, as the blind will lead the blind, into a ditch. The communists put people in ditches before they murder them, you know. So do the Vril worshippers in the “fourth reich” and similar authoritarian cults.
This display in the statehouse was dedicated to one of the demons. It featured various symbols and a statue of sorts cobbled together from dead body parts, skull, some rag draped over it. A Christian man took it upon himself to destroy it. He did the right thing. He was charged with vandalism.
A group of young people used trucks and electric scooters to leave skid marks in the “pride” crosswalks painted on the streets of Portland and Seattle. Two of them at least have been charged with felonies. I gather a two-year prison term has been indicated in one of the cases. These cases should fail of prosecution because the state is forbidden to establish religion.
Cakes must be baked
Gary Johnson is a terrible man. He was the nominee for president of the Libertarian party in 2012 and 2016. He said, in public, as an official position of his candidacy, that the baker in Colorado who refused to bake the “gay” cake for the two persons who wanted to pretend to be married but were of the same gender should bake the cake. Gary is not a libertarian, he is an authoritarian, and he wants to impose his religious views on others. He might assert that he would not use government force to make anyone bake a cake with “pride” symbols and he might claim that he wouldn’t put those who refuse in death camps for doing so, but he is a terribly compromised person. What should you expect, he was governor of arch liberal communist state New Mexico.
Recently the Colorado state supreme court has determined that the Christian baker who refuses to make cakes celebrating demons and depravity should not be prosecuted further. I gather they have effectively dismissed on appeal the case against him. No word whether Kamala Harris will make it a feral case. Also no word whether the plaintiffs in the lawsuit are contrite, repentant, and want to hear the Gospels, believe and be baptised. But my guess is that the lawyers love to litigate and, as they are often members of the freemason cult and other secret societies, dream all the time of hurting other people as much as possible, which lawyers, especially litigators, are wont to do.
Tolerance never
Thirty years ago they would say that we should Coexist. Communist and socialist activists who celebrate Che Guevara - who actually murdered people in Cuba for being homosexual by the way - would put a bumper sticker on their car with the symbols of a variety pack of religions. The letter “t” in Coexist would be a cross, and the other letters would include various symbols of cults. They would insist that they only want tolerance.
But it isn’t so. You don’t charge someone with vandalism for breaking up an illegal and unconstitutional display in the state capitol - a place paid for by all taxpayers, belonging theoretically to all the people of the state - if you are tolerant. The communists thirty years ago called their censorship “political correctness” and pretended that it was important not to say certain things no matter whether you wanted to say them or not.
Of course, the same communists and socialists will always attack Christianity. They will always attack goodness, decency, and the worship of God. They hate us and want to hurt us as much as possible. That’s why they came up with Stalinist brutalism as a form of “architecture” by which I mean that great ugly hunks of concrete are assembled in a very ugly building and people are told they must accept that they are meant to suffer for the sake of the collective. It is why Barack Obama is a Maoist who hates freedom.
I’ve written about meeting him in 1983 on campus at Columbia. He was in town briefly to write a smear piece on the anti-war groups on campus, and I was an activist in more than one anti-war group. But I had stopped going to meetings because I had term time work to pay for my schooling. Anyway, he made it clear that he liked Maoism and I walked away from him.
He is one of those who celebrate the consumption of excrement and other forms of depravity. I gather on information and belief that he and Big Mike were in the room when Joan Rivers had her throat slit, though whether he wielded the scalpel himself or not, I don’t know.
It’s strange to me trying to decipher them. Cuneiform I can get because it is essentially alphabetic in its symbolism. I also understand at a cursory level l33tspeak which is the short versions of words we came up with for internet relay chat back in the days of 75 baud and 150 baud acoustically coupled modems because typing “I am laughing out loud” was a huge commitment of time, whereas lol came through much faster.
But I really don’t understand what people mean with “emoticons.” They put a string of these in the comments and I look and I’m like, “Well, gosh. That’s a jazz hand. And a thumbs up. And a heart. And a smileyface with tears laughing until crying. Okay, but the checkered flag? Wha’? Victory? idgi.” These are the kinds of things I will think.
When you think about it, you have to understand the nature of hierarchies. Freemasons are part of a hierarchy which has as its purpose taking the dues from the lower level (lower degree) members and using those funds mostly to provide party funds for the higher degree members. They want to drink champagne and enjoy chateaubriand at a big gathering before eviscerating a screaming child and eating her flesh.
Naturally, they don’t want you to be able to read and write. You being able to read, and especially being able to convey ideas through writing, doesn’t serve their interests. That’s why they had their submarine guy Jimmy Carter ram through the Department of Education in 1980. Ronald Reagan campaigned on getting rid of the department, but he was foolish enough to talk about it after he was inaugurated so they arranged for him to be shot at. Nearly killed by the way. He stopped talking about it after the assassination attempt.
Since then literacy in the United States is way down. I was told this week that more than half of graduating seniors in American public schools are functionally illiterate. When I was going to school it was regarded as unsightly that American schools graduated as many as 5% who were illiterate. Adult illiteracy was regarded as unusual, and I spent time in an impoverished community helping adults learn to read. I was enthusiastically greeted in Somaliland as “Eid wanexen” because I would give all the children pens that I had brought with me for the purpose. They love to write, so maybe there is hope for the human race.
You’re welcome to use emoticons. It must satisfy some underlying urge and it’s your freedom of expression. Please continue. But don’t mind me if I don’t know how to respond. Is there an emoticon for a big car crash at a Formula One race? Sometimes that’s how society seems, to me.
There was a thing that caught my attention about thirty years ago, because I was already set on a path to look for a better place from which to build a stairway to the stars. I had it rubbed in my face that you cannot build on shifting sands of expedience. So when the news story ran that high school seniors had been given a geography quiz and only 25% had passed it, it gave me pause.
They were asked what ocean is east of the United States. They were given three answers: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian. But only 25% knew the correct answer. Which is less than you would get if all respondents had chosen at random. Guessing would have given roughly one-third getting the right answer, or 33%. But here were fewer than a third, so they must not only have had the wrong answer in mind but have had certainty that it was correct. Can you imagine? I myself cannot.
My beliefs
I have been at some pains to go over my beliefs, my prayers, my ideas. You can read my essay on the Holy Order of Three White Roses if you wish, for example. My beliefs do not require that you share them.
My beliefs do require that I share them with others. I believe it is vital to translate the Gospels into every language (we have something like 11% of all languages handled presently) and that it is the duty of Christians to share the Gospels with others. The great commission from Jesus is that we share the Gospels with every creature and those who believe may be baptised. The goal? The goal is very simple: the salvation of souls.
So don’t confuse me with someone who is tolerant. I am aware of these behaviours, and I do not condemn people who have been raped as children for being confused about their sexuality. I don’t chastise, insult, and upbraid people for having a different identity or for having dysphoria or for wanting to believe that a man can be a woman.
I do note with interest my friend here on Substack,
of Postcards from Barsoom, making the point that little boys being read to by drag queens in public schools and public libraries doesn’t encourage reading. It makes little boys think that they are going to be raped and abused by those in authority and makes reading anything but fun.Why is it, I wonder, that the drag queens don’t seek out the elderly in nursing homes for their fun reading festivities? Because it is not the elderly they seek to recruit into their “lifestyle” and behaviours.
But my choosing to be understanding should not be confused for tolerance. Quakers have traditions of non-violence, but that doesn’t mean that we accept bullying without response. And I am with Ben Stone and the other Bad Quakers who carry guns and uphold the command from Jesus to sell our cloaks and buy arms.
Tolerance implies silence and silence is used to imply assent. I don’t think it does, or anyway it doesn’t among people who are not forced to wear masques and ask for permission to speak. But you should not be mistaken about your intent.
If someone is doing something wrong, and you choose not to rebuke them, you should make it clear to them at the same time that you don’t approve of their behaviour.
For example, I don’t think the state should exist. It’s all theft and tyranny. So I would oppose state laws against abortion, but I also oppose abortion because it is the murder of a living child who has a heart beat. I oppose infanticide as well. I don’t oppose state laws against abortion more than I oppose all other state laws. I simply believe that you are a fool if you think giving power to people in government and telling them to limit themselves is ever going to work.
Way up at the top is a quote from Frederic Bastiat. It is my attempt to get across the reasons why you see what you see around you. The morality of plunder is the entire morality in “the cathedral” as those in Washington DC like foul corrupt wicked harridan Nancy Pelosi, arch enemy of freedom Chuck Schumer, and demon worshippers like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham call their palace of depravity. I call it the district of corruption. My friends refer to it as Mordor-on-the-Potomac.
They are disgusting and evil. Their budget for the fiscal year that just ended, which they call 2024, was $6.5 trillion. Recently published figures say that they have 3 million feral employees. Which means that the average employee is provided with $2.167 million in salary, benefits, paid vacation, per diem, and budget to do the work they are allegedly employed to do. Do you have $2.167 million in hand? Can you imagine how much good you could do in your community and for your family, how nice you would live if that were your money?
It has been stolen from you. Taxation is theft. Regulation is theft. But the major way they steal from you is inflation, which means they print money whenever they please and use debt to make up the difference between tax take and spending. Inflation steals the value of the money in your wallet without ever disturbing the currency there. Inflation steals the value from your bank account without robbing your bank. Isn’t that clever? Janet Yellen and Jay Powell are evil criminals.
Let’s go over the things I believe, so you might better understand my intent:
I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ His only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he arose again from the dead. He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from where he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
I first heard that “apostle’s creed” in a Quaker meeting house, by the way. The word “catholic” means universal. Jesus founded one church for all believers, not a confusion of sects and doctrines. The way to bring in the kingdom of heaven is to hear the words of Jesus and do them. Do them. The doing part is key.
So, yes, I believe in caring for the young and the old, the sick and the dying, with dignity and respect, out of a place of humility. I do not believe that I am the judge of others here on earth. Jesus is. It is not me you have to convince about getting into heaven, nor is it to me you have to look to be washed clean of your sins. It is Jesus. There is no other way to the Father except through Jesus. Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way. The life everlasting.
Again, I will say, and communists, Vril worshipping nationalist socialists, and liars who call themselves “Christian socialists” will try to twist my words, I am not your judge and my beliefs do not require that you share them. I do not agree with the Islamic false and depraved doctrines of “convert or die.” I believe in persuasion and the salvation of souls by choice. If you are not free to choose, you aren’t actually converted.
Your future
People inquire with me about the future. This situation has pertained for many decades. In the early 1980s I was what was known as an “extropian” because I believed that life is very good and that entropy is not the only possibility. Life is extropy in the sense that with a living body you are able to take chaotic elements of food, water, and air and create organised sets of cells that serve to continue your life. It is a set of miracles.
So what should you do? Well, I think not buying the “Bud Light” is a good choice. I don’t agree with the woman from Holland who was angry about her customers being enthusiastic members of fraternities and hard working adult men. She chose a spokesmodel to represent the new Bud Light as celebrating transitioning men with chemical and physical castration and having men in women’s athletics beat women with impunity - beat them unconscious and into injury in some cases. Her model has been rejected, and her brand has been rejected. I gather that InBev, the giant World Economic Forum celebrated Dutch beverage distributor that owns the Bud Light brand, has assigned her to other work. She’ll probably get kicked upstairs to the board of directors later in celebration of her showing those rednecks a thing or two.
I myself don’t drink. Sober since 2007. I told God that I would not cut my hair, shave my beard, or drink alcohol until the wars are over. I don’t buy Bud Light or any other alcholic beverage. And I am not your judge.
But I also don’t ever go inside the gates of Disneyland nor of Disneyworld. These things have been spared me, although I did watch the “Wonderful World of Disney” back in the day when there were three VHF broadcast stations and four UHF stations in our area, two of which were public broadcasting channels. I am aware of the Disney culture, and I reject it as badness. Lately, I further reject it as evil.
I am against Harvey Weinstein, Oprah Winfrey, Diddy Combs, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and the other procurers, pimps, and madames who enslave children and rape them. I think Oprah deserves all the harm that comes to her reputation for her purchasing the video of the rape of Bieber by Combs and others - a video that represents as I understand the term “child pornography.” I am also against John Podesta and his family of child rapists. I am against Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and the other rapists and torturers and blood drinkers. They may choose to repent their sins and believe and seek to be baptised and God’s will be done.
So I won’t partake of their wickedness. I suggest you don’t either. I do not fly the flag of the demon worshippers and I suggest you don’t either. I don’t agree that the establishment of religious hierarchies and the tithe and taxes to pay for it was ever the intention of Jesus Christ. I would be happy to discuss this matter citing chapter and verse if you wish.
You have no obligation to be a victim of plunder. You have no obligation to use their money when there are literally millions of free market currencies available to you - see Coinmarketcap dot com for lists and lists and lists, also prices and capitalisation and links to their white papers and web sites. Don’t use their money, don’t pay their inflation theft, don’t accept any obligation for their national debt.
You know that 35 trillion dollar national debt? It isn’t your debt. You don’t owe any of it. You don’t have to pay it. You never signed for it. You never pledged collateral for it. Nancy Pelosi owes all of it. She not only agreed to it but she has been eating those twenty dollar pints of ice cream with the money she is paid out of the theft she and her cronies have arranged. She lives in a very nice home and only occasionally does she or her husband invite a homeless man (with or without a hammer) to visit.
You have choices to take. As for me and my family, we choose to serve the Lord our God.
That’s all I’ve got for today. Come back next time when I have something new. Or old.
Excellent article! You put in to words how I think (I do not gave that gift). Thank you! You mentioned tithing and taxes in relation to religion. Can you expound on that?
I was just going to ask the same thing…regarding tithing and taxes. I too so enjoy your writing. I also own crypto but do not know how to “use it” to get away from the dollar and tax plunder?